View Full Version : The phone call back home

18th March 2015, 07:50
Is it me, or do others think when their partners are calling back home it sounds like they are having a shouting match or falling out with each other on the phone?

Then next minute it sounds like some one has died. There is no common ground like if I am talking on the phone here.

It's amazing when I watch Ems talking to her dad or sisters.

18th March 2015, 08:44
No, it's not just you Steve :wink:

18th March 2015, 09:49
Ever heard a cantonese woman on the phone?Makes a pinay sound positively melodious :icon_lol: I had a cantonese girlfriend years ago who when when her mum was on the dog-and-bone sounded as if they were having a full on spat but in reality she was probably wishing her Happy Mothers Day :heartshape1:
Filipinas or some of them seem to forget the phone is magical it allows you to chat to people from an incredible distance with normal speech,they begin well enough then their chat goes up a notch and more,a bit more then all volume control is lost as they begin shouting in the phone :Erm: