View Full Version : Aussie Drug Traffickers on their way to be put down

4th March 2015, 01:22
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2977105/Bali-Nine-ringleaders-executed-week-revealed-police-Chan-Sukumaran-Death-Island-TOMORROW.html#ixzz3TN5J3Vmp

Some good news :xxgrinning--00xx3: this is the sort of treatment we should dish out to the drug dealing filth, send out a deterrent message and put the crime wave into reverse

Three cheers for Indonesia !

24th April 2015, 14:37
Should be happening soon http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs50/f/2009/290/1/a/shooting_smiley_by_killerbeat.gif



24th April 2015, 16:15
I think we can take it their parents weren't '£10 Poms' too. :cwm25:

24th April 2015, 16:26
I think we can take it their parents weren't '£10 Poms' too. :cwm25:

Sukumaran was born in London (Sri Lankan descent) he'd have a long life ahead if he'd chosen a career behind the till at a petrol station :icon_lol:

26th April 2015, 21:49
Next in line for the firing squad: British drug mule granny on Bali's 'Execution Island' tells friend 'I just want to get it over with'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3055642/Next-line-firing-squad-British-drug-mule-granny-Bali-s-Execution-Island-tells-friend-just-want-with.html#ixzz3YRzTTxZy

Indos should grant her wish and put her with the others to be dealt with on Tuesday

26th April 2015, 22:18
I have no sympathy for such scumbags...all of whom knew exactly what they were doing...and the possible consequences. :mad:

The drug-pushing industry is a scourge on the human race.

Arthur Little
26th April 2015, 23:20
Sukumaran was born in London (Sri Lankan descent) he'd have a long life ahead if he'd chosen a career behind the till at a petrol station :icon_lol:

:Erm: ... not necessarily if someone were to rob the petrol station at gunpoint! :NoNo:

27th April 2015, 02:26
I think the death penalty has no place in a civilised society :NoNo:

Bare in mind some of these drug traffickers like Mary Jane from the Philippines are just dimwits who have been tricked into doing these kind of things

27th April 2015, 08:47
Dim wittedness is no excuse for these vermin who cause crime, misery and death. Spineless UK should bring back the rope it would slash crime overnight.

27th April 2015, 09:02
I'd rather they be given life. Those countries have not so nice prisons, so we know they would suffer.

27th April 2015, 09:26
I'd rather they be given life. Those countries have not so nice prisons, so we know they would suffer.

Seems like the aussies had a cushy time in Bali, lounging around the grounds in the jail, bible & art classes

27th April 2015, 23:15
They all come out with the religion crap to try and get off.

28th April 2015, 01:29
Dim wittedness is no excuse for these vermin who cause crime, misery and death. Spineless UK should bring back the rope it would slash crime overnight.

Lets hope someone dear and near to you never gets caught up in this kind of thing...........

What about people wrongly accused or set ups ?

28th April 2015, 08:39
Lets hope someone dear and near to you never gets caught up in this kind of thing...........

What about people wrongly accused or set ups ?

The chances are less than being killed in a plane crash. We need to get to grips with the crime wave and dish out deterrent sentences to the peddlers in death and misery - British streets would be as safe as Singapores if a few of these self styled gangsters were strung up

28th April 2015, 09:24
Yes, let's bring the world to a standstill for everyone else, just in case by some one in a million chance it should happen to us or ours...ie...political correctness, definition of. Think about it next time you have to take YOUR shoes off at the airport ...or your child or grandma is searched.

What is much more likely, is that one close to us suffers through the behaviour of the criminal drug culture by being mugged or having their house burgled. :mad:

28th April 2015, 12:37
They'll be going out with a bang

29th April 2015, 02:29
The chances are less than being killed in a plane crash. We need to get to grips with the crime wave and dish out deterrent sentences to the peddlers in death and misery - British streets would be as safe as Singapores if a few of these self styled gangsters were strung up

I have to strongly disagree with you with your first point :yikes:

The chances of being set up or having drugs planted on you or in your hotel room is very real in South East Asia and happens frequently :doh

What do you expect when police officers and customs officials get paid peanuts
Remember a couple of years back when a customs official working at NAIA was sacked for driving around in a late model Porsche and he could not prove where his money came from......

29th April 2015, 10:53
Aquino 'broke protocol' to save Mary Jane Veloso


29th April 2015, 11:31
Aquino 'broke protocol' to save Mary Jane Veloso


Interesting I don't quite know what to make of this - I wonder if they will hand the alleged recruiter woman, her partner and the black fella over to the Indos, that would send a message out to the mule recruiters

29th April 2015, 12:01
The higher up the chain the better I suppose. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
29th April 2015, 13:25
I think the death penalty has no place in a civilised society :NoNo:

Bare in mind some of these drug traffickers like Mary Jane from the Philippines are just dimwits who have been tricked into doing these kind of thingsI agree and disagree with those points.

The most evil aren't civilised so they don't deserve to live in a civilised society so individuals who are of the ilk of the likes of Jimmy Saville, Donald Nielson, the Harpe brothers, Jeffrey Dahmer etc ought to be put down. Innocent people die every day so why should we care about scum like this?

As for drug traffickers, first time offenders shouldn't face the death penalty because of the reasons you've given in this thread.

29th April 2015, 13:44
As for drug traffickers, first time offenders shouldn't face the death penalty because of the reasons you've given in this thread.

Despite the suffering and death these 2 Aussies (who have admitted their guilt) brought to thousands ? - this wasn't their first drug run

Ako Si Jamie
29th April 2015, 13:59
Despite the suffering and death these 2 Aussies (who have admitted their guilt) brought to thousands ? - this wasn't their first drug runI said that first time offenders shouldn't receive death penalty. As for suffering to thousands, there's plenty of governments around the world who are guilty of that.

What do you reckon Ded? Rope or 9mm for the bent politicians? :biggrin:

29th April 2015, 15:53
The simple thing is, the risks of drug smuggling in Asia are obvious. If you do not want to be executed, do not put yourself in that position. :anerikke:

29th April 2015, 17:17
What do you reckon Ded? Rope or 9mm for the bent politicians? :biggrin:

Maybe the 9mm for the Politicos Jamie with the families having to pay for the bullets like in China :biggrin:

29th April 2015, 19:17
The simple thing is, the risks of drug smuggling in Asia are obvious. If you do not want to be executed, do not put yourself in that position. :anerikke:


Ako Si Jamie
29th April 2015, 20:40
The simple thing is, the risks of drug smuggling in Asia are obvious. If you do not want to be executed, do not put yourself in that position. :anerikke:True, but it's the lure of a shedload of :REGamblMoney01HL1: that alters people's outlook especially if they're told airport officials have been 'paid off'

30th April 2015, 02:53
Great see that Mary Jane life was saved :smile:
So whats going to happen to the people who handed themselves in Nueva Ecija

30th April 2015, 08:49
Great see that Mary Jane life was saved :smile:
So whats going to happen to the people who handed themselves in Nueva Ecija

Put them on the first available flight to Jakarta

10th May 2015, 18:36
Mary jane veloso,was naive and innocent,i truly believe that,her desperation made her an easy pawn to play with,the bali 9 guys were a different kettle of fish.

10th May 2015, 18:41
With all the outpouring of anger & grief from the minority Aussie handwringer & bleeding heart brigade I'm surprised the 2 grubs weren't given a state funeral