View Full Version : Alleged Pakistani Groomers on trial

10th March 2015, 15:27
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2986708/Teenager-took-pictures-schoolgirl-raped-friend-Asian-businessman-groomed-young-girls-sex.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2986708/Teenager-took-pictures-schoolgirl-raped-friend-Asian-businessman-groomed-young-girls-sex.html#ixzz3Tzc4iaio)

Despite the serious charges they're out on bail - what a surprise :cwm23:

13th April 2015, 23:14
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3037099/Pakistani-born-father-five-faces-years-jail-convicted-grooming-girls-young-12.html (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3037099/Pakistani-born-father-five-faces-years-jail-convicted-grooming-girls-young-12.html#ixzz3XEJz2FRb)

Vile piece of excrement :cwm23:

13th April 2015, 23:35
Yes...finally getting locked up...damned animal. :mad:

14th April 2015, 12:04
I don't condone any kind of violence, but why are honour killings never done this way round? Are the relatives of this man not ashamed?

14th April 2015, 14:58
I don't condone any kind of violence, but why are honour killings never done this way round? Are the relatives of this man not ashamed?

Lets hope he see's some violence in jail - for starters regular savage beatings from the other cons as the warders turn a blind eye

14th April 2015, 16:32
Yes, but apparently these 'ethnic minorities' are permitted to freely associate with one another (while spreading radical treasonous propaganda) in our soft PC- jails, and virtually allowed to do whatever the hell they please. :NoNo: