View Full Version : Northampton Greyfriars bus station demolished

19th March 2015, 06:31

Source (http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-northamptonshire-31889521)

19th March 2015, 06:39
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19th March 2015, 06:41
I actually only just heard about this on our local news.
My ears caught the words Northampton England. Being born and bred in Northampton I naturally paid attention.

Something I don't often do with local TV here :biggrin:

Small world eh!

19th March 2015, 06:42

That tall square building on the left hand side is an apartment block.

We lived there on the 8th floor for a while when we first arrived to UK from Japan.
When we moved in it was quite new and was being marketed as Executive Apartments. There was a big fully equipped gym on the ground floor together with a nice spa area with pools, sauna, steam room and jacuzzi.

Within a year the council had taken over more than 50% of the accommodation and the whole place had become a drugs-den and brothel with the dregs of Northampton being accommodated there. The gym and spa area got closed down and all decent residents had vacated. Us included.

Amazing how the local council can have such negative impacts.
Also amazing just how little positive impacts are created by councils.

Just my thinking

19th March 2015, 17:03

Amazing how the local council can have such negative impacts.
Also amazing just how little positive impacts are created by councils.

Just my thinking

Up until 7 or 8 years ago I often went to Nothampton on business and to see friends - both the business and my friends were happy to relocate 100 plus miles away. Back then illegals, asylum seekers and Eastern Europeans were becoming a real problem - my mate (a deputy headmaster) saw the sharp end of it dealing with the vermins' offspring. A once reasonably nice place now ruined.