View Full Version : I feel sorry for them

8th March 2015, 09:26
Besotted couple arrested on their wedding day and accused of sham marriage


When I was getting the birth of our baby registered the other week, their was a wedding going on (or not) in the registry office.... However the Border Agency were there and telling them it may not go ahead as they didn't believe it to be real!

As I came out the office upstairs after doing the birth certificate, two officers were discussing the case (I listened as long as dropping and picking up my paperwork allowed!) Not sure if it went ahead, but the officers were concerned with the story of how they met, seems they both gave different dates when they met and how they met!"

8th March 2015, 09:50
Not an easy job deciding and they don't always get it right (I made a post recently where the HO got it wrong and had to pay £20k out in compensation), but you have to look at where the couple come from, the type of visa they have and when it expires; also, the basics - like whether or not they know what their partner's name, birthday etc, is :wink:

8th March 2015, 10:26
There was a report recently that puts 1 in 4 marriages in the London as "Iffy" if the groom is from Abuja and the bride is from Albania. The odds are the marriage is one of those moody 25%. There was an African vicar a few years ago, convicted of doing several hundred fraudulent marriages. It's a cash-generating BIG business, as everyone wants to come to England where money grows on trees! :Jump::icon_lol: