View Full Version : Sensitive parts of your body

23rd April 2015, 21:32
We all have them and for me after my heart, its my feet, i hate them being touched, the thought makes me laugh then i have to pull away then i get angry , then i laugh again, its so funny when Em tries to tickle them,
Whats yours

23rd April 2015, 21:48
I don't like being tickled in my feet as well, plus my waist! Keith always does that and he always end up getting kicked a few times whenever he does that. :biggrin: To me, it feels like I'm gonna die because of tickling my feet and waist hahaha. :icon_lol:

Michael Parnham
24th April 2015, 07:32
Same here, don't like feet being tickled!

24th April 2015, 08:18

24th April 2015, 16:17
Well, I finally plucked up courage to open this thread. :cwm25:

Does my wallet count ? :Erm:

Arthur Little
24th April 2015, 18:24
Does my wallet count ? :Erm:

Mmm ... :anerikke: ... depends on how much is in it to be counted!

24th April 2015, 19:01
In my wallet there is around £20

Michael Parnham
25th April 2015, 07:37
In my wallet there is around £20

Never any cash in mine, just use my card for everything, even my £2 lotto once a week! :xxgrinning--00xx3: