View Full Version : 'Illegal immigrants' beaten and kicked by lorry drivers in France

20th March 2015, 19:05
A shocking video of "illegal immigrants" being brutally beaten by lorry drivers in France has emerged.


Excellent news it's the only language these germs understand

20th March 2015, 19:19
Hopefully they'll beat each other senseless before getting their suckers plugged into the UK international life support system. :mad:

20th March 2015, 19:20
Did you watch the vid Graham ? - shame they didn't set the snarling attack dog on them :biggrin:

20th March 2015, 19:32
Using my (rubbish) phone until connected to net next Tuesday, so vids are a bit challenging mate. :cwm3:

l do believe increased use of attack dogs would useful though. :xxaction-smiley-047

Arthur Little
20th March 2015, 20:57
A shocking video of "illegal immigrants" being brutally beaten by lorry drivers in France has emerged.


Excellent news it's the only language these germs understand

Hopefully they'll beat each other senseless before getting their suckers plugged into the UK international life support system. :mad:

:cwm24: ... you guys are ALL :heartshape1: aren't you? :bigcry:

Michael Parnham
20th March 2015, 21:03
They should have been kicked all the way to where they came from!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th March 2015, 21:56

20th March 2015, 22:44
In my day, a fight was between two people and once one was down it was finished! Today they want to kill you. :NoNo::NoNo:

20th March 2015, 23:13
Can't blame the truck drivers, they are the ones that get prosecuted.

EDIT: Facebook has removed video.

20th March 2015, 23:39
The old guy with his hands in his pockets swinging the odd kick has no interest in that fight. :icon_lol: The guy in the high-viz swings loads of wild punches that just fail to connect :icon_lol:

21st March 2015, 01:42
Get the dogs on 'em

Arthur Little
21st March 2015, 02:32
They should have been kicked all the way to where they came from!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

:nono-1-1: ... violence solves nothing! :NoNo:

Arthur Little
21st March 2015, 02:42
In my day, a fight was between two people and once one was down it was finished! Today they want to kill you. :NoNo::NoNo:

Sadly ... :yeahthat:'s just about "the size of it, Steve. :doh

Michael Parnham
21st March 2015, 07:39
:nono-1-1: ... violence solves nothing! :NoNo:
Oh dear!:Erm:

21st March 2015, 10:03
So facebook remove a video showing some violence, yet there is both soft and hardcore pornography, foul and disgusting language and behaviour all over the site for kids to see. :NoNo:

21st March 2015, 10:29
Facebook is great if used the way you want to use it, the rest is just a load of rubbish. Just my way of thinking maybe.

21st March 2015, 11:44
So facebook remove a video showing some violence, yet there is both soft and hardcore pornography, foul and disgusting language and behaviour all over the site for kids to see. :NoNo:

That's Farcebook and the rest of these social media outfits for you - Muslim Extremism, Pornography etc is all over them but you can't show a scumbag getting a clump

21st March 2015, 11:57
I watched UKBA on TV and the border guards are always overly polite to illegal immigrants "How many of you are up there?" and "Do you want to come down from there?" but these people in the main are not asylum seekers,they are economic migrants thats all they are,so maybe that truck driver should apply for a job as a border agent?

21st March 2015, 12:32
I watched UKBA on TV and the border guards are always overly polite to illegal immigrants "How many of you are up there?" and "Do you want to come down from there?" but these people in the main are not asylum seekers,they are economic migrants thats all they are,so maybe that truck driver should apply for a job as a border agent?

Fists, boots and batons should be SOP when dealing with these grubs

Arthur Little
21st March 2015, 12:53
Fists, boots and batons should be SOP when dealing with these grubs

:cwm24: ... shouldn't think a "sop" would ever use violence.

21st March 2015, 13:27
Standard operating procedure.

Arthur Little
21st March 2015, 13:32
Standard operating procedure.

Ah ... :yeahthat: ... I see ... :68711_thanx:

21st March 2015, 14:10
You can't blame the illegal immigrants.

What would we do if we were in their shoes?

I don't think they deserve a kicking at all - though somehow they have to be stopped.

21st March 2015, 14:48
Well I suppose people are generally more polite, honest, respectful and better-behaved where they've been reared in societies like ours, where even a clip round the ear from a parent, let alone a police officer is considered excessive force.

Saturday night out in town anybody ? :NoNo:

21st March 2015, 14:57
The footage is still up on liveleaks. The viewers' comments aren't as polite as those on youtube were. Ranging from "they should have been shot in the head" to "when governments and police can't deal with the problem it's down to good old vigilante violence to solve it".

21st March 2015, 16:59
Balance of nature. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I hope all the do-gooders will consider the enormous amount of money keeping these uninvited and unidentified parasites out of our country is costing us through our taxes and increased transportation costs ?

Amongst these undocumented individuals are likely to be murderers, rapists, pedos, terrorists and criminals of all kinds.

They must ALL be stopped !

These are the very people who are making a mockery of the convoluted, lengthy and expensive procedure that our Filipino partners are subjected to in order to gain entry to the UK . Those members who've met their partners here...consider yourselves very lucky.

Arthur Little
21st March 2015, 17:32
You can't blame the illegal immigrants.

What would we do if we were in their shoes?

I don't think they deserve a kicking at all - though somehow they have to be stopped.

Thank you, Stewart ... so glad to discover I'm not a "lone voice in the wilderness"! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
21st March 2015, 17:50
You're not a lone voice in the wilderness Arthur, it's just that a lot of these people already know that the UK is a soft touch and because of the way the system works, it's very annoying to see people coming here to be supported on our hard earned money. Sorry if you were offended Arthur!

21st March 2015, 18:07
The blame lies with our Government for not saying to all that come here, "NO BENEFITS AT ALL - SOD OFF BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM!"

21st March 2015, 18:29
There's been a softly-softly approach for years. Once arriving on these shores they have reached first-base,they can play hide-and-seek for years and the longer they stay the less chance of getting them out. Sometimes a tough stance is what's needed. Those guys got a couple of slaps, it's not the end of the world. They didn't even swing a few back. Watching that didn't phase me.

There's a bit of footage floating around at the moment showing a woman being stamped to death by hundreds of screaming thugs outside a mosque in Kabul. Now THAT'S what I would call shocking violence. :NoNo: What's happened to the guys jumping from the truck happens on most High Streets after the pub closes. People are just shocked by the illegals footage because they are used to seeing them welcomed with a warm blanket, cup of tea, and released onto UK soil.

21st March 2015, 18:59
Those poor suffering illegals. :NoNo:

How many other EU countries have they crossed before attempting to reach the most gullible and stupid one ?

They are coming for what they can beg or steal.
I will save my compassion for the genuinely deserving.

21st March 2015, 19:02
There's been a softly-softly approach for years. Once arriving on these shores they have reached first-base,they can play hide-and-seek for years and the longer they stay the less chance of getting them out. Sometimes a tough stance is what's needed. Those guys got a couple of slaps, it's not the end of the world. They didn't even swing a few back. Watching that didn't phase me.

There's a bit of footage floating around at the moment showing a woman being stamped to death by hundreds of screaming thugs outside a mosque in Kabul. Now THAT'S what I would call shocking violence. :NoNo: What's happened to the guys jumping from the truck happens on most High Streets after the pub closes. People are just shocked by the illegals footage because they are used to seeing them welcomed with a warm blanket, cup of tea, and released onto UK soil.

Quite right the decent, fair play, softly softly approach doesn't deter the tsunami of vermin heading towards these shores. The French should encourage violent action by the drivers, nationalists, riot police and anyone else who wants to give the illegals a taste of it.

On our part uncomfortable detention camps should await the ones who do make it here and are apprehended at the docks, motorway services, later whilst working illegally. They should be housed in unheated huts surrounded by razor wire, armed guards and attack dogs. Food should be a subsistence diet.

Word would soon get back to the terrible countries where they have left their wives and children that UK is not Treasure Island

21st March 2015, 19:13
I would be happy to send a few dozen condoms to help all those poor creatures who have no control over their need to continuously create babies in refugee camps and other totally unsuitable environments. Wow, I'm going soft.:Erm:

Arthur Little
21st March 2015, 19:16
You're not a lone voice in the wilderness Arthur, it's just that a lot of these people already know that the UK is a soft touch and because of the way the system works, it's very annoying to see people coming here to be supported on our hard earned money. Sorry if you were offended Arthur!

Thanks for your concern, Michael ... I'm not offended :nono-1-1: ... it just seems to me though, that there are so many British people with this "I'm alright, Jack ... so to hell with others" attitude nowadays. And it saddens me ... because, even though :Britain: itself has more than its share of the "haves" & the "have nots" - with the majority of the population falling somewhere in between - MOST of us are a darned sight better nourished, well~cared for, etc., than [far too] many of the indigenous inhabitants of innumerable nations overseas :icon_rolleyes: ... where poverty is rife for any number of reasons - ranging from prevailing climatic conditions to Government corruption - but seldom is it the fault of the ordinary people themselves.

Thus, resorting to physical *violence against folk risking life & limb in simply responding to a very basic human desire to improve their lot in such dire circumstances is monstrous ... :anerikke: ... especially when *it's being advocated by those who would be the first to condemn the similarly cowardly act of wife-beating, for example.

Let's ALL just be grateful it is NOT us who are facing their dreadful plight. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st March 2015, 19:22
Arthur...is that a truck just pulled up outside your house ? :biggrin:

21st March 2015, 19:39
Arthur...is that a truck just pulled up outside your house ? :biggrin:


21st March 2015, 19:57
A lorry driver is challenging an £8,000 fine given to him after 16 illegal immigrants climbed into the back of his HGV in a bid to get to Britain as he slept in a parking bay near Boulogne.

Ray Taylor has called on the help of MP Steve Barclay to help fight the fine given to him, plus a £9,000 fine given to the firm he works for, saying he is an innocent victim in what is becoming a growing problem for lorry drivers as they approach the port of Calais.
Mr Taylor, 49, of The Elms, Chatteris, said: “I woke in the morning and checked over the lorry with a torch. I got up on the gantry and everything seemed in order.
“The straps hadn’t been tampered with so everything looked OK. It turned out the tarpaulin had been cut at the top in an L shape. The men climbed in and then stitched it from the inside so I couldn’t see anything wrong with my lorry.
“They must have sat all night on top of my load - 28 tonnes of milling wheat. That wheat is worth about £400 a tone and has been condemned, so between myself as driver and my firm, we have been hit for thousands of pounds and none of it is our fault.”
Mr Taylor, who has driven lorries for 23 years, parked his 44-tonne tipper HGV at a Total Garage bay at Boulogne on his way back from a run to the south of France.
He slept overnight before checking his truck and driving to Calais to take the Channel Tunnel back to Britain.
Border guards searched the lorry, which is when the men, thought to be from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Eritrea in Africa, were discovered, and he was warned he faced a fine of up to £2,000 per person.
“I’ve since heard lorry drivers should avoid stopping within 200km of Calais. I’ve heard of drivers being attacked with baseball bats. It’s out of hand.

Now thats why they face lorry driver rage!:cwm23:


21st March 2015, 22:03
Thanks for your concern, Michael ... I'm not offended :nono-1-1: ... it just seems to me though, that there are so many British people with this "I'm alright, Jack ... so to hell with others" attitude nowadays. And it saddens me ...

:xxgrinning--00xx3: There are a lot of 'I'm alright Jacks' out there Arthur

Arthur Little
21st March 2015, 22:49
:xxgrinning--00xx3: There are a lot of 'I'm alright Jacks' out there Arthur

Thank you for your much valued support, plus the rep, Joe ... BOTH are greatly appreciated. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st March 2015, 23:08
The vast majority of these so called "asylum seekers" (in reality illegal would be economic migrants) are males who have abandoned their families and left them at the mercy of the terrible regimes they claim to be fleeing from. I'll take the liberty of repeating Grahams very valid point

Amongst these undocumented individuals are likely to be murderers, rapists, pedos, terrorists and criminals of all kinds.

They must ALL be stopped !

Lets not forget that the likes of Jihadi John, Abu Hamza, Abu Qatada all started off in the UK as "Asylum Seekers"

21st March 2015, 23:14
Arthur and Joe :
I'll continue to express my opinion...hopefully interspersed with a little humour and wit, regardless of snide remarks or demands to conform to some sort of old boys ' forum code. Sorry if that offends.

21st March 2015, 23:35
Arthur and Joe :
I'll continue to express my opinion...hopefully interspersed with a little humour and wit, regardless of snide remarks or demands to conform to some sort of old boys ' forum code. Sorry if that offends.

You're entitled to your opinion and so am I.

Funny Dedworth keeps mentioning asylum seekers are really economic migrants, yet that's what his wife was. :cwm25:

I know you're a supporter of UKIP. How do you feel about them wanting to bring back the 'Primary Purpose Rule'? :cwm25:

22nd March 2015, 01:03
Funny Dedworth keeps mentioning asylum seekers are really economic migrants, yet that's what his wife was. :cwm25:

A cheap, uncalled for jibe Joe which many (particularly with OFW connections) would consider insulting however it's all water off a ducks back to me so don't trouble yourself with anymore.

22nd March 2015, 10:28
The guys getting a few slaps off the back of the lorry are "Illegal" economic migrants, that's the difference, and thankfully it's their fellow Eastern Europeans giving them the blows. Heaven forbid the furore if it was a Brit driver meting out the justice.

22nd March 2015, 11:28
Good point Tawi2. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd March 2015, 01:23
A cheap, uncalled for jibe Joe which many (particularly with OFW connections) would consider insulting however it's all water off a ducks back to me so don't trouble yourself with anymore.

Why is it a cheap jibe Dedworth? When it's a fact your wife came to the UK for economic reasons. Yet you are against others coming here for economic reasons :cwm25:

Tell me why you think that's an insult?

23rd March 2015, 02:19
You are grouping qualified people who are coming here to fill vacancies with criminal, diseased and extremist would-be illegals. This is an insult to law abiding immigrants. Where do you place your wife?

23rd March 2015, 02:33
You are grouping qualified people who are coming here to fill vacancies with criminal, diseased and extremist would-be illegals. This is an insult to law abiding immigrants. Where do you place your wife?



23rd March 2015, 02:40
I'm a British citizen and my wife came here on a Settlement Visa and not, as you would describe, an economic migrant.

Now who are you talking about Dedworth? Asylum seekers or illegal immigrants?? :cwm25:

23rd March 2015, 02:51
I'm a British citizen and my wife came here on a Settlement Visa and not, as you would describe an economic migrant.

Now who are you talking about Dedworth? Asylum seekers or illegal immigrants?? :cwm25:

I didn't class your wife as an economic migrant I merely asked where you placed her - you state my Mrs is an economic migrant so I wondered if you put Mrs Bloggs in the same category?

This thread is about would be illegal economic migrants in France getting a clump so let's please keep it on topic

23rd March 2015, 03:07
Your misses came to work and married you, my misses married me, came to the UK to live here and then work, the end result is the same but not the primary reason why they moved here.

The vast majority of these so called "asylum seekers" (in reality illegal would be economic migrants) are males who have abandoned their families and left them at the mercy of the terrible regimes they claim to be fleeing from.

Is the thread about illegal immigrants or asylum seekers?? :Erm:

23rd March 2015, 10:06
Your misses came to work and married you, my misses married me, came to the UK to live here and then work, the end result is the same but not the primary reason why they moved here.

Is the thread about illegal immigrants or asylum seekers?? :Erm:

You obviously didn't read my post # 50 :-

This thread is about would be illegal economic migrants in France getting a clump so let's please keep it on topic

I'm not going to get involved in an off topic discussion about what you're now attempting to shift from initially an insult now to your perception of someone's "primary reason" for moving to the UK. End of

23rd March 2015, 15:27
A little English girl is playing happily with her eight year old Pakistani neighbour and having a great time,

"I'll tell you what, " said the little English girl, "why don't you come and have a sleepover?"

"I would love to, " replied the little Pakistani girl, "but I don't think my husband will let me.''

23rd March 2015, 15:41
I don't know why people keep getting worked up about immigration..

All my neighbours are English
All the kids in the local school are English
All the local shops are owned and run by English people

I love it here in Spain.

Michael Parnham
23rd March 2015, 17:22
A little English girl is playing happily with her eight year old Pakistani neighbour and having a great time,

"I'll tell you what, " said the little English girl, "why don't you come and have a sleepover?"

"I would love to, " replied the little Pakistani girl, "but I don't think my husband will let me.''

Love it Fred! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd March 2015, 20:02
A little English girl is playing happily with her eight year old Pakistani neighbour and having a great time,

"I'll tell you what, " said the little English girl, "why don't you come and have a sleepover?"

"I would love to, " replied the little Pakistani girl, "but I don't think my husband will let me.''
Theres actually an advert on TV here at the moment,give so much a month,make a pledge,the cash goes to stamp out child brides,you could spend millions,tens of millions,its going to stop nowt,zip,diddly-squat,nada,because the practice is deep-rooted and the kids dads actually think its normal to give their 10 year old daughter to some guy in the next valley as a wife :NoNo: Me pledging £3 a month is going to achieve absolutely nothing as I have no interest whatsoever in marrying a 10 year old kid :NoNo:

24th March 2015, 04:22
by fining the truck drivers is an act of putting the responsibilty on the drivers, it is not their job to stop illegals,
it means the border controls are not doing their job, so put the blame on the drivers,
as for the furore, yes this beating them up sounds very much like nazi germany,,

you surely can not support that kind of action, no matter what your feelings or greeving,
unless you want to become the kind of person our fathers and grand fathers fought and sacrificed them selves to save their future generations from ( THATS YOU < THATS ME< THATS OUR CHILDREN )

action must be taken to stop illegals , but not this way:NoNo:

24th March 2015, 04:26
Thank you, Stewart ... so glad to discover I'm not a "lone voice in the wilderness"! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

You're not alone Arthur, some of us have to make a stand against Nazi actions :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
24th March 2015, 07:25
Thanks for your concern, Michael ... I'm not offended :nono-1-1: ... it just seems to me though, that there are so many British people with this "I'm alright, Jack ... so to hell with others" attitude nowadays. And it saddens me ... because, even though :Britain: itself has more than its share of the "haves" & the "have nots" - with the majority of the population falling somewhere in between - MOST of us are a darned sight better nourished, well~cared for, etc., than [far too] many of the indigenous inhabitants of innumerable nations overseas :icon_rolleyes: ... where poverty is rife for any number of reasons - ranging from prevailing climatic conditions to Government corruption - but seldom is it the fault of the ordinary people themselves.

Thus, resorting to physical *violence against folk risking life & limb in simply responding to a very basic human desire to improve their lot in such dire circumstances is monstrous ... :anerikke: ... especially when *it's being advocated by those who would be the first to condemn the similarly cowardly act of wife-beating, for example.

Let's ALL just be grateful it is NOT us who are facing their dreadful plight. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I agree with what you say Arthur, I should have used the word 'sent' instead of 'kicked' which was a figure of speech, no way would I have meant that one would suffer any violence, I apologize for that!

24th March 2015, 10:22
Imagine you were not born with the luck to be British (or any other Western country), and instead you were born in Somalia, Iraq or some other country where it is nigh-on impossible to get a job to feed your family (or maybe you're 18 years old and ambitious in life and see all around you falling apart). What do you do? Perhaps you married young and have a few kids too (because that is what people do where you come from). The kids are going without meals, your wife is sick from something you don't know (can't afford a doctor to find out). What do you do with life? Give up?

Personally I would look how I could build a life for me and my family. I would do all it takes to get there. This is why 99% of those people are trying to get into UK Ltd.

So FFS guys, grow up and see that the fault is not with those trying to get into the UK. Rather, the fault is with the system. Who is to blame? Well things didn't get this way overnight and I recall immigrant camps being reported near Calais years ago, but the last Labour government certainly has a lot to answer for. The current Liberals in coalition in government have ensured that the Conservatives are not able to make the changes they really want.

Blame the system, not the people.

24th March 2015, 10:52
I am grown up Trefor, and I have been to some of the s**t-holes that a lot of these illegal immigrants come from. It's perfectly normal for people to want to protect their borders. Man is tribal, however civilised we are. However far we progress we are territorial. A lot of these people who live in dire-straits in some of these countries manage to scrape up ballpark figure £5,000 to get here. They ain't that skint, the skint ones have no option but to stick it out in their own country. The Somalis you mention do not integrate - that's just cold hard fact,I know that for certain. I understand where you're coming from with your "don't hate the player hate the game", but however it's dressed up they are illegals.

24th March 2015, 11:28
Somalis - as you say no integration whatsoever ..........criminals, cop killers, terrorists, street robbers, groomers, fgm all financed on benefits. No connection with this country whatsoever but after trekking halfway across the world Treasure Island UK gives them asylum.

24th March 2015, 12:00
On the news today...

Oh my....at last some bright government sparks have woken up to the fact that their 'may' be terrorists hiding among illegals coming over to Europe from Liberia. :NoNo:

Wakey wakey. Idiots smothering our defenses in PC nonsense. :doh

24th March 2015, 12:40
Exactly Trefor, in the same position as those people, we would try moving heaven and earth to make a better life for our families and loved ones,

Thank goodness we don't wear the same shoes