View Full Version : family worries...

24th November 2007, 16:19
I just received news about ten minutes ago, that one of my brother underwent double heart bypass surgery last week.

My first reaction was to get into the Ryanair website and book myself a ticket to Rome... I nearly did...

I only gave up on the idea realizing that because of my ex wife's obstinacy I don't have one.

Unfortunately my drivers licence doesn't cover me for traveling within the EU. If it had been issued in Italy it would have been ok, but as it was issued to an Italian Citizen In the Uk, the rules are somewhat different...

So I will have to sit this one out until my passport will be renewed.
In the mean time, I will be worrying myself sick over my brother's well being.
He sounded really terrible over the phone, pityful.

24th November 2007, 16:22
Actually, bypass is a daily routine operation these days. It is better and healthier to have it than suffer the consequences if you don't. I'd have been more worried if they didn't operate straight away.

24th November 2007, 16:28
Actually, bypass is a daily routine operation these days. It is better and healthier to have it than suffer the consequences if you don't. I'd have been more worried if they didn't operate straight away.

I have to agree although it is distressing hearing news and not being able to do what you think is best..

Im amazed by people having such operations and returning to work what seems a very short time later.

may i wish your Brother a speedy recovery at least he has a team to watch next summer at the euros:rolleyes:

24th November 2007, 18:09
I have to agree although it is distressing hearing news and not being able to do what you think is best..

Andy very true!

Family worries..

Just few months back, I was wondering what move I'm going to make incase there's something will happen to my father. He very often to drink alcohol and smoke a lot of cigi :NoNo: and he's been doing this since I was a little girl.

Dom, I wish your brother a speed recovery..

and don't worry once you left I'm gonna pop around to Jet and we gonna partee:D

25th November 2007, 03:49
I am sorry to hear the news Dom..I hope ur brother will get well soon, I will include him in my prayers..

25th November 2007, 05:42
Hi Dom while browsing the net I found this for you, I hope and pray for the fastest recovery of your brother:)

From Christianbiblestudies.com

Overcome Worries

For many of us, being told "Don't worry" is easier said than done! Worry is one way we express our concern. While it's hard to keep worry from coming to our door, we can transform it into prayer instead of inviting it in. Philippians 4:4–9 gives the elements of this transformation process:

1. Focus on gladness. Because of Jesus, there's always something to be glad about (4:4).
2. Let people be your priority. What action will bring good to others both now and in the future? Choose that gentle and future-looking action (4:5).
3. Recognize worry. It's a concern that goes pointlessly round and round. Stop the cycle by pointing your concern toward God (4:6).
4. Let Jesus show you what to do about your worry—and give you the peace, "which surpasses all understanding" (4:7).

When your loved one has cancer, you don't just sit and pray; you pray as you seek the best medical treatment available—medical treatment God himself has provided. Then you relax, knowing God has directed you to the resources that will fight the illness. It's a peace that can "guard" your heart and mind.

25th November 2007, 09:48
Thanks everyone, your kind comments and encouragement are appreciated.

I will get on the phone later, and see how he is.

I hardly slept because his ghostly voice kept coming back to me.
But I am sure, as you people said, he will bounce back to his normal self, sooner or later.

Thanks again.

eula mackay
25th November 2007, 20:14
Hi Dom. Hope your brother is better now. Look after yourself, dont stress too much.

25th November 2007, 20:45
Sorry to hear this Dom. I, of course, send you all my prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery. :)


Pepe n Pilar
26th November 2007, 06:06
Hi Dom sorry to hear about this. I wish for his speedy recovery.
I want to share these verses with you:
Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.(Phil. 4:6)

And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ. (Phil. 4:7)

26th November 2007, 11:04
Spero che l'operazione del tuo fratello e andata tutto bene, gli auguro un buon guarigione e presto sara di nuovo insieme con voi.


26th November 2007, 22:45
Spero che l'operazione del tuo fratello e andata tutto bene, gli auguro un buon guarigione e presto sara di nuovo insieme con voi.


Grazie tante bella, dal fondo del mio cuore.

26th November 2007, 22:49
FORUM RULE #1 Use English On This Forum:D:icon_lol:

26th November 2007, 23:10
FORUM RULE #1 Use English On This Forum:D:icon_lol:


Just a slip of the tongue.... :rolleyes:

26th November 2007, 23:13
Peanutz asked:

Spero che l'operazione del tuo fratello e andata tutto bene, gli auguro un buon guarigione e presto sara di nuovo insieme con voi?

Means: What do you have if you've got 100 scousers up to their neck's in sand?

Aromulus answered:

Grazie tante bella, dal fondo del mio cuore.

Means: Not enough sand.


27th November 2007, 02:17
thanks for the interpretation, LadyJ..:)

do u also know how to interpret Celtic?

27th November 2007, 02:45
Peanutz asked:

Means: What do you have if you've got 100 scousers up to their neck's in sand?

Aromulus answered:

Means: Not enough sand.


:icon_lol: so true ladyj, i've tired to give you some rep, but seening i gave you some the other day, it says i must spread it around first :doh, so can't give you any for the joke :D

27th November 2007, 11:01
:icon_lol: so true ladyj, i've tired to give you some rep, but seening i gave you some the other day, it says i must spread it around first :doh, so can't give you any for the joke :D

:Hellooo:You can throw some of those rep here:D