View Full Version : Sir Terpe: Husband receives DLA

26th April 2015, 03:40
Good day! Hello Sir Peter I'm here again asking for your help. Please help me .I'm going to apply soon the spouse visa if the documents is complete i'm just waiting for my husband documents. I already have English exam which I took last March 28, 2015 before the new approved center came out and i got B2 equivalent and thanks God.

My husband receive DLA at the "Higher rate of Mobility" having had a below the knee amputation of the left leg year ago.Because of this, he do not have to qualify for the £18.600.00 per year salary, but he DO have to meet the adequate Financial Maintenance Requirement (of more than £114.85 per week.)

He began publishing business on the 13th Feb 2014 and although publishing 27 books since that date (with 2 more within the next 2 months) for numerous authors all over the world, as yet the company is not making money. I know it will, but it's a waiting and a numbers game.

Because of his lack of salary, he receive Housing benefit towards rent and working tax credits, as well as DLA. I have been looking EVERYWHERE to see if these can be used in my computation for the spouse visa, but cannot find the answer anywhere. We been married and been together for 4 years. He is very worried about the Housing benefits which he receive.
>> Is the Housing benefits can be included in our computation because he said this is a public funds and maybe the ECO will refuse because he receive of it. As my husband is being disabled

>> sir this is our computation is this right? I used the link you sent me before.

A – B = C
A minus B is Greater than or equal to C

Where :

A is the Projected income (after deduction of income tax and national insurance contributions)
B is what needs to be spent on accommodation; and
C is the amount of Income Support an Equivalent British Family of that size can receive

Projected Income Calculation

Income Source Interval Received Equivalent Weekly Amount

Housing Benefits Weekly £93.85

DLA £ 229.80 every four weeks Divided by 4 = £57.45

Working Tax Credits £ 110.11 Weekly £110.11

Total £261.41

Council Tax – 1 month at £ 12.79 + 11 months at £ 8.00 = £ 100.79 / 52 weeks = £ 1.94 per week

Council tax = £ 1.94 week
Housing Benefits which directly paid to Housing association is £ 93.85 week

The Sum of the formula A-B above is therefore:

£ 261.41 - £ 95.79 = £ 165.62

£ 165.62 is leftover after all deduction and for Income support rate for couple is £ 114.85, we have
£ 50.75 over. Sir is the housing benefits is also included?

Thank for your time and attention ! God bless you

26th April 2015, 12:36
Don't worry about the housing benefit he's receiving. It won't affect your application. My husband is receiving housing benefit as well (and DLA) and I got my visa approved. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th April 2015, 12:43
@raynaputi. girl thank you so much for the reply its really help me lot, one more thing is my computation above is correct? Thank you and God Bless you


26th April 2015, 20:20
@raynaputi. girl thank you so much for the reply its really help me lot, one more thing is my computation above is correct? Thank you and God Bless you


I'm not really sure with regards to computation. My husband did all ours when we applied in the past hahaha.. :icon_lol: I hope someone else can help you with that. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th April 2015, 01:40
For those folks who are exempt from the Financial Requirement, adequate maintenance and accommodation requirements under Appendix F apply.

Some of these rules change quite often.
The discretion given to caseworkers may also changes.

That's why it's important to be very clear on the rules and how to apply them to our own personal circumstances.
Sometimes advice can change over time based on feedback from those who have been through the experience.

The formula 'A – B ≥ C' remains correct.

It's best to clearly set out each category.
A = weekly net income (after all tax an Nat Insurance deductions)
B = Total costs for accommodation (including Council Tax)

Based on the definitive information you've given your husbands weekly income is DLA + Working Tax Credits

= £57.45 + £110.11

= £167.56

The Income Support Rate for a couple is £114.85 weekly

Given that financials will change once you arrive it's looking OK, but it's getting too close to make small errors.

The only deductions from net income is rent and council tax.
When these are paid in full for you there's no deductions.
If they're not paid in full then there'll be deductions

You didn't indicate the total housing costs, only that there is a weekly Housing Benefit of £93.85 and council tax of
£1.94 weekly equivalent.
Does this housing benefit cover the total cost of accommodation or does it cover only a partial cost?

Also don't forget that your husband's council tax will increase since he will no longer be eligible for single person assessment and will need to pay extra as you will be living there. Please take time to review this.
Do also be aware that your husbands Housing Benefit must not increase due to you living there and he must continue to be assessed as single.

You'll need support from the Housing Association to provide details of adequate accommodation and permission to stay there.

27th April 2015, 14:19
Sir thank for the reply! The Housing benefits is £93.85weekly and its directly paid to the housing association and 100% full amount paid, the housing cost is £93.85 also. He only paid the council tax of £1.94 weekly. We also confirm to housing association that no increase if i arrive in uk and we also have letter permission to stay.

DLA+Working tax credit - council tax = Income support rate.

£57.45 + £110.11 - £ 1.94


Is this right sir?

Sir thank you so much for the help.

god bless you


27th April 2015, 14:30
Hi Sue,
Based on what you've confirmed everything looks fine.
Try to get your application submitted before too long.
There may be further unpredictable changes soon after the General Election.

Here's wishing you both good luck :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th April 2015, 15:05
Sir peter thank you so much , Just waiting for the documents of my husband to be sent to me, and book TB tomorrow,and the best thing is that Clinic for Tb is just across the street of the bank were I worked. Sir you are an angel sent from above to help other people like me in this situation.Thank you so much Sir peter its really big help for me and for my husband. God bless u sir.

4th July 2015, 12:26
Hello sir Peter! I just want to say Thank you for the Help, I got my spouse visa last week (23 working days). Thank you so much sir for the help. God Bless you always.

4th July 2015, 12:27
@RAynaputi Thank you for the help ! I got my Visa. Thank you so much girl. God bless you.

Michael Parnham
4th July 2015, 12:38
Congratulations and well done Sue :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th July 2015, 13:01
Congratulations ! :Jump:

4th July 2015, 13:09
Thank you @michael parnham

4th July 2015, 13:09
Thank you Grahamw48

4th July 2015, 13:55
Congratulations :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Glad you found the advice from Peter and Rayna helpful. Please stick around on the forum, as you may be able to help someone in a similar position at a later date.

4th July 2015, 14:03

4th July 2015, 14:03
Thank you Jake

4th July 2015, 15:32

Very well done Sue and congratulations to you both :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Here's wishing you all the best for your future life together.

Arthur Little
4th July 2015, 18:50
Sue ... firstly, congratulations! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Secondly, a belated :welcomex: to Filipina Roses from me, personally. And, not least ... now that your visa has been granted ... we here all hope you will continue to take an active part in some of the lively discussions generated on this site. Plus - as I notice Jake has already suggested - perhaps you might even feel you're now in a position to offer the benefit of your experience to other new(ish) members who find themselves in a similar situation. :biggrin:

4th July 2015, 20:05
I know the feeling! I am happy for you xxx

5th July 2015, 12:07
Congratulations Sue and best wishes to you both for your future together :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th July 2015, 14:29
Thank you Arthur little really appreciate. Yeah I will, even in a little way I can help for those who has the same situation on me. Thank you so much.

6th July 2015, 14:29
Congratulations Sue and best wishes to you both for your future together :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thank you Bigmarco. God bless you.

6th July 2015, 14:30
I know the feeling! I am happy for you xxx

Thank you Jentobeharrison. God bless you

6th July 2015, 14:36

Very well done Sue and congratulations to you both :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Here's wishing you all the best for your future life together.

Sir Peter thank you so much for the help. God bless you