View Full Version : Stocks and Shares

6th March 2015, 21:06
5 years ago this month, in fact on the 26th, Iinvested £49,075.
I took £12,268 from this and what was left was invested in a safe plan - so they said!

Over the years it went down, then up and then down again. But its gone back up and I have the great news to say it's back to the grand sum of £49,230.

Yes, it can go down, I do know that, but in those five years its served me well. :anerikke: Where else could I get such a good return on this amount?

PS. Don't tell Ems. :biggrin:

Arthur Little
6th March 2015, 23:28
Almost fifty grand! :grosyeux:

Jeez! Steve :icon_rolleyes: ... you're "rollin' :cwm12: in it, man! How'd you manage to save that amount of cash to start with?

Dabbling :REGamblMoney01HL1: in the Stocks & Shares, :biggrin: eh?

6th March 2015, 23:56
No Arthur, it was part of my pension, but once the divorce was settled, I had to give up half. That's my share and I needed to put it somewhere safe.