View Full Version : London town is blue and there's nothing you can do

1st March 2015, 20:11

1st March 2015, 21:30
:yawn: Only the 'Noddy Cup' but looks like you will win the league :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
1st March 2015, 21:34
Thanks to us.

1st March 2015, 22:06
Thanks to City being so inconsistent. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st March 2015, 22:41
Just the Mickey Mouse Cup. :biggrin::biggrin:

1st March 2015, 23:08
Just the Mickey Mouse Cup. :biggrin::biggrin:

The very same one that the Baggies crashed out of in Oct at the hands of Bournemouth :icon_lol:

1st March 2015, 23:13
Let's see how Chelski get on in the F.A. cup? (oh sorry they were dumped out of it by Bradford) :icon_lol::icon_lol:.

Anyway, I haven't seen the match yet, but I'm guessing Terry was offside and an own goal helped. :wink:

Arthur Little
2nd March 2015, 01:56
London Town is blue
And there's nothing you can do!


Hmm ... you're a poet, Ded ... did you know it? :wink:

2nd March 2015, 11:07
London Town is blue
And there's nothing you can do!


Hmm ... you're a poet, Ded ... did you know it? :wink:

Ripped off from David Bowie's Space Oddity I'm afraid Arthur :wink:

"Planet Earth is blue and there's nothing I can do"

2nd March 2015, 13:24
Ripped off from David Bowie's Space Oddity I'm afraid Arthur :wink:

"Planet Earth is blue and there's nothing I can do"

Great song from Bowie. One of many but almost a 'signature' song. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd March 2015, 14:14
Well after seeing the match, I think Chelski were very lucky. Costa coffee should have been sent off. If a player's hand makes contact with an opposing player it should be a red card there should not be any questions.

Obviously 2 deflected goals did them a favour and one involved the player that should have been sent off. So all in all, moaning Jose got what he asked for from last week (the officials to be on his side) :wink:

2nd March 2015, 14:31
Great to see us spoil Tottenham's end of season party and the icing on the cake was Brendan's bin dippers beating City :Jump::Jump::Jump:

2nd March 2015, 16:28
Well after seeing the match, I think Chelski were very lucky. Costa coffee should have been sent off. If a player's hand makes contact with an opposing player it should be a red card there should not be any questions.

Obviously 2 deflected goals did them a favour and one involved the player that should have been sent off. So all in all, moaning Jose got what he asked for from last week (the officials to be on his side) :wink:

You are understandably bitter Andy :smile:

In the last 20 years the famous Chelsea FC have won

1 x Champions League
3 x Premiership Titles
6 x FA Cups
1 x Cup Winners Cup
1 x Europa League
4 x League Cups

We won't count FA Youth Cups, FA Community Shields, European Super Cups etc

In the same period all the hapless Baggies got were a few "we did our best" stickers for 3 x Runners Up in the Championship and 2 wins of the world renowned Birmingham Senior Cup


2nd March 2015, 18:18
Shall I post what Man Utd won in the period 93-2012 :biggrin::icon_lol:

We don't count League Cups as they're a consolation prize. :icon_lol:

2nd March 2015, 19:08
We don't count League Cups as they're a consolation prize. :icon_lol:

If this forum had a door, you'd struggle to get your head through it....

Some clubs are happy just to win stuff, regardless.

Mind you, with attitudes like yours I can understand why Man U are hated by other teams' fans.....

Oh and I better add a smiley, just so you know I am saying this in a :icon_lol: way :wink:

2nd March 2015, 20:59
I love to be hated :biggrin:
Same happened to Liverpool fans through the 70/80s
I have never made a big thing about the league cup when we have won it.
Only 3 trophies what count,League Champions,Champions league and FA cup.
Rest are consolation prizes.
I do love to see other teams do well tho so it's not all about glory hunting.
I supported United since the 60s and had to put up with some right dross in the 70s and 80s.

2nd March 2015, 21:06
You are understandably bitter Andy :smile:

In the last 20 years the famous Chelsea FC have won

1 x Champions League
3 x Premiership Titles
6 x FA Cups
1 x Cup Winners Cup
1 x Europa League
4 x League Cups

We won't count FA Youth Cups, FA Community Shields, European Super Cups etc

In the same period all the hapless Baggies got were a few "we did our best" stickers for 3 x Runners Up in the Championship and 2 wins of the world renowned Birmingham Senior Cup


Not bitter Ded just told it as I see it. :wink: Maybe that's why you don't like Robbie Savage. :wink:

2nd March 2015, 21:09
If this forum had a door, you'd struggle to get your head through it....

Some clubs are happy just to win stuff, regardless.

Mind you, with attitudes like yours I can understand why Man U are hated by other teams' fans.....

Oh and I better add a smiley, just so you know I am saying this in a :icon_lol: way :wink:

Let's put it into perspective, Slip. Ded lives in Berkshire - nowhere near Chelski - and Les lives in Harrogate. Again :anerikke: it's nowhere near Old Trafford. :wink: Glory hunters? :NoNo:

2nd March 2015, 21:27
Let's put it into perspective, Slip. Ded lives in Berkshire - nowhere near Chelski

22 miles, not that far Andy in fact probably the closest Premiership Club to him :smile:

2nd March 2015, 21:56
Why has it got to be a Premiership Club?

2nd March 2015, 22:01
Why has it got to be a Premiership Club?

Because if I hadn't specified Premiership Club, then you'd have come back with "what about local to Ded Utd" :biggrin:

2nd March 2015, 22:08
You mean a team like Reading? :icon_lol: What about Q.P.R.? Surely that's closer? :wink:

2nd March 2015, 22:17
You mean a team like Reading? :icon_lol:. What about QPR? Surely that's closer? :wink:

Nope, Chelsea is closest by 10 minutes on the train. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd March 2015, 22:23
What about by car? Or helicopter? :icon_lol:

2nd March 2015, 22:29
Helicopter? Chelsea would be closer providing you could get clearance from Heathrow's air traffic control. QPR might be quicker by car, if you used the shortcut through Chiswick and Ravenscourt to South Africa Road :biggrin:

2nd March 2015, 22:31
I'm only 60 miles from Old Trafford - supported them through the .... times too - distance is irrelevant

2nd March 2015, 22:34
Once a team is in your blood that's it. Just because your team wins lots of trophies is a bonus. Even if they'd won nothing, I would still support them - :anerikke: - look at Andy! :icon_lol:

2nd March 2015, 22:52
A supporter has a season ticket. :wink:

2nd March 2015, 23:24
Let's put it into perspective, Slip. Ded lives in Berkshire - nowhere near Chelski - and Les lives in Harrogate. Again it's :anerikke: nowhere near Old Trafford. :wink: Glory hunters? :NoNo:

Where I went to primary school in South Bucks (say 25 miles from the Bridge) I remember 4 or 5 of us little boys deciding, :anerikke: for no particular reason, which team to support. It ended up with me CFC, my mate Colin - the Yids - another West Ham and I think another, Man Utd. My old man was livid, he was an Islington born & bred Gooner. It sticks with you though. All Colin could offer earlier today was the cheap jibe of, "we beat you 5 - 3 at the Lane", which I easily fobbed off with 8 - 5 on aggregate for the season - normal service resumed :wink:

2nd March 2015, 23:31
A supporter has a season ticket. :wink:

How much is your membership to the Labour Party, Andy? :Erm:

3rd March 2015, 09:30
But I live by Heathrow, nowhere near West Ham, never have done... I have no qualms about fans living miles from the team they support. Most people are born into a team, well in my case I was.
There has always been a West Ham fan in my family since they were formed as Thames Ironworks... I am actually the last in line, so my newborn daughter doesn't know it yet, but she is a West Ham supporter!

So so what if you live miles away, as long as you go occasionally. I was a Season ticket holder for 20 years, and went to half the away games each season. Then I got a mortgage and started shift work so the season ticket had to go. Then the game just got to expensive so I just cant afford to go anymore. Infact the last game I went to was the play off final a couple of seasons back.... So am I not a fan anymore because I don't go? Or just simply been priced out the game. I'd love to go when I am not working, but just to get a ticket and travel and something to eat... We are looking at almost £100... Not everyone earns big money... or to put it another way, my priorities are keeping a roof over my head and putting food on the table for my family....
And although it's not the same, I do watch every game on the internet if I am off work!

3rd March 2015, 10:37
A supporter is anyone who follows his club.I used to go lots now just on an odd occasion. Big tv and beer at home works for me.

3rd March 2015, 10:39
How much is your membership to the Labour Party, Andy? :Erm:
Not as much as a season ticket for my home club the baggies.:wink:.
I was a season ticket holder for many years now I go up maybe once or twice a year. I dont class myself as a supporter. In my eyes a supporter is a season ticket holder. Money has ruined the game.

3rd March 2015, 11:41
Still a great game even with the money.

3rd March 2015, 11:58
Disgraceful behaviour.

3rd March 2015, 12:06
Disgraceful behaviour.

Rather than devoting so much money and manpower pursuing a handful of racists who follow every football club the Police would be well advised to start some serious investigations into the racist muslim groomers and extremists who infest this country

3rd March 2015, 12:42
You have a point Ded.:xxgrinning--00xx3: