View Full Version : Republic of Ireland Votes Overwhelmingly In Favour Of Gay Marriage!

Arthur Little
24th May 2015, 00:32

:reaction: I reckon - as a Moderator - one ought to maintain at least some degree of neutrality.

Suffice to say, I've got my own thoughts :icon_rolleyes: ... so my only comment at this stage is best to be ... :anerikke: ... "there, but for the Grace of God, go I!"

24th May 2015, 01:04
The public spoke & good for them! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th May 2015, 01:09
Mutants are trying to take over the world. :NoNo:

Ako Si Jamie
24th May 2015, 01:09
They shouldn't be allowed to raise kids though.

24th May 2015, 01:11
Mutants are trying to take over the world. :NoNo:

My uncle is gay and he is not a mutant! He's a responsible and loving human being! :cwm23:

24th May 2015, 01:19
They shouldn't be allowed to raise kids though.

Why not? There are gay parents who do well more than irresposible heterosexual parents. Don't be a prejudice.

Ako Si Jamie
24th May 2015, 01:22
Why not? There are gay parents who do well more than irresposible heterosexual parents. Don't be a prejudice.I'm not saying they wouldn't be but you need to see it from the kid's point of view. People seem to overlook that.

24th May 2015, 01:33
Kids can understand things if it is explained in a proper manner. It's up to the parents to explain the situation. If you encouraged kids to ask questions and open up their mind, nothing is impossible. The one that will probably affect them are views of closed minded people but that's why there are parents to explain everything to them. Yeah, it's not the kid's choice to be in that situation but it's all the same whether they are born in a heterosexual set of parents.

24th May 2015, 01:34
My uncle is gay and he is not a mutant! He's a responsible and loving human being! :cwm23:

Did I suggest he wasn't ?

Have you looked up mutant in the dictionary ? :anerikke:

24th May 2015, 01:45
Did I suggest he wasn't ?

Have you looked up mutant in the dictionary ? :anerikke:

I know what mutant means. But with the way you use it, it's very negative. What's wrong with being gay? There are some gay members here if you forgot.

24th May 2015, 02:03
I bet the Catholic Church are over the moon with this outcome :wink:

24th May 2015, 02:08
I bet the Catholic Church are over the moon with this outcome :wink:

They said they are failing. Good! :xxgrinning--00xx3: I'm a Catholic but I don't approve on a lot of things they are promoting.

24th May 2015, 08:43
Nothing against it my niece is gay, but it still would be odd to hear "do you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband, and do you sir take this man to be YOUR lawful wedded husband".

Now you may kiss the bride :yikes:

Then to see two men kiss in public I would be a bit uncomfortable with - especially in front of children. I ain't gonna want to know anything about the honeymoon. :yikes:

In time tho I guess it will become normal and although it's not my cup of tea who am I to say no you cant do it.

I think a civil partnership would have been sufficient.
take it to extremes what next, can a man marry a horse? :icon_lol:

24th May 2015, 10:19
It never used to be acceptable for kids to be brought up out of wedlock, the mother was often sent away from home in disgrace. In fact that still happens to this day. Times change. The young have spoken. Welcome to the future. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

What people wish to do with their own lives is up to them, no one else. It is a basic human right to life. What it says in some story book is meaningless.

24th May 2015, 10:40
What people wish to do with their own lives is up to them, no one else. It is a basic human right to life. What it says in some story book is meaningless

I will agree with you on that :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
24th May 2015, 17:19
take it to extremes what next, can a man marry a horse? :icon_lol:Dunno, but this loon in Argentina married a tree - twice! :yikes:


24th May 2015, 18:09
take it to extremes what next, can a man marry a horse? :icon_lol:

Already has..:icon_lol: I haven't watch the video. I just searched in Youtube (which also showed me results of men who are married to a dog, a car, a pillow and a doll). :omg: Not sure if that's the same guy in the clip of Jerry Springer Show I've seen in the past.


Arthur Little
24th May 2015, 19:48
Suffice to say, I've got my own thoughts :icon_rolleyes: ... so my only comment at this stage is best to be ... :anerikke: ... "there, but for the Grace of God, go I!"

I would, however, just like to express the view, that IMHO ... there was no real necessity for ANY society to take things as far as they've gone :nono-1-1: as - once again, in my opinion - in so~doing they're (more or less) effectively making a mockery of the sanctity of conventional, heterosexual marriage.

24th May 2015, 20:32
I would, however, just like to express the view, that IMHO ... there was no real necessity for ANY society to take things as far as they've gone :nono-1-1: as - once again, in my opinion - in so~doing they're (more or less) effectively making a mockery of the sanctity of conventional, heterosexual marriage.

I believe this so-called sanctity of conventional marriage has already been broken in the past if you believe in or support divorce, which is the view of the church as well.

24th May 2015, 20:45
They shouldn't be allowed to raise kids though.
A child should be raised by 2 loving parents,i think its confusing for a child to see their friends with 2 parents one of either sex when they themselves have 2 same sex parents daddy and daddy or mummy and mummy :Erm:

24th May 2015, 21:38
In the past, before mixed race marriages (particularly white/black couples), being single parents, and divorce were normal and accepted, there were also a lot of concern about the well-being of the kids because being in those situations which weren't normal back then would make it extremely hard/difficult for them. Now, those things are the norm and are accepted and being brought up in same sex parents are what causing such concerns. Sure, there are still few people who oppose the three situations I mentioned today, but they are only a minority. In the future, the same sex marriages and being in a family like that will be accepted and become the norm, and people who oppose them will also become a minority.

Ako Si Jamie
24th May 2015, 22:41
A child should be raised by 2 loving parents,i think its confusing for a child to see their friends with 2 parents one of either sex when they themselves have 2 same sex parents daddy and daddy or mummy and mummy :Erm:More than confusing especially if it's a boy who has two fella's as parents. Imagine the ridicule he would receive growing up.

24th May 2015, 23:33
More than confusing especially if it's a boy who has two fella's as parents. Imagine the ridicule he would receive growing up.

Ridicule from closed minded people.

Ako Si Jamie
24th May 2015, 23:34
Ridicule from closed minded people.I'm not talking about adults, Rayna.

Kids can be very cruel.

24th May 2015, 23:43
Kids usually reflect what their parents taught them. If parents of these kids tell them to accept equality, then kids will learn from it. Not all would be like that of course, but the more these kids are taught of equality, the more they would accept other kids' situation.


Arthur Little
24th May 2015, 23:44
Ridicule from closed minded people.

Yeah ... but - it's in the earlier stages of childhood that I'd imagine :icon_rolleyes: this would be likely to be at its most problematic - young kids can be really cruel toward others in their peer group whom they perceive as being "different" in any way! :sorry-2:, but it's true.

Having said that ... I notice BOTH my daughter and daughter-in-law have applauded the Irish vote on Facebook. :smile:

25th May 2015, 00:32
Yeah ... but - it's in the earlier stages of childhood that I'd imagine :icon_rolleyes: this would be likely to be at its most problematic - young kids can be really cruel toward others in their peer group whom they perceive as being "different" in any way!

So you would just let your kid be cruel or bully another kid because he/she is different? That's where parents and any supervising adults should come into the equation. If parents tell or corrected such instances or explain to them of such things then kids will understand things eventually (that's if these adults have no problems with same sex couples). Wouldn't you correct young kids of any bad behavior in the first place? Teens are quite more complicated because they have their own mind. Kids, they reflect what things are being taught and told by the adults. If their parents and adults surrounding them tell them being gay or in a same sex relationship is awful/bad/disgusting, that's how they will perceive it. That will be what kids of same sex couples would most likely experience.

I don't have kids but I've got young nephews. When the eldest started learning how to curse at the age of 2 (he heard it from adult neighbours), we corrected it. I haven't heard him curse again since that week (he's 10 in Sept). With the youngest one, up to now he still drinks milk from the bottle and he'll be 6 in August. No one was telling him to stop coz my sister & brother-in-law are too busy to stop him & it's one of their way out off his tantrums sometimes. That's two different instances where adults were in control and not in situations with kids.

Like I said above, this situation will be more acceptable in the future. You can already see that although slowly, gay marriage is being accepted by society. It's mostly the old generation and religious ones who have problems with it The video I posted above shows that even young kids can accept it.

Arthur Little
25th May 2015, 00:52
Having said that ... I notice BOTH my daughter and daughter-in-law have applauded the Irish vote on Facebook. :smile:

Well ... as you can see from my second paragraph :yeahthat: in #26 ... my daughter (now in her mid 40s) and my daughter in law (34) are BOTH very pleased at the result. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th May 2015, 08:18
My last girlfriend used to get teased that her adopted dad had grey hair and was old (about 60 years old )
She dreaded him picking her up from school. Kids can be horrible to each other and there is no doubt the child with 2 dad's will suffer at some point. Also the long term affects of not having a mother around to talk about things like the facts of life,period pains can't be just brushed aside. I'm not against gay marriage but if they adopt a child there will be many problems ahead.

25th May 2015, 08:42
More than confusing especially if it's a boy who has two fella's as parents. Imagine the ridicule he would receive growing up.

You are forgetting that in a generation or two, it will be the norm, so kids will not think twice about it. Remember, for thousands of years it has been acceptable to have one dad, and many mums. That is how millions of families are to this day.

Ancient Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Egyptians, all had same sex marriages before Christianity.

Also, it is not that long ago since interracial marriage were illegal in a lot of countries, US for one, only banned it in 1967. :omg:

25th May 2015, 09:29
My last girlfriend used to get teased that her adopted dad had grey hair and was old (about 60 years old )
She dreaded him picking her up from school. Kids can be horrible to each other and there is no doubt the child with 2 dad's will suffer at some point. Also the long term affects of not having a mother around to talk about things like the facts of life,period pains can't be just brushed aside. I'm not against gay marriage but if they adopt a child there will be many problems ahead.

Mums aren't the only ones who can talk about facts of life. Don't dads here in the forum talk to their kids about it? My dad, even our grandads, have talked to us a lot about it since we're young!

Monthly period, pains and such, I've learned it from school even before I had it (very rarely I had pains though). And there are plenty of people you can talk about it, like aunts, grandmas, doctors, nurses if you really want to talk to a female about it.

25th May 2015, 09:45
That's another change in society over the last two decades, most father's now have grey hair, and woman are having babies 10 years later, making mummy more wrinkly and chubby :biggrin:

25th May 2015, 12:50
That's another change in society over the last two decades, most father's now have grey hair, and woman are having babies 10 years later, making mummy more wrinkly and chubby :biggrin:

Ya cheeky git, I went grey aged 22 :icon_lol:

As for gay marriage, well I couldn't care less, I'm prob all for it really, as who cares if a couple of blokes want to play housey housey. They didn't chose to be gay.

Ako Si Jamie
25th May 2015, 13:03
Ya cheeky git, I went grey aged 22 :icon_lol:

That's early. I'm twice that age and I've only got a few grey strands. Would rather go grey than go bald though as you can dye it. Got to feel for some of the youngsters that lose their hair as a teen.

Envious of Filipino's. They seem to keep a full head of hair. I wonder what the secret is? Eating balut? :icon_lol:

25th May 2015, 13:27
That's early. I'm twice that age and I've only got a few grey strands. Would rather go grey than go bald though as you can dye it. Got to feel for some of the youngsters that lose their hair as a teen.

Envious of Filipino's. They seem to keep a full head of hair. I wonder what the secret is? Eating balut? :icon_lol:

You are probably just looking at some people. :icon_lol: A lot of Filipinos have bald head! I keep on telling Keith that he's lucky his family seem to not have a "balding" gene. His dad still has full head of hair at the age of 77. My dad only has a few hair at the age of 59. He has tried a lot of so-called hair growing cream/shampoos/etc. and it didn't have any effect. He's been losing hair at the age of mid-30s! :biggrin:

Arthur Little
25th May 2015, 14:09
My dad only has a few hair at the age of 59. He has tried a lot of so-called hair growing cream/shampoos/etc. and it didn't have any effect. He's been losing hair at the age of mid-30s! :biggrin:

:yeahthat:s when I started thinning at the crown (like a monk) ... and the rest of it began turning grey in my forties, yet my brother, Douglas - a mere 21/2 years younger than me - still has a full head of fairish brown hair; my dad wasn't bald (though his brothers had lost most of theirs.) Whilst on my mother's side ... she, herself never ever seemed to turn [noticeably] grey in her lifetime ... and her father had ALL his hair (predominantly black) right up until his death at the ripe old age of ninety~seven in 1979.

25th May 2015, 20:32
After the recent Irish vote Paddy has gone out this morning to buy a ring for his fiancee. Apparently he will be cock o hoop when he slips it on.

25th May 2015, 20:32
I have a full head of hair as I let one of the cows outside lick my head everyday, and in return I can suck on her teet :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th May 2015, 21:26
Great news! Well done Ireland! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Just goes to show what the future generations think and how out of touch the Catholic Church is.

Arthur Little
25th May 2015, 22:34
Would rather go grey than go bald though as you can *dye it.

Similarly ... this premise can apply to those whose preference is to be overweight - rather than skinny - there remains the option to *diet! :wink:

26th May 2015, 12:57
whatever side of the fence your on its just not normal and as far as i,m concerned never should be accepted as such. I have no problem with 2 people doing what they do behind closed doors but to openly promote it as being normal is where I will have a problem.

26th May 2015, 13:01
As being gay occurs in the natural world with other creatures, and has done so for millions of years, it is more natural than Christian marriage, which has only been around 2,000 years.


26th May 2015, 13:24
That's early. I'm twice that age and I've only got a few grey strands. Would rather go grey than go bald though as you can dye it. Got to feel for some of the youngsters that lose their hair as a teen.

Envious of Filipino's. They seem to keep a full head of hair. I wonder what the secret is? Eating balut? :icon_lol:

nothing wrong with bald, i started going bald at 20 yrs old by 28 yrs old i decided i wasnt going to flap any hair over my head to cover it up, i shaved the lot off , apart from not having no early warning whiskers when about to bump your head, i much prefer no hair

26th May 2015, 13:31
Never stopped me dating some very attractive ladies. Plus my shampoo lasts ages, lol

26th May 2015, 14:28
Never stopped me dating some very attractive ladies. Plus my shampoo lasts ages, lol

That's because you're tight not bald :icon_lol:

26th May 2015, 14:38
No, I'm too generous, maybe that's why I do alright. They always invoice me afterwards ��

27th May 2015, 13:23
Bravo to the Irish for bringing their country into the 21st Century. The winds of change may blow too strong for some but we all need to recognise the rights of every individual regardless of race gender or sexual orientation. What is becoming clear is that by describing this as a defeat for humanity the Vatican is proving that the Catholic church is becoming an irrelevance in the more affluent west. The majority now clearly ignore their teachings on pre marital sex contraception abortion and same sex marriage.

28th May 2015, 04:38
Bravo to the Irish for bringing their country into the 21st Century. The winds of change may blow too strong for some but we all need to recognise the rights of every individual regardless of race gender or sexual orientation. What is becoming clear is that by describing this as a defeat for humanity the Vatican is proving that the Catholic church is becoming an irrelevance in the more affluent west. The majority now clearly ignore their teachings on pre marital sex contraception abortion and same sex marriage.

Except in the Philippines may I add

28th May 2015, 08:56
Except in the Philippines may I add

Not quite, things are also changing there, just a lot slower than everywhere else. It will take a generation or two, but religion is weakening in the Phil as well. In the US, it is taking a steep dive. As the older generation in the government die off, and the young come in, times change.

Ako Si Jamie
28th May 2015, 21:57
You are probably just looking at some people. :icon_lol: A lot of Filipinos have bald head! I keep on telling Keith that he's lucky his family seem to not have a "balding" gene. His dad still has full head of hair at the age of 77. My dad only has a few hair at the age of 59. He has tried a lot of so-called hair growing cream/shampoos/etc. and it didn't have any effect. He's been losing hair at the age of mid-30s! :biggrin:Aren't they shaved? Seriously, I haven't seen many bald or with receding hair.

Ako Si Jamie
28th May 2015, 21:59
nothing wrong with bald, i started going bald at 20 yrs old by 28 yrs old i decided i wasnt going to flap any hair over my head to cover it up, i shaved the lot off , apart from not having no early warning whiskers when about to bump your head, i much prefer no hairDepends if you're the one going bald? :wink: A lot of men are very conscious of losing their hair.

11th June 2015, 21:51
I remember watching an Anglican Bishop talking about homosexuality some years ago on the Kilroy show, and I agree 100% with what the guy had to say. Kilroy as usual kept interrupting, but he got his point across. He said that it's a form of disability, not evil, not disgusting but not normal behaviour. Civil partnerships give gay people equal property rights and a sense of occasion and in my view should be blessed in church. However, I don't agree with calling it "marriage" and treating it as such because it devalues the word and the institution. It may not be the most popular view, but I don't think that I'm alone in holding it.

12th June 2015, 08:09
As explained earlier, gay marriage existed thousands of years before Christianity decided to ban it. It is the Christians who distorted the original meaning of 'marriage'.

13th June 2015, 08:47
Well I guess Patrickfitzgerald and Geraldfitzpatrick, are a happy couple now !!!

Ako Si Jamie
13th June 2015, 11:44
Christian couple are threatening to divorce if gay marriage is allowed in Australia.


13th June 2015, 12:58
As explained earlier, gay marriage existed thousands of years before Christianity decided to ban it. It is the Christians who distorted the original meaning of 'marriage'.

Really??? Do you have a link from the Old Testament? :cwm3:

13th June 2015, 13:01
Christian couple are threatening to divorce if gay marriage is allowed in Australia.


Who cares? :crazy: It's as if divorce is a sin to the world. These people do live in the past. :icon_lol:

13th June 2015, 13:06
Really??? Do you have a link from the Old Testament? :cwm3:

Links to story books have no value :wink:

13th June 2015, 13:35
Why do shirt lifters need to get married anyway??
Why cant they just do what the Pagans did and have a civil hand fasting ceremony for example?
Surely the Church will not be forced by Government to marry same sex couples..Would they?
What would happen if they refused I wonder?

Ako Si Jamie
13th June 2015, 15:30
Who cares? :crazy:

Nobody, probably. If they do get divorced and carry on living together aren't they committing a sin in the eyes of God? :doh

Arthur Little
13th June 2015, 15:33
Why do shirt lifters need to get married anyway??

:olddude: ... without wishing to appear prejudiced in any way, I concur with your view, Fred ... and abide by my concluding statement in #18 whereby, IMO, authorising such a practice serves to distort the true purpose and intended sanctity of conventional marriage.

Having said that, Amaw's reasoning [#52] constitutes a :gp: about the degree of security offered by a civil partnership ... with which :iagree: in principle!

13th June 2015, 15:59
Nobody, probably. If they do get divorced and carry on living together aren't they committing a sin in the eyes of God? :doh

Quite rightly so. And let them experience why people want to get legally married. Let them experience all the legal rights taken away from them once they get divorced! :icon_lol: But obviously, this couple have no idea or didn't do enough research about divorce. According to Australia's Family Act, they need to be separated for 12 months before divorce can be granted. :ReadIt:

13th June 2015, 16:14
:olddude: ... without wishing to appear prejudiced in any way, I concur with your view, Fred ... and abide by my concluding statement in #18 whereby, IMO, authorising such a practice serves to distort the true purpose and intended sanctity of conventional marriage.

Couldn't agree more Art!

13th June 2015, 17:22
It was only in 342AD that the Christian church banned same sex marriage, before that it was perfectly normal, and no one took any notice. Same sex unions are noted during the Ming Dynasty, the Almanac of Incantations from Ancient Egypt, Native Americas, and pretty much every culture.

Remember, astronomy and women priests where banned by Christians at one point, yet we do not wish Brian Cox or female members of the clergy to burn in hell!

As it was only banned based on an untrue story, then it was obviously the wrong decision, as for thousands of years it was normal in pretty much every culture on the planet..... and still is to this day.

13th June 2015, 17:48
Interesting Keith, are you saying marriage was normal or that same sex relationships were allowed ?

If marriage how was that defined please ?

13th June 2015, 18:44
:Erm: My post says 'same sex marriage'. They wouldn't ban it if it wasn't already happening.

As for the definition of marriage, that depends on the culture and religion, plus the time of that definition. It is not a one fits all. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/sex-dawn/200812/traditional-marriage-which-tradition

Marriage, Christmas, Easter, and many other thing are all taken from other cultures and religions. Christianity just hijacked them.

Arthur Little
13th June 2015, 19:33
Whilst it cannot be denied that homosexual activity has been around in all its forms, in every culture and among all levels of creation, ever since the world began ... historically, Western society in particular has, throughout the intervening millennia, frowned upon such acts being engaged in by humanity as -at best, unnatural and at worst, downright degrading - much more in keeping with the very sort of behaviour one might attribute to the animal kingdom, rather than to do with any perceived religious doctrine or objection(s).

Lest it be forgotten, its practice in the UK was illegal [think Oscar Wilde!] - punishable by imprisonment - up until it was decriminalised, first in England & Wales in 1967 ... with the proviso that any sexual intimacy between two men :Sex: (each of whom had to have attained the age of 21) took place in PRIVATE ... followed by Scotland in 1980
then, finally, Northern Ireland a couple of years later. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
13th June 2015, 19:59
Next on the agenda. Fun for all the family - the legalisation of incest. :doh


Arthur Little
14th June 2015, 00:03
Next on the agenda. Fun for all the family - the *legalisation of incest. :doh


:cwm24: ... now *that really would be scraping the bottom of the barrel, Jamie ... :omg:!

14th June 2015, 00:35
:cwm24: ... now *that really would be scraping the bottom of the barrel, Jamie ... :omg:!

Nothing would surprise me these days Arthur..If the PC brigade decide to push the agenda,its only a matter of time!

Arthur Little
14th June 2015, 01:22
Nothing would surprise me these days Arthur..If the PC brigade decide to push the agenda, its only a matter of time!

Aye, you're right :icon_rolleyes: ... it's a fact.

Oh, dearie me ... how British moral standards have slipped! :doh

Ako Si Jamie
30th June 2015, 22:14
The Philippines won't allow gay marriages. No surprise there.


1st July 2015, 00:09
The Philippines won't allow gay marriages. No surprise there.

