View Full Version : This is so wrong!

16th May 2015, 10:06
http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q253/lestaxi1/11009852_724703487649626_3202318983810538298_n.jpg (http://s138.photobucket.com/user/lestaxi1/media/11009852_724703487649626_3202318983810538298_n.jpg.html)

16th May 2015, 10:14
If he was a slightly darker skin tone and had a burka-wearing wife with lots of kids in tow he would get one alright :biggrin:

16th May 2015, 10:17
Yes sadly he would Tiger :thumbsdown:

Ako Si Jamie
16th May 2015, 11:50
Here's the full story


Totally wrong for numerous reasons. Britain of today makes me https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQcDRMxZ2Et7jSn93uq8iD9WAwvmOS_Sd7T2SIzZYilvLNMlp9zGA

Harry T
16th May 2015, 12:40
I have lived in Bournemouth for the past 18 months, I notice the local TORY MP has not commented, however this is NOT only Bournemouth Council Policy it is National Policy, i will genaralise rather than comment on this specific case, Social Housing should first and foremost be available and ONLY available to people born and bred in this country, as for priority this should be for people who have been made homeless through NO fault of there own, or are unable to afford private rented accomodation, Druggies and Alchoholics is through their own lifestyle choice, and should NOT be classed as a priority, on an average day in Bournemouth i cannot walk to the town centre without being asked for change by several of these types of people. Immigrants should be at the bottom end of Social Housing and only offered advice and help with private rented accomodation.
A friend of mine has had occasion to be of need of this same council dept, they will offer B&B but as for getting Social Housing NO, they will point you in the direction of private rented accomodation, and will loan you a deposit which has to be paid back over an agreed period.
In Bournemouth the private rented sector is making £1,000s out of families, as an instance a 1 bedroom 1st floor flat has a rental value of £750 per month, The biggest private Landlord is a company by the name of Dave Wells http://www.dwphousing.co.uk/ this gentleman should be able to find accomodation with them if he enquires, and i dont think the deposit is likely to break the bank.

Ako Si Jamie
16th May 2015, 13:53
Social Housing should first and foremost be available and ONLY available to people born and bred in this country, as for priority this should be for people who have been made homeless through NO fault of there own, or are unable to afford private rented accomodation, Druggies and Alchoholics is through their own lifestyle choice, and should NOT be classed as a priority, .

Agree with every point :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th May 2015, 14:57
It has long been the case that the illegal, the irresponsible, and the criminal get first dibs at tax-payer subsidised social housing and benefits. :mad:

Maybe Mr. Osborne will give these losers the cardboard box homes they have actually earned, as part of his welfare cuts in the July budget. Somehow I doubt it.

Michael Parnham
17th May 2015, 07:13
When we returned from Philippines we moved into a nice rented property that I had pre arranged with a local house rental agent and after moving in I called local council to arrange payment of council tax, during that call they said they would send me application forms for housing benefit which I had never heard about, anyway filled forms in and the local authority paid our rent and reduced our council tax to £7 a month right up until Maritess started work, it was a nice surprise because I wouldn't have applied for anything, would have struggled along instead not knowing anything about benefits. What I'm trying to say is, why can't this man just rent privately, or are there other reasons he can't do that? :Erm:

17th May 2015, 09:41
So much for the Armed Forces Covenant :mad:

17th May 2015, 13:56
When we returned from Philippines we moved into a nice rented property that I had pre arranged with a local house rental agent and after moving in I called local council to arrange payment of council tax, during that call they said they would send me application forms for housing benefit which I had never heard about, anyway filled forms in and the local authority paid our rent and reduced our council tax to £7 a month right up until Maritess started work, it was a nice surprise because I wouldn't have applied for anything, would have struggled along instead not knowing anything about benefits. What I'm trying to say is, why can't this man just rent privately, or are there other reasons he can't do that? :Erm:

Michael, as a landlord previously I can say that the government is slowly screwing down the amount of money they allow for rented property. Being in Bournemouth I suspect private rentals will be way out of his reach if unemployed, even if he managed to get a place he won,t be able to run it on the dole. My brother is living on 10 pounds a day after his rent has been paid he has to buy food and pay his bills out of that, still to this day I don,t know how does it.

17th May 2015, 14:43
We had to rent privately after we sold up for a year.. The agent said I needed to cough up 200 Quid so they could do a financial search on us.. I said no need as I`ll give you 6 months up front.. No..Still need to pay 200 Quid.. So I say NO @#^%% need as I will pay 1 year up front for a ONE year contract IN CASH..
"Sorry Sir..You still need to pay the 200 Quid.....":cwm23:
Blood suckers in Rip off Britain!!

Ako Si Jamie
17th May 2015, 17:01
When we returned from Philippines we moved into a nice rented property that I had pre arranged with a local house rental agent and after moving in I called local council to arrange payment of council tax, during that call they said they would send me application forms for housing benefit which I had never heard about, anyway filled forms in and the local authority paid our rent and reduced our council tax to £7 a month right up until Maritess started work, it was a nice surprise because I wouldn't have applied for anything, would have struggled along instead not knowing anything about benefits. What I'm trying to say is, why can't this man just rent privately, or are there other reasons he can't do that? :Erm:Some people have to make up their rent from their dole money plus a council flat is cheaper than private accommodation for the same sized property.

Anyway, he shouldn't be discriminated against just because he's neither a druggy or a pisshead. It also sends out the wrong message.

17th May 2015, 17:44
Keith has always said to me that the government is screwing the disabled and war veterans. :thumbsdown:

17th May 2015, 18:01
Yep Labour did it too :doh

17th May 2015, 19:08
Yep Labour did it too :doh

The Labour Govt was responsible for the deaths and injuries of untold servicemen by sending them to Iraq & Afghanistan poorly equipped - Lynx helicopters, Snatch Landrovers, withdrawing body armour etc


18th May 2015, 15:15
Well we have Help for Heroes what about Homes for Heroes. Anyone who serves the country should be entitled to a home in this country :cwm23:

Harry T
18th May 2015, 16:07
We had to rent privately after we sold up for a year.. The agent said I needed to cough up 200 Quid so they could do a financial search on us.. I said no need as I`ll give you 6 months up front.. No..Still need to pay 200 Quid.. So I say NO @#^%% need as I will pay 1 year up front for a ONE year contract IN CASH..
"Sorry Sir..You still need to pay the 200 Quid.....":cwm23:
Blood suckers in Rip off Britain!!

Yes and its the Estate Agents just as much as the Landlords who are doing the Rip Off, when my Ex went to a property agent they asked for £300 registration etc, when she found a suitable house she could not find a guarantor, and at the time i wasnt in a position to do that for her, guess what NO refund of the registration fee, yes it is one great big rip off what with registration fees, deposits and totally, totally exhorbitant rents. Whoever is in Government should NOT only be putting a cap on Housing Benefit, they should be putting the selfsame Cap on Rents charged.

18th May 2015, 18:23
These property agents are mostly nothing but another bunch of parasites.
Similar bloodsuckers to recruitment agencies.

Easy money. Zero qualifications needed.

Ako Si Jamie
3rd June 2015, 14:12
These property agents are mostly nothing but another bunch of parasites.
Similar bloodsuckers to recruitment agencies.

Easy money. Zero qualifications needed.Politicians too.

3rd June 2015, 14:54
Apols to all property agents on here...and politicians. :cwm25: