View Full Version : A grand day out!

1st March 2015, 11:31
A grand day it was, indeed!

Yesterday was a day of many things, giving my daughter away, seeing people I have not seen for many many years and the great speech. And it all went so smoothly too!

My 3-minute speech :anerikke: well, what can i say? But Fantastic! Tears, laughter, joy - and that was just me.

No really, it went so well, yes lots of tears but tears of joy from everyone, I think. And my 3-minute speech went on for 10 minutes too.

So, all in all, A GRAND DAY OUT FOR ALL. :smile:

1st March 2015, 11:36
Glad it all went without a hitch - well, apart from your daughter getting hitched! :Erm:

You know what I mean. :biggrin:

1st March 2015, 11:48
Thanks Simon.

1st March 2015, 13:19
Nice one Steve!

1st March 2015, 14:09
So glad it was a grand day Steve. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Well done!

I'm sure the speech was memorable. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th March 2015, 22:44
A few pictures of the great day,

http://i376.photobucket.com/albums/oo208/woolleybooby23/jade%20and%20will/DSC_0225_zps1ssc9cow.jpg (http://s376.photobucket.com/user/woolleybooby23/media/jade%20and%20will/DSC_0225_zps1ssc9cow.jpg.html)
http://i376.photobucket.com/albums/oo208/woolleybooby23/jade%20and%20will/DSC_0197_zpsnseclils.jpg (http://s376.photobucket.com/user/woolleybooby23/media/jade%20and%20will/DSC_0197_zpsnseclils.jpg.html)
http://i376.photobucket.com/albums/oo208/woolleybooby23/jade%20and%20will/DSC_04711_zpsohzfi5zd.jpg (http://s376.photobucket.com/user/woolleybooby23/media/jade%20and%20will/DSC_04711_zpsohzfi5zd.jpg.html)
http://i376.photobucket.com/albums/oo208/woolleybooby23/jade%20and%20will/DSC_05361_zpshdvc4ixw.jpg (http://s376.photobucket.com/user/woolleybooby23/media/jade%20and%20will/DSC_05361_zpshdvc4ixw.jpg.html)
http://i376.photobucket.com/albums/oo208/woolleybooby23/jade%20and%20will/DSC_0537_zpsu8kzfmty.jpg (http://s376.photobucket.com/user/woolleybooby23/media/jade%20and%20will/DSC_0537_zpsu8kzfmty.jpg.html)
http://i376.photobucket.com/albums/oo208/woolleybooby23/jade%20and%20will/DSC_0352_zps8gijx9zi.jpg (http://s376.photobucket.com/user/woolleybooby23/media/jade%20and%20will/DSC_0352_zps8gijx9zi.jpg.html)
http://i376.photobucket.com/albums/oo208/woolleybooby23/jade%20and%20will/DSC_0300_zpse0aavq4j.jpg (http://s376.photobucket.com/user/woolleybooby23/media/jade%20and%20will/DSC_0300_zpse0aavq4j.jpg.html)

Arthur Little
7th March 2015, 00:05
Lovely photos - BOTH here and on facebook - Steve. So pleased to read all went well with your wedding speech ... and that everyone present appeared to enjoy themselves thoroughly! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th March 2015, 11:16
Cracking pics Steve! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th March 2015, 16:54
Some great shots Steve :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I've got a thing about brides.
Don't they always look so stunning and joyful