View Full Version : Scrap metal

28th March 2015, 21:03
Can anyone tell me when did the trend start about putting all the things you dont want outside in the street,
I can remember when i was small the rag and bone man on his horse and cart coming round the streets and then sometimes running after him to come back to the house to take something away,
But when did it start where you just left it outside and maybe a week later it was taken or some t---ts move it into the road , i know its not that long ago

Michael Parnham
28th March 2015, 21:11
Can anyone tell me when did the trend start about putting all the things you dont want outside in the street,
I can remember when i was small the rag and bone man on his horse and cart coming round the streets and then sometimes running after him to come back to the house to take something away,
But when did it start where you just left it outside and maybe a week later it was taken or some t---ts move it into the road , i know its not that long ago

I didn't think you were old enough to remember the Rag & Bone man Steve, do you remember milk churns & gas lamps in the streets & houses?

28th March 2015, 21:20
Just the rag and bone man Michael, but i can remember the gas lamps in caravans

28th March 2015, 21:21
I remember the rag & Bone man,the french guy selling strings of onions on a bike,the dodgy guy renting video cassettes from the boot of his car,the coal man deliveries once a week,the van that delivered "Pop" I lived in a strange area :icon_lol: I dont remember gas-lamps or guys walking in front of combustion-engines waving flags to warn people of newfangled inventions however :cwm25:

28th March 2015, 21:28
what about the chap that came around on his bike to sharpen your knives or axe

28th March 2015, 21:29
chimney sweep too

28th March 2015, 21:37
what about the chap that came around on his bike to sharpen your knives or axe
I forgot about him,always seemed to be sharpening garden-shears AND i remember the chimney sweep,whats happened to the past,wheres it gone :Erm::Erm: what became of all of those characters :NoNo:

28th March 2015, 21:40
Just the rag and bone man Michael, but i can remember the gas lamps in caravans

I can remember going out with a shovel and bucket to get some s----t from the horse for the garden

Michael Parnham
28th March 2015, 21:47
what about the chap that came around on his bike to sharpen your knives or axe

Yes I remember that Graham!

Michael Parnham
28th March 2015, 21:48
I forgot about him,always seemed to be sharpening garden-shears AND i remember the chimney sweep,whats happened to the past,wheres it gone :Erm::Erm: what became of all of those characters :NoNo:

They were the best days of our lives!! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th March 2015, 22:24
Since the council started charging 40 quid to collect up to 10 'large items'....and then their useless contractors leave half the stuff behind anyway, as happened to me when I was moving house 2 weeks ago.

:censored:s ! :cwm23:

Next time I'll probably just leave mine outside too, for the pikeys .

28th March 2015, 22:36
Next time I'll probably just leave mine outside too, for the pikeys .

They don't mind coming inside to get it :mad:. On the subject of Pikey Scum this is what happens after idiots give them garden and tree work (I took this pic on my bike ride last Sunday - quiet country lane)


28th March 2015, 22:45
Laws don't apply to them. You know that Dedworth.

The authorities would rather bury their cowardly heads in the sand, in the interests of PC crap.

28th March 2015, 22:52
Laws don't apply to them. You know that Dedworth.

The authorities would rather bury their cowardly heads in the sand, in the interests of PC crap.



Harry T
28th March 2015, 23:33
I can remember Gas Street Lights, Gas House Lights, The Old Brewhouse with the fire under the Boiler for the washing, the Mangle to wring washing out, The Pig Stye, Relay radio with Light program and Home service, Halts on local Train Lines, Steam Engines, Starting Handles for Cars, The Rag & Boon mon with free Goldfish, the Pop Mon i was one many moons ago... :biggrin: i think the Bread Mon is almost extinct now.
Maybe the scrap thing might be something to do with Councils charging, or do we have to be registered now to collect Scrap so its awkward to weigh it in ourselves.

I wonder what else will be out of fashion/Extinct 20 years from now, probably Desktop PCs, Radios ?, who knows. :doh

29th March 2015, 09:11
I can remember lots of horse-drawn carts doing the rounds...like our veggie man, some coal deliveries and one with a kids' roundabout on it (now in the museum in York).

We also had our baths in a tin bath on the floor in the kitchen, and of course had an outside loo. Chilly in winter.

29th March 2015, 09:24
We had an outside bog :action-smiley-082::action-smiley-082: but then we moved into a bigger house with a real toilet,thats when even as a kid I realised we must be going up in the world :Jump:

29th March 2015, 09:45
Outside toilet with a nail on the door pull of yesterdays news

29th March 2015, 09:48
I was talking to my mum the other week about such things. She was saying how the biggest 'luxury' improvement for her was having a copper water boiler installed...ie...hot water. :smile:

Though dad was in the Navy, they wisely bought their own home, and continued to do so wherever we were living...rather than rented miltary quarters.

That first 2 up 2 down terrace cost them £450. ...early 1950s. :smile:

It's still there.

29th March 2015, 10:31
i remember the outside toilet, the cut squares of newspaper for use there :biggrin:

i remember the onion man, the Betterwear man suit overcoat and small brown briefcase to show you his goods from,

the rag n bone man, when very young i remember a big cart with sides like shelves, there were gold fish in bags, gold fish bowls, pots, jugs tea pots ect all white and blue stripes around them, for exchange for your rags, if you had enough rags he would un harness the horse and give you a ride,
gypsies selling clothes pegs at ur door, pop delivery, coal man,d ustbin men to take very heavy bins full of fire ash,
the tin bath in front of the fire for Friday night bath night, shared in turn the water, take ur turn,
the green grocer man who brought the goods to your street and weigh n sell from his truck,
and the world was so much safer then

29th March 2015, 11:09
The earthy smell of potatoes being weighed out into the scales on the back of the cart. Running to get some grass for the horse. :smile:

29th March 2015, 11:13
Bin men didnt have the luxury of wheelie-bins,they went round the back garden and physically hoisted your bin onto their shoulder,and I remember sawdust on the butchers floor as glaze-eyed pigs dripped blood from their snouts our butcher even had roe-deer and rabbits with their skins on hanging up :smile:

29th March 2015, 12:19
What about Camp coffee and sterilize milk, my sister always watered the milk down so she got 2 for the price of one

29th March 2015, 12:40
What about Camp coffee and sterilize milk, my sister always watered the milk down so she got 2 for the price of one

the camp coffee, yes in a bottle dark brown liquid,

the sterilized milk, nice in porridge, and on cereals, bearable in coffee but terrible in tea,

Michael Parnham
29th March 2015, 12:45
What about Camp coffee and sterilize milk, my sister always watered the milk down so she got 2 for the price of one

I remember all the things mentioned and still buy Camp coffee, the 'Dolly tub' was another thing I remember also!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th March 2015, 12:56
I remember all the things mentioned and still buy Camp coffee, the 'Dolly tub' was another thing I remember also!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

i thinks we're all showing our age :laugher::laugher:

29th March 2015, 12:56
What about Camp coffee and sterilize milk, my sister always watered the milk down so she got 2 for the price of one

my sister did EXACTLY the same,watered it down,thats hilarious :icon_lol: (My sis just phoned me for a coffee,I will mention this post to her later) :icon_lol:

29th March 2015, 13:01
my sister did EXACTLY the same,watered it down,thats hilarious :icon_lol: (My sis just phoned me for a coffee,I will mention this post to her later) :icon_lol:

Its good when we all can relate to things in our past, yes we are all getting older but it does bring a smile to your face when some one reminds you about something

29th March 2015, 13:03
the 'Dolly tub' was another thing I remember also!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

i can remember getting into that to have a good wash, yes a little nippy i was but the water was hot and soapy but maybe very dirty too

Ako Si Jamie
29th March 2015, 19:39
I wonder what else will be out of fashion/Extinct 20 years from now, probably Desktop PCs, Radios ?, who knows. :dohI imagine there's not many of these about nowadays.


29th March 2015, 19:58
I imagine there's not many of these about nowadays.


i still have one under the tv right now

Ako Si Jamie
29th March 2015, 20:06
i still have one under the tv right nowDo you still have one due to a large video collection?

All I have under my TV is a DVD player, Virgin box and a PlayStation.

Arthur Little
29th March 2015, 20:08
I imagine there's not many of these about nowadays.


Ah :icon_rolleyes: ... you'd be surprised, Jamie! :biggrin: Whilst :iagree: they ARE rather "old hat" - and there's less call for them now - I'm like Steve, in that, I too currently have one of those things stowed away underneath the television cabinet.

29th March 2015, 20:08
thats the trouble Jamie, what do you do with the videos you have,

Ako Si Jamie
29th March 2015, 20:13
Ah :icon_rolleyes: ... you'd be surprised, Jamie! :biggrin: Whilst :iagree: they ARE rather "old hat" - and there's less call for them now - I'm like Steve, in that, I too currently have one of those things stowed away underneath the television cabinet.

thats the trouble Jamie, what do you do with the videos you have,I suppose they're handy if you can still find a use for them. The last time I had one must have been around the Millenium.

29th March 2015, 20:22
I have two....never chuck anything out. :icon_lol:

Only have one VHS tape though.:Erm:

I also have my Sony Walkman in its original box...purchased in Hong Kong in 1995. :smile:

Ako Si Jamie
29th March 2015, 22:21
The oldest possession I have is my Candy fridge freezer, bought in the early 90's. Used daily and been involved in about half a dozen house moves but still going strong. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th March 2015, 05:07
thats the trouble Jamie, what do you do with the videos you have,

i converted mine to digital

30th March 2015, 09:56
I have a cassette tape of my son and I having a conversation when he was 6 years old...and him singing a song he'd learned at school that day. Sounds so cute.

I'm so glad that I had the presence of mind to digitise it and save files of it all over the place, as it's the only recording I have. My ex kept the movies we made of him.