View Full Version : IS Militants

24th April 2015, 19:18
These barbaric people, can someone tell me why they are allowed to live , every day there is something you read about they stoning some person, chopping someones head of and playing football with it, killing children, killing Christians,
Yes i am not there all i am doing is reading what someone is saying, but surely why is the world standing round watching ,
This should never be allowed, people that do this must not be allowed to even walk on this small planet, why are the people from the so called civilized world just standing by watching all this happen, it is truly a orrible place we all call home

24th April 2015, 19:29
Go in with biggest land army ever assembled since they even kill muslims and wipe them out til they cease to exist:xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th April 2015, 19:49
I've got a "can someone tell me" Steve

Why haven't any of the UK national filth involved been charged with Treason ?

24th April 2015, 20:10
I've got a "can someone tell me" Steve

Why haven't any of the UK national filth involved been charged with Treason ?

I have no problem with any of them going, its the coming back i am against, they should be stripped of there uk id,

24th April 2015, 20:12
Slug jailed :xxgrinning--00xx3: :-

Bradford IS supporter jailed for posting jihadi documents on Facebook

A TERRORIST sympathiser from Bradford has been jailed for 18 months for posting links to an Islamic State (IS) magazine on his Facebook page.

Hassan Munir, 27, posted a link to Dabiq 4, a propaganda magazine produced by the extremist terror group.

The Old Bailey heard that Munirhad been repeatedly warned by Facebook and police officers after he posted jihadi material on his page - including material about beheadings.

Sentencing him, Mr Justice Saunders said the magazine posed a serious danger because it incited people to take up arms for IS, which is also known as Isil and Isis.

He said: “On October 14 2014 he posted on his Facebook page a link to a document called Dabiq 4.

“It is a document distributed by Isil’s media arm. It is lengthy and is clearly a professionally-produced document.

“It encourages the reader to fight and kill for Isil, both in the Western countries who are against their activities, and they are encouraged to help fight with Isil in countries where Isil fight.

“It is the sort of document that could well influence susceptible people, including the young, to do what the document urges them to do.”

Munir said he posted a link to the extremist document on his Facebook page “in case me loses it like”, but the judge said he did not believe him.

The 27-year-old, of Lynton Avenue in Heaton, Bradford, has between 400 and 600 friends on his Facebook page.

He previously posted details of how to make explosives and other material supporting IS.

He was warned by police, but ignored them.

Mr Justice Saunders said: “Mr Munir denies he is a supporter of Isil. His case is that he has sympathy with some of the extremist cause but he’s against the acts of violence.

“In light of the material on his Facebook, I find that difficult to accept.”

The judge said he was passing a jail term to make it clear a “deterrent” is important in such cases.

Munir pleaded guilty to disseminating a terrorist publication.


Limp wristed Police gave him a warning 1st time round :mad:

24th April 2015, 20:17
it does make you wonder what is happening around us, if you was to make a comment about being a racist the law will be down on you straight away, its a funny place we are living in at the moment

24th April 2015, 20:26
it does make you wonder what is happening around us, if you was to make a comment about being a racist the law will be down on you straight away, its a funny place we are living in at the moment

But posting about how to make explosives and stuff supporting terrorists = a warning :crazy: