View Full Version : Bawal umihi ditto.

14th May 2015, 18:11
I was in waterloo station,was coming out of the toilet when i saw a pinoy coming down the steps,he caught site of the 30 pence sign,faltered and went back up the stairs,i KNEW :wink::icon_lol: Iwatched him go to the coffee shop to the left and through the window isaw him hurry up then return down the stairs,no toilet in there mate :NoNo::icon_lol: he came out and i walked up to him and put 30 pence into his hand,people watching :wink: he was from QC.
Later as came out of holborn a VERY pretty young lady :hubbahubba: gave me a copy of some religious magazine,her dad was from pangasinan and her mum is from manila,she was so pretty i even read the magazine on the way home :heartshape1:

Arthur Little
14th May 2015, 18:50
I was in waterloo station,was coming out of the toilet when i saw a pinoy coming down the steps,he caught site of the 30 pence sign,faltered and went back up the stairs,i KNEW :wink::icon_lol: I watched him go to the coffee shop to the left and through the window isaw him hurry up then return down the stairs,no toilet in there mate :NoNo::icon_lol: he came out and i walked up to him and put 30 pence into his hand,people watching :wink: he was from QC.

:olddude: ... don't blame the guy ... I freely admit to regularly avoiding WCs in Rail and/or Bus Stations for exactly the reason [I] he did.

Nothing to do with hygiene (or the lack of it, :NoNo:) Quite simply, it's because I grudge paying ANYthing at all for such basic facilities after forking out a substantial sum on grossly overpriced rail fares. :cwm23:

30p for one pee :piss2:?

:nono-1-1: ... NO WAY, Hosea!

Matter of principle.

14th May 2015, 19:06
30p for one pee :piss2:?

That's taking the http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/toilet/peeing-in-the-snow.gif

14th May 2015, 19:13
Yep,thats the price nowadays,to be honest its a rip off but when a mans gotta pee a mans gotta pee :bigcry:

Michael Parnham
14th May 2015, 20:10
I never knew you have to pay to use a public toilet:Erm:

Arthur Little
14th May 2015, 20:17
Yep,thats the price nowadays,to be honest its a rip off but when a mans gotta pee a mans gotta pee :bigcry:

'fraid so ... unfortunately. :bigcry:

Waterloo, too ... of ALL :cwm24: places.! Plenty of scope for puns in those circumstances, I'd say :icon_rolleyes: - given the name of the location. :icon_lol:

Anyway ... :anerikke: ... you deserve rep for being a 'good Samaritan' to the "needy" in distress.

Ako Si Jamie
14th May 2015, 21:15
I never knew you have to pay to use a public toilet:Erm:
I remember as a kid in the 80's I had to pay for the toilet at one of the train stations in London, so it's nothing new. Some public conveniences are free but they're usually plagued by queers.

17th May 2015, 11:06
I don't think you're allowed to say that word anymore. :laugher:

17th May 2015, 11:29
I don't think you're allowed to say that word anymore. :laugher:

What about poofs or benders :Erm:

17th May 2015, 12:39
Miss ! :olddude:

17th May 2015, 13:51
Or shirt lifters?

17th May 2015, 13:52
Or bum bandits?

17th May 2015, 14:35
Naughty boys !


17th May 2015, 14:41
To be honest one thing that really gets me wound up here is the way that males believe they can pee just about anywhere they want.
You see it everyday here.

It's a disgusting exhibition of a lower class bottom feeder, and says a lot about attitudes here

17th May 2015, 15:36
Uphill Gardener
Mattress Muncher

17th May 2015, 15:45
Chocolate starfish stabber

Arthur Little
17th May 2015, 15:52
To be honest one thing that really gets me wound up here is the way that males believe they can pee just about anywhere they want.
You see it everyday here.

It's a disgusting exhibition of a lower class bottom feeder, and says a lot about attitudes here

:cwm25: ... last time I was in the Phils, Myrna & I were invited to spend a weekend with a "well~heeled" couple at their posh house close to Bukidnon.

After lunch, the husband suddenly excused himself to "answer a call of nature". Nothing unusual you might think - except he had disappeared out to their back garden for a :piss2: because one of his family was already using the bathroom. Well ... :anerikke: ... "needs must and all that"! Maybe he just felt the plants could do with some watering. :biggrin:

:yeahthat: fella has since risen to become 'Vice President' of a fairly LARGE, multi~national banana~export company at the relatively youthful age of 41! :cwm24:

Michael Parnham
17th May 2015, 16:00
To be honest one thing that really gets me wound up here is the way that males believe they can pee just about anywhere they want.
You see it everyday here.

It's a disgusting exhibition of a lower class bottom feeder, and says a lot about attitudes here

You will notice even more undesirable things in due course! :Erm:

Ako Si Jamie
17th May 2015, 17:07
To be honest one thing that really gets me wound up here is the way that males believe they can pee just about anywhere they want.
You see it everyday here.

It's a disgusting exhibition of a lower class bottom feeder, and says a lot about attitudes here
IMHOSaw it happening on Alona Beach in front of little kiddies too. :NoNo: