View Full Version : Five years in jail for social workers who ignore sex abuse cases

3rd March 2015, 18:30
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2976560/Five-years-jail-social-workers-ignore-sex-abuse-cases-Cameron-cows-end-culture-denial-issue.html#ixzz3TLQK9MXf

I hope this makes it onto the statute books and we see some apologist, lefty, handwringers locked up. We're still waiting for the first FGM conviction :cwm23:

3rd March 2015, 18:51
It should never have gotten this far in a supposedly civilised country,sack them,no pension and prosecute as if they were complicite in the crime,apologies dont wash,they always say "Sorry" when they think their pension is threatened,this is children we are talking about,one groomer/pedo branded his "Girlfriend" so everyone would know she was his property,we are being dragged kicking and screaming back into the dark ages by everyone associated with this terrible debacle,anyone of these groomers or kiddyfiddlers as I dont go for political correctness when children are concerned,any one of these monsters should be strung up within 24 hours of conviction,stamp down hard on this disease,I actually volunteer to smash their fingers with a lump-hammer,lets see them molest children after that :thumbsdown:
Theres a piece of footage doing the rounds at the moment,an american guy in court,he was in the same cell as an ex-policeman who was also a convicted child molester,the ex-cop was trying to justify his activities so the convict in his cell punched him unconscious and garrotted him.

3rd March 2015, 19:36
Theres a piece of footage doing the rounds at the moment,an american guy in court,he was in the same cell as an ex-policeman who was also a convicted child molester,the ex-cop was trying to justify his activities so the convict in his cell punched him unconscious and garrotted him.

I hope he got probation :smile:

Did you read the piece I put on your Op Doublet thread ?


where it said the 'Stani groomer "will teach his victim that her parents are racist towards Asians, which is why they disapprove of their relationship – absolutely nothing, of course, to do with him being a violent, controlling thug. Gang members have grown wise to the wimpy ways of Western society. They exploit the fact that police, newly trained in “cultural sensitivity”, are terrified of being accused of racism.

3rd March 2015, 19:45
I read a piece today. One of the Indian Delhi rapists who raped and ultimately caused the death of the poor kid on a Delhi bus is facing/fighting the death sentence - yet he still says it was the girl's fault as good girls don't ride buses after dark! His defence lawyer said if his own daughter rode a bus after dark he would douse her in petrol and set her alight! The rapist also said he shouldn't be given the death sentence as it will encourage other rapists to just kill their victims afterwards, and it was the girls fault anyway, as she tried to fight them. If she had just lain still while they raped her, they would have let her go afterwards.

Some very imbecilic people out there, I hope he loses his appeal.

5th March 2015, 09:06
I read a piece today. One of the Indian Delhi rapists who raped and ultimately caused the death of the poor kid on a Delhi bus is facing/fighting the death sentence - yet he still says it was the girl's fault as good girls don't ride buses after dark! His defence lawyer said if his own daughter rode a bus after dark he would douse her in petrol and set her alight! The rapist also said he shouldn't be given the death sentence as it will encourage other rapists to just kill their victims afterwards, and it was the girls fault anyway, as she tried to fight them. If she had just lain still while they raped her, they would have let her go afterwards.

Some very imbecilic people out there, I hope he loses his appeal.
The indian government yesterday banned the documentary showing this very interview,I saw the interview its sickening,the documentary is called "India's Daughter" the indian government have also contacted the BBC and other TV companies worldwide and asked them not to screen the documentary in case it shows india in the wrong light :NoNo: