View Full Version : We now know who Jihadi John is

26th February 2015, 12:06

If we ever get him I wish I could be the one that pulls the trigger :NEW3:

26th February 2015, 12:18
Pull the trigger, Les? You mean get your blunt bread-knife out :wink:

26th February 2015, 12:27
I would half chop his head off, then put him in the bloody cage and set fire to it whilst peeing :piss2: on a picture of the prophet :cwm23:

26th February 2015, 12:27
All his associates and family should be taken into custody. Internment is an effective way of dealing with terrorists & extremists

26th February 2015, 12:36
He is Kuwaiti-born but brought up in West London :NoNo:

26th February 2015, 12:44
Not many will agree with me but I'm bad ass :icon_lol:

As Dedworth says, I would round up any of his family in UK and threaten to bang them up and consign them to hard labour and make them denounce ISIS.

I know some will say :poke: "it's not their fault", :anerikke: but sometimes you have to take extreme measures.

26th February 2015, 13:25
Not many will agree with me but I'm badass :icon_lol:

As Dedworth says, I would round up any of his family in UK and threaten to bang them up and consign them to hard labour and make them denounce ISIS.

I know some will say :poke: "it's not their fault", :anerikke: but sometimes you have to take extreme measures.

Not threaten Les - do it! Remote Scottish island, shed accommodation, razor wire, watchtowers, attack dogs, subsistence diet, ex forces armed guards. I'd also indefinitely detain there, any germs who come creeping back from the Middle East

26th February 2015, 18:44
Sadiq Khan spoke at event hosted by Jihadi John group

http://order-order.com/2015/02/26/sadiq-khan-spoke-at-event-hosted-by-jihadi-john-group/ (http://order-order.com/2015/02/26/sadiq-khan-spoke-at-event-hosted-by-jihadi-john-group/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+guidofawkes+%28Guy+Fawkes%27+blog+of+parliamentary+plots%2C+rumours+and+conspiracy%29&utm_content=FeedBurner+user+view)

Nothing less than one would expect from this Labour "human rights lawyer"

26th February 2015, 18:52
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2970521/Outrage-group-blames-MI5-radicalising-extremely-kind-Jihadi-John-fled-Syria-kill-people-ISIS.html#ixzz3SsHu4FGL

SCUM :cwm23:

26th February 2015, 19:22
My God - we are saying he is a victim now - unbelievable! :cwm23:

26th February 2015, 19:29
I somehow think that if the Americans get him first there'll be no need for a judge and jury.

Call me a cynic, but I think between us and the Yanks we've known his identity for quite a while. Releasing his name today relegates the embarrassing immigration figures to the inside pages.

Ako Si Jamie
26th February 2015, 22:29
“a victim… extremely kind, gentle, the most humble person… a beautiful young man”

That's just taking the p out of those brutally murdered by this maniac. :NoNo: