View Full Version : Smelly poo downs plane

15th March 2015, 16:23

British Airways flight to Dubai forced to return to Heathrow due to 'smelly poo in toilet'.

The pilot announced that the long-haul flight could not continue due to Health and Safety concerns over pungent odour emanating from plane's toilet.

Arthur Little
15th March 2015, 16:44

British Airways flight to Dubai forced to return to Heathrow due to 'smelly poo in toilet'.

The pilot announced that the long-haul flight could not continue due to Health and Safety concerns over pungent odour emanating from plane's toilet.

:cwm24: ... what a load of crap! :yeahthat: stinks! :readingpapers:

15th March 2015, 16:47
IT WAS NOT ME :wink:

Arthur Little
15th March 2015, 17:41
*IT WAS NOT ME :wink:

:Hellooo: ... we HEAR you, Steve. Although :icon_rolleyes: ... whether you're to be believed ... :anerikke: ... is another matter! :biggrin:

:poke: Pardon me if I've been rude
*IT WAS NOT ME ... 'twas my food!

Excuse moi - that reminds me - 'tis time to take a sh.t ... :icon_sorry: ... short break ... :action-smiley-082:

Ako Si Jamie
15th March 2015, 17:43
Sounds like a case of turdulence. It's bog standard procedure to fly back.

Arthur Little
15th March 2015, 17:50
Excuse moi - that reminds me - 'tis time to take a sh.t ... :icon_sorry: ... short break ... :action-smiley-082:

:cwm25: ... ahh ... :yeahthat:'s better! :wink:

15th March 2015, 19:52

Arthur Little
15th March 2015, 20:40

:icon_sorry:, Phil ... the same link relating to this incident already appeared earlier under the thread title: 'Smelly poo downs plane'.

Nonetheless, thanks for the notification ... especially since I should imagine you and your colleagues are bound to regularly encounter more than your share :biggrin: of pungent odours of a similar nature in your workplace - without getting reminded of such "nicities" here. :yikes:!

15th March 2015, 21:15
Yes Arthur - I posted it but not sure where it went to -:Erm::Erm:

15th March 2015, 21:36
Merged both threads.

Arthur Little
15th March 2015, 21:41
Yes Arthur - I posted it but not sure where it went to - :Erm::Erm:

Yes, it's still there, Noel ... about halfway down 'Today's Posts' ... I was the last person to reply to it 3 hours ago. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

PS. Noticed Rayna has merged BOTH threads now. :wink:

Ako Si Jamie
15th March 2015, 22:01
Merged both threads.Looks like we have a number two of our own! :wink:

Arthur Little
16th March 2015, 17:56
Looks like we have a number two of our own! :wink:

:laugher: ... yes, and by a fitting analogy - following Rayna's merger of the respective threads - Number two > :action-smiley-081: then, of course, becomes :piss2: < Number one.

17th March 2015, 00:56

Arthur Little
17th March 2015, 01:28
Poo hoo :bigcry: ... my eyes are watering!