View Full Version : We're Back And Now Married :-)

26th November 2007, 18:41
Hello everyone, we have been a bit quiet for the past few weeks sorting our wedding, wow that was hard work, but we finally sorted out the Bishops Common Licence and all was set for us to finaly get married. We got married 17th November 2007 and the weather was very kind to us, even though the forcast was for heavy rain. The Rain did come along with snow the following day, that could have been romantic to have a white wedding day, but I am sure Anilyn would not have liked the weather to have been too cold :-)

We are now applying for Further Leave to Remain with passport ammendments to be made later, we will let you all know how we get on and detail any problems that we may encounter in another thread, either way we will let you all know, so that you do not worry about your own applications.

Thanks to all who helped us get this far, by your kind words and advice.

26th November 2007, 18:58
Congratulations mate, I am sure it was all worth it in the end, Miss Gina and I are very happy for you, good luck with the FLR sure it will be a formality, now its for the real life...to begin.

Best of luck

26th November 2007, 21:19
Congrats on gettin married to the two of you and glad you sorted out getting permission it did sound complicated but im sure worth it.

26th November 2007, 22:09
Congrats and Best wishes! CHEERS!!!!

eula mackay
26th November 2007, 22:13

26th November 2007, 22:50
Congratulations! and best wishes...

26th November 2007, 22:51
Congratulations to the Newlyweds!:Hellooo:

Why didn't invite us?:D

26th November 2007, 23:07
Congratulations !!!!!!!!!!!!

Dom & Jet

26th November 2007, 23:18
congratz and best wishes both of you!!!

27th November 2007, 02:13
Congratz Paul and Anilyn, I am so happy for both of u!!!:)

Best wishe!!Cheers...

Pepe n Pilar
27th November 2007, 07:03
Congratulations and Best Wishes!!!:Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo:

27th November 2007, 07:34
congRatulations Paul & best wishes Anilyn!!! :REDancedancer08:

27th November 2007, 08:22

27th November 2007, 09:53
They sent us some invisible cake...thanks....:Hellooo: :Erm: :doh

27th November 2007, 10:27
Congratulations to you both and we hope you have many, many years of happy married life together.
Louella & Iain

27th November 2007, 11:06

27th November 2007, 12:21

27th November 2007, 13:10
They sent us some invisible cake...thanks....:Hellooo: :Erm: :doh

Oh sorry for sending the invisible cake Boss coz we kept the visible one:) Okay we distributed the others :) but we kept the top one. They said it's a tradition in here to keep some of the traditional fruit cake for the christening of our first baby in the future. That sounds new to me :D

27th November 2007, 13:30
Thank you everyone for the greetings and well wishes:)

Congratulations to the Newlyweds!:Hellooo:

Why didn't invite us?:D

As much as we liked to invite filipinouk community, but we were skint:doh, but we thank you all for u are there when we're confused and needed ur advice:BouncyHappy:

27th November 2007, 20:44
They sent us some invisible cake...thanks....:Hellooo: :Erm: :doh

Do you want cake Keith? then i'll give you my wedding cake that I kept in my fridge since 2004:D

27th November 2007, 21:22

27th November 2007, 23:19
Do you want cake Keith? then i'll give you my wedding cake that I kept in my fridge since 2004:D

Has it got legs? I don't like food I have to chase........

27th November 2007, 23:47

30th November 2007, 04:28
Congratulations and best wishes to you Kuya Paul and Ate Anilyn! I'm so happy for you.:BouncyHappy:

30th November 2007, 12:49
Congratz and best wishes Paul and Annie from me and Trevor.

30th November 2007, 13:19
congratulations and best wishes to kuya paul and ate anilyn. Sorry 4 d late greetings. God Bless and Good luck to both of you.

30th November 2007, 23:00
My Congratulations to the newly wed couple