View Full Version : Donating for Nepal earthquake relief

29th April 2015, 12:11
A word of warning about who you give your money to. The DEC (Disasters Emergency Committee) a conglomerate of large charities has again reared it's head, some of these charities have a record of not getting the help to where it is needed, sit on piles of cash donated for earlier disasters and employ very highly paid "executives" with links to the Labour party. These include for example Justin Forsyth CEO of Save The Children formerly director of strategic communications in Number 10 under Gordon Brown. See my previous thread in relation to charities & Yolanda https://www.gwt.org.uk/news/earthquake-appeal

I will probably give to the Gurkha Welfare Trust https://www.gwt.org.uk/news/earthquake-appeal who have boots permanently on the ground in some of the more remote areas of Nepal

29th April 2015, 12:27
Well-spotted Ded, I might bung a few quid as I'm very proud of the Gurkhas :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th April 2015, 23:54
Well-spotted Ded, I might bung a few quid as I'm very proud of the Gurkhas :xxgrinning--00xx3:

They're top men, a few retired live around here my Mrs sometimes works with the daughter of one. If you donate watch the buttons there's one for the Earthquake appeal and one for their normal fundraising

30th April 2015, 02:10
Sound just like "children in need"......£87,705,000 stashed away in bank accounts and other investments.

That's why I will never ever dress on a Friday asking for money again...they're a bunch of clowns.

Not that I ever did it.



28th May 2015, 21:59
Was talking to a Gurkha in a Windsor pub earlier he came from some remote village and said that a relative's family house was pretty much wrecked but no-one injured. Decent bloke, spoke excellent English, he's been in the army 17 years