View Full Version : Holidays

6th May 2015, 20:12
I am looking at treating Ems to a trip somewhere nice in June, i have told Ems to put in for 2 days holiday June 17th and 18th,
Its been over 1 week since she put in the request and we are still waiting ,
I asked Ems why we have not heard anything yet, the person who arranges the holiday list is on holiday and there is no one else who can do this, so she will have to wait another week before we will know,
This is one of the problems working for the NHS trying to get holidays, we are still waiting for confirmation on our holiday for the new year to the Phils,
So its either abroad or skeggy

6th May 2015, 20:54
This problem with holidays happens in all large companies, and can be a pain in the ass.

6th May 2015, 21:36
Good luck getting the dates Steve.

Not sure about Skeggy though...been there, bought the T-shirt. :biggrin:


6th May 2015, 21:47
Love the tee shirt, Ems has never been there, and i must take her one day, i shall have to say its a little like Boracay and then see her face when she cannot see her feet while paddling in the sea

Ako Si Jamie
6th May 2015, 22:00
With this kind of bullshit trying to get time off work it's not surprising that employees pull sickies. Why can't they give you an answer within 24 hours? Just glad I don't work for an employer like this.

6th May 2015, 22:15
I agree.

Me, I'd just send them a postcard and say that my car broke down in Skegness while on my way to work...and it's going to be a fortnight before it's finished. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
6th May 2015, 22:25
I agree.

Me, I'd just send them a postcard and say that my car broke down in Skegness while on my way to work...and it's going to be a fortnight before it's finished. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Trouble is, Graham ... with today's jobs' shortage, any employee who tried pulling a stunt like that, would be finished! :biggrin:

Ako Si Jamie
6th May 2015, 22:42
Can they sack an employee on the spot these days? I thought verbal and written warnings had to be issued first. :Erm:

6th May 2015, 22:42
Hey...I thought there was supposed to be a shortage of WORKERS now ! :olddude:

6th May 2015, 22:43
Can they sack an employee on the spot these days? I thought verbal and written warnings had to be issued first. :Erm:

If you haven't yet been there 13 weeks...employers can pretty much do what they like.
After that...yes, lots of procedures to go through.

Arthur Little
7th May 2015, 00:30
Can they sack an employee on the spot these days?

Yes, they can :icon_rolleyes: ... for serious breaches of contract amounting to gross misconduct.

Arthur Little
7th May 2015, 01:34
I thought verbal and written warnings had to be issued first. :Erm:

You're partly correct there, though; in so~called ... :anerikke: ... "normal" disciplinary proceedings, it is customary for BOTH verbal :Blacklistnonono: and written (formal) warnings to be issued prior to actual dismissal!

Michael Parnham
7th May 2015, 05:04
I am looking at treating Ems to a trip somewhere nice in June, i have told Ems to put in for 2 days holiday June 17th and 18th,
Its been over 1 week since she put in the request and we are still waiting ,
I asked Ems why we have not heard anything yet, the person who arranges the holiday list is on holiday and there is no one else who can do this, so she will have to wait another week before we will know,
This is one of the problems working for the NHS trying to get holidays, we are still waiting for confirmation on our holiday for the new year to the Phils,
So its either abroad or skeggy

Is the difficulty getting holiday dates because of the longer holiday requirement? The reason for asking is because Maritess has booked her holiday days for the rest of this year without any problem, she just filled in the holiday request form and job done, she booked one day for this week and a week in July. The holiday request is for information so that they know what days to allocate Bank staff. Also my ex never had any problem at NHS as long as she didn't take longer than three weeks holiday at one time!:Erm:

7th May 2015, 06:37
The problem boys and girls is the person who does the holiday chart is on holiday so no one is allowed to do it while she is not there, DONT WANT TO UPSET HER, sort of thing, its 2 days then its 15 days, so its no great deal, but again we dont want to upset the people clicky clicky springs to mind

Michael Parnham
7th May 2015, 06:50
The problem boys and girls is the person who does the holiday chart is on holiday so no one is allowed to do it while she is not there, DONT WANT TO UPSET HER, sort of thing, its 2 days then its 15 days, so its no great deal, but again we dont want to upset the people clicky clicky springs to mind

Got it :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th May 2015, 07:49
With this kind of bullshit trying to get time off work it's not surprising that employees pull sickies. Why can't they give you an answer within 24 hours? Just glad I don't work for an employer like this.

It's always been like that for me, going back to the first company that I worked for in the early 80's. It just makes sense, as the management need to ask everyone else for their planned dates before making a decision. You can't go giving the tea boy the best 2 weeks off in August, and then tell a manager that slot is already booked, but he can have his 2 week in Blackpool in December!