View Full Version : Maybe an interesting place to go this Bank Holiday ?

30th April 2015, 22:21


30th April 2015, 23:05
I wonder how much they sting you to get in ?

30th April 2015, 23:17
Got to love Viz magazine. :icon_lol:

1st May 2015, 00:04
Mr L's comment is the best :icon_lol:

1st May 2015, 00:08
Ah...you noticed. :biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
1st May 2015, 06:45
Ah...you noticed. :biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hope you don't neglect 'Tour de Yorkshire' this weekend Graham!:Erm:

1st May 2015, 07:09
I shall be visiting Nottingham Saturday Lunchtime to see my younger brother who graduates from Nottingham university this June. He has yet to meet Harlene or our baby.
We are actually going to be in Leicestershire visiting friends, but making a detour as my brother informed me he got offered a job teaching English in Japan on a one year contract which if all goes well could lead to a 5 year contract. So really this may be our last chance to see him before he starts his new life.
He speaks five languages and is the clever one in the family, so hope he remembers me when he is rich and marries a Japanese woman!

1st May 2015, 07:41
I shall be visiting Nottingham Saturday Lunchtime to see my younger brother who graduates from Nottingham university this June. He has yet to meet Harlene or our baby.
We are actually going to be in Leicestershire visiting friends, but making a detour as my brother informed me he got offered a job teaching English in Japan on a one year contract which if all goes well could lead to a 5 year contract. So really this may be our last chance to see him before he starts his new life.
He speaks five languages and is the clever one in the family, so hope he remembers me when he is rich and marries a Japanese woman!

Go slightly earlier and visit the Crockett and Jones factory outlet shop (open 9.30 to 12.30 Saturday mornings). They are by far my favourite shoes :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st May 2015, 08:49
Go slightly earlier and visit the Crockett and Jones factory outlet shop (open 9.30 to 12.30 Saturday mornings). They are by far my favourite shoes :xxgrinning--00xx3:

That's a name from the past I know well.
Most of the very best shoemakers still operating in my hometown of Northampton.

I went to school with a number of people who ended up as senior managers there and other shoemakers.
At that time most people ended up working in the shoe industry or in Engineering.

My personal favourites are Churches and Grensons.
I shipped over a Balikbayan box of shoes I collected over the years.

A good friend of mine operated a number of shops selling seconds from Churches, Grensons and C & J
I could get some of the best examples for between £50 - £80 per pair so took full advantage.

Doubt I'll ever wear them here.

Sorry for off topic post