View Full Version : Gardening advice

19th April 2015, 18:00
Well while i wait to find out if the visa is granted (sure it will be), i better do something to stop me thinking about it (i am very impatient) and i think i may as well sort out my garden...

I have two issues which i would like some advice on... (if you can help)..

Well my lawn in areas does get a little water logged at times and is uneven - from my understanding i should be putting sharp sand and topsoil on top to level it off. Regarding the bit what it gets a little water logged, by levelling it off and also making a few cuts with a spade it should help this?

The last bit is that, where it gets water logged the soil is a lot softer to the point where i can feel myself sink a little and i end up leaving foot prints (cannot see them, but you can feel them) - would leveling off the lawn and making the cuts help this?

Sorry if my suggestions are wrong - it's just what i have learnt from a few google searches...

Thanks in advance!


19th April 2015, 18:25
you could dig up the wet area and put in hard core to give it a soak away,

or you can get flexible plastic pipe especialy for drainage, it has small holes in the sides of the pipe to allow the water into the pipe so to drain the wet area of land

try search youtube,, garden drainage, and try french drain, french drain is when you dig a chanell to where you want the water to soak away to, you fill in the trench with hard core

19th April 2015, 19:16
Cheers - i had a look at the soakaways, before - I think i will leave it for next year and take photo's this year when it gets waterlogged..

Michael Parnham
20th April 2015, 07:25
Cheers - i had a look at the soakaways, before - I think i will leave it for next year and take photo's this year when it gets waterlogged..

I find spiking the lawn with a fork every Autumn and Spring should help, lawn sand is also good. What I would do is rake topsoil into the sunken parts and returf those area's to bring the lawn level and when established spike the whole lawn and water every couple of evenings for a couple of weeks, you will find that it will recover given time!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th April 2015, 08:19
I'd agree with Michael. You need to introduce some aeration by spiking. Try to spike as deep as possible.

As you,ve mentioned introducing some sharp sand will help a lot.

It will improve in time, not overnight. So the best thing is to keep off it while it's wet.
Compacting the soil in the already waterlogged areas will negate any treatments you make.

If the above doesn't cut-the-mustard I'd definitely consider improved drainage.