View Full Version : jessyb

23rd November 2007, 19:32
Greetings to you all, and please accept my humble apolliges for upsetting any reader of this first posting by Jessyb.
I have been visiting this site a for a while now, and have tried so hard to obey the rules about not asking the same old questions!!!
Well I have one that is the same old question and maybe one that is new or not the norm!
(1) I am dating a lovely lady, and now seeking to meet and maybe marry in the future. she and her friends are saying to me, " please visit cause a Fiancee visa so much easier than a Tourist visa" I have been told she my loved lady, needs a large sum of money in a bank account (£2000) and also proof of properties in order for her to obtain a Tourist visa ???? Is this correct??
(2) I made a mistake and now have a criminal record, will there be a problem for me to enter philipeans?? Will I be arrested at the airport and told to kindly return to UK??

once again I am sorry for being a nusicance but truly I just seek to have a successful courtship thank you so much for your time in reading this, maybe one kind member can help ?

23rd November 2007, 20:00
If you explain 2) in more detail we'll see about a part in Eastenders :)

Pete should know, he's a very clever bunny :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd November 2007, 20:11
she and her friends are saying to me, " please visit cause a Fiancee visa so much easier than a Tourist visa" I have been told she my loved lady, needs a large sum of money in a bank account (£2000) and also proof of properties in order for her to obtain a Tourist visa ???? Is this correct??

Sounds correct to me...

But I would be very aware of sending money over....:NoNo:

Seems that her friends are extremely solicitous, a bit too much....
If you hold a valid UK passport, without restrictions, you shouldn't have any difficulties in entering Phil and getting the customary 21 days stamp at the airport immigration desk.

Welcome aboard and good luck.

Peter will be around shortly, what he doesn't know, hasn't been written yet....:D

23rd November 2007, 20:40
Hello there JessyB :)

(1) I am dating a lovely lady, and now seeking to meet and maybe marry in the future. she and her friends are saying to me, " please visit cause a Fiancee visa so much easier than a Tourist visa" I have been told she my loved lady, needs a large sum of money in a bank account (£2000) and also proof of properties in order for her to obtain a Tourist visa ???? Is this correct??

Yes I believe fiancee visa is a lot easier than tourist visa because fiancee has more on providing enough evidences or proof of your relationship. And I heard that lots of members here has been granted a fiancee compare to tourist visa.

While tourist visa, i believed that your lady have to show that she have enough funds in her bank to support herself in the UK.
The following are the requirements for applying a tourist visa.

If going for vacation, please include length of service and vacation dates
Evidence of funds: e.g., Recent bank statement (within last 30 days), travelers cheques. (Credit card statements are not acceptable)
If you are visiting family or friends you will need:

- a letter from your sponsor (the person you are visiting) explaining your relationship with them and the purpose of your visit

If your sponsor will be supporting you during your visit, or paying for the cost of the visit, you will need: pay slips, bank statements, or some other evidence to show that they have enough money to support you.

I made a mistake and now have a criminal record, will there be a problem for me to enter philipeans?? Will I be arrested at the airport and told to kindly return to UK??

Depends on what kind of record. If its serious, you will not be travel out of the country in the first place.

24th November 2007, 04:02
hi Jessyb,

welcome to the forum..:)

about ur querries, I myself do experienced applying for a tourist visa before but got denied those were the days my fiance wasnt able to come here yet..

in applying for the tourist visa, ur lovely lady needs to have a property or a stable job here in the Philippines to show to the ECO that she can support herself during the visit and have reasons to come back home after her visa..

and with regards to the fiancee visa, I cans ay that there is really no easy way as long as u followed advices here and prepared all the necessary documents I think u will get it successfully..

- u need to prove to the eco that ur relationship is genuine.
-evidence of meeting
- u also have to prove as the sponsor that u can support her and getting no support in public funds

well Jess, about ur criminal case I guess Boss Keith is right, it is better if u can tell us more details about ur case so we can find ways in helping u..

Goodluck and GOD Bless..:)

25th November 2007, 06:56
Thank you for you useful help, I have been very nervous about asking!! Any seems like the best way is for me to visit, and apply for a fiancee visa. With regards this type of visa, I have read many posts here, and the knowledge is, I need to keep all records of my contact with my beloved, including chat arhives, receipts of any money sent, and text messages, formal letters. This I am endeavouring to do.
with regards the other issue, I have checked with my supporting police officer, and have now been informed, I would have no difficulty in leaving the UK, which is wonderful, BUT can I enter the Philipeans???can you help,

25th November 2007, 18:11
Unless its in your passport please don't let jessy b into the phillpines i doubt you will have any problems. On 5 trips i don't think i have been once asked anything apart from the first time am i on holiday here. The rest of the time they just check you match the picture and stamp the passport and off you go.

25th November 2007, 18:53
I also have a criminal record. :bigcry:

It's 'Des O'Connor's Greatest Hits!'

Welcome to the site Jessyb. :xxgrinning--00xx3:


25th November 2007, 19:49
Thank you for you useful help, I have been very nervous about asking!! Any seems like the best way is for me to visit, and apply for a fiancee visa. With regards this type of visa, I have read many posts here, and the knowledge is, I need to keep all records of my contact with my beloved, including chat arhives, receipts of any money sent, and text messages, formal letters. This I am endeavouring to do.
with regards the other issue, I have checked with my supporting police officer, and have now been informed, I would have no difficulty in leaving the UK, which is wonderful, BUT can I enter the Philipeans???can you help,

Ok, your personal copper says you will be alright to leave...

We are telling you that it ok to get there without hindrance...

this is not what is bugging me really...:Erm:

What I have been pondering since my first answer on your original post is......:Erm:

If you told your girlfriend that you have a record...

It is none of my business , but in my opinion it would be much fairer to her if she knows in advance and so she can make an unbiased decision on her future with or without you....
If you told her about it, I admire your sense of commitment and dedication.
If you haven't told her yet it is about time you do, before you actually meet and the relationship enters a new phase.

If she happens to find out about your record after the fact, on her own bat..... You will have lots of trouble. You will never be able to regain her trust, or, worse, her affection...

The ball is in your court...

Good luck...

25th November 2007, 21:13
Ok, your personal copper says you will be alright to leave...

We are telling you that it ok to get there without hindrance...

this is not what is bugging me really...:Erm:

What I have been pondering since my first answer on your original post is......:Erm:

If you told your girlfriend that you have a record...

It is none of my business , but in my opinion it would be much fairer to her if she knows in advance and so she can make an unbiased decision on her future with or without you....
If you told her about it, I admire your sense of commitment and dedication.
If you haven't told her yet it is about time you do, before you actually meet and the relationship enters a new phase.

If she happens to find out about your record after the fact, on her own bat..... You will have lots of trouble. You will never be able to regain her trust, or, worse, her affection...

The ball is in your court...

Good luck...

Good point Dom i would also check the set (m) visa application it asks if either of you have a crminal record i think if my memory serves me correct. You also have to list any convctions. So looks like you doing the best thing and facing up to it now.

25th November 2007, 21:45
Dom is correct, as long as your passport is clear, and you have no travel restrictions, your free to go anywhere you want.

I would also be honest with your lady, tell her upfront, I'm sure she will be more understanding if you tell her now, rather than later.

26th November 2007, 00:45
Do not use a fiance visa if she is only planning to visit you in the UK. A fiance visa is only to be used if you genuinely intend to get married. If you abuse the system the chances are she will never get a visa again - and ultimately you could get another criminal record.

As kimmi says, getting a visitors visa depends on your gf being able to demonstrate a reason to return. This does not mean she needs money in the bank. I think that is a complete myth. She needs a job and or stable family connections in the Philippines, then she should be able to get a visa.


26th November 2007, 06:42
Greetings to you, thank you for your reply, yes of course I have told her all about my circumatances, infact she new even before we bacam a ITEM as I wanted her to make an informed choice, based on truth and not decepetion.
I have always been very open and honest with any potential future wife, and believe this is correct, better to build on Rock than sand !

thank you kindly.

Pepe n Pilar
26th November 2007, 07:09
Hi JessyB welcome to the forum. I myself have tried to apply for a tourist visa last year and was just lucky enough was granted one. I have provided them a Cert. of Employment, A Cert. of my leave for 3 weeks, Tax Declaration of properties, 6 months bank statement and the necessary documents needed from my sponsor. Aside from the documents from the sponsor the applicant must show evidences to the Embassy that there is a reason for coming back that is she has the job or family (if she has children). My sponsor had indicated in his letter the specific number of days he is inviting me to spend with him which coincides with his vacation at work.
With regards to your second question if you won't be accepted to enter the Phils. i think as long as there is no stamp on your passport "JessyB can't enter the Phils", then there is no problem.
Good luck.

26th November 2007, 08:26
Greetings to you, thank you for your reply, yes of course I have told her all about my circumatances, infact she new even before we bacam a ITEM as I wanted her to make an informed choice, based on truth and not decepetion.
I have always been very open and honest with any potential future wife, and believe this is correct, better to build on Rock than sand !

thank you kindly.

Go, and find your destiny.

Where are you going exactly...???

Good luck.

26th November 2007, 11:47
Greetings to you, thank you for your reply, yes of course I have told her all about my circumatances, infact she new even before we bacam a ITEM as I wanted her to make an informed choice, based on truth and not decepetion.
I have always been very open and honest with any potential future wife, and believe this is correct, better to build on Rock than sand !

thank you kindly.

Hi Jessyb, I think the best thing to do is visit her first and then apply for fiance visa (if everything goes ok with your visit and relationship with her).
Criminal records should not be a problem if it's only a petty crime, unless it is written in your passport.
Phil immigration will not ask you if you have any criminal record, unless your passport is registered as a 'wanted dangerous person'.
Anyway, good luck to both of you and keep in mind whatever you both will decide, it will take time, patience and meticulous planning.


27th November 2007, 07:43
greetings to all that have read and replied to my posts, seems like to me a Tourist Visa is going to be a difficult route to take. My loved lady has a good family, and friends but in truth really that is all that she has to arrive home for.
She was working, but before we met her employement came to an end, which has been very useful for our relationship, cause it means we have been spending 3 hours 6 days aweek online! she was offered a job, but we oth decided our relatiuonship would suffer, so I have been supporting her for the last 3 months. I guess this does not look good for a tourist visa.
Most of the replies to my naughty past, have been positive, as far as my passport is concerned, there are no visible bad Marks stamped on my passport, saying" do not let him in" But now there is all sorts of info hidden away under the high tech chip in the back.
Yes I agree this relationship is going to take good planning, patience and endurance, I am begining to realise that my loved and I will not be together for sometime, Oh well that is the story of my life.(hehehe)
should I now begin to apply for a Fiancee visa here in Uk, so that when we do meet at least there has been some progress.
thank you to you all, and may love blossom in all, now and forever.

27th November 2007, 12:27
should I now begin to apply for a Fiancee visa here in Uk, so that when we do meet at least there has been some progress.

imho it would be better that u meet first in person, so that when u feel that ure really in love with each other and decided to move on u will have evidences that can prove to the ECO that ur relationship is genuine..:xxgrinning--00xx3:

and meeting personally is one of the requirements in fiancee visa application..:Hellooo:

27th November 2007, 14:44
meeting personally is one of the requirements in fiancee visa application..:Hellooo:

indeed, so you need to visit her first and don't forget to take some photos of u together or with her family and friends, that's one of the evidences too of ur relationship.

3rd December 2007, 19:57
greetings, thank you for all the interesting replies. I have been in contact with local personal police officer. He is going to make enquiries as to what might be the outcome if I were to land at Manila airport! I am hoping that the all will be positive and then I will make sure I take many photos of my loved one and her family,for the fiancee visa. thank you, and now I wait for the officers reply.

3rd December 2007, 22:07
greetings, thank you for all the interesting replies. I have been in contact with local personal police officer. He is going to make enquiries as to what might be the outcome if I were to land at Manila airport! I am hoping that the all will be positive and then I will make sure I take many photos of my loved one and her family,for the fiancee visa. thank you, and now I wait for the officers reply.

Hi Jessy im sure everything will be ok good luck mate and im sure it will be bon voyage:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th December 2007, 03:00
Goodluck Jess..I am looking forward on ur next post how u enjoyed ur trip here in our country together with ur lovely filipina..

GOD Bless..:)

4th December 2007, 09:34
I also have a criminal record. :bigcry:

It's 'Des O'Connor's Greatest Hits!'

Welcome to the site Jessyb. :xxgrinning--00xx3:


Now I know where I've seen that face before, it's Eric Morecambe in disguise. :3::3::3:

Mind you, it could be Ernie Wise. :3::3::3:

4th December 2007, 09:48
Most of the replies to my naughty past, have been positive, as far as my passport is concerned, there are no visible bad Marks stamped on my passport, saying" do not let him in" But now there is all sorts of info hidden away under the high tech chip in the back.

And in 20 years time they might have the technology at airports in Philippines to read these chips.
