View Full Version : Grubs sitting at tables outside overpriced coffee shops

1st May 2015, 14:12
For a number of years I've noticed local benefit funded cockroaches and their inbred tribes loafing at these tables whilst they smoke, gossip and drink coffee. Good to see that the benefits can pay for this expensive coffee and stretches further than merely funding their fags, drugs, alcohol, X Boxes and 50 inch TVs.

I've just been to the town centre and the same mob complete with tats, pushchairs, soft drink gizzling kids and untold shopping have been outside the same shop for 45 minutes +

Benefit Britain is alive and kicking :vomit-smiley-011:

Ako Si Jamie
1st May 2015, 18:34
Stop being so unsociable Ded. Pull up a chair and join in the chat. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st May 2015, 19:17

1st May 2015, 19:50
Yeah, I can only walk past such high rollers, and wonder what it must be like to be able to afford such a lifestyle. :cwm3:

Ako Si Jamie
2nd May 2015, 10:36
You two are a pair of cards :icon_lol: