View Full Version : Tony Blair resigns as Middle East peace envoy

27th May 2015, 16:00
No doubt with a huge pay off. This repulsive man did absolutely nothing to bring peace to the Middle East just spent the last 7 years happily lining his pockets


27th May 2015, 17:04

Will anybody notice ? :NoNo:

What a tart.

Arthur Little
27th May 2015, 17:46
Will anybody notice ? :NoNo:

Mmm ... :anerikke: ... evidently three of us have so far, :icon_rolleyes: ... though I don't imagine he's likely to be missed! :NoNo:

27th May 2015, 20:17
After taking the Uk into an illegal war it was just a joke giving him this

Ako Si Jamie
27th May 2015, 20:36
For one moment I though Dedworth was going to do a Tony Blair appreciation thread. :biggrin:

27th May 2015, 20:42
They are all the same, each one lines there own pockets first

27th May 2015, 21:19
Never mind Tony Blair and Labour. Lets concentrate on what this :action-smiley-081: in power is doing or what he is not doing? :doh

28th May 2015, 01:45
Never mind Tony Blair and Labour. Lets concentrate on what this :action-smiley-081: in power is doing or what he is not doing? :doh

It was not long ago Andy you were spouting this before the electorate gave the Conservatives a mandate to govern :laugher: :-

Milliband is increasing the border force by 1,000. Maybe the Tories could have done that under their 5 years in power. Not forgetting under their 5 years in power which has seen the most immigration...

And they wonder why I could never vote Tory? Not just for me personally but for those struggling on this site.

Keep the red flag flying.:icon_lol:. I your areas it might be tory. But down our way it will deffinatley be labour.:wink:

:xxgrinning--00xx3:. Thats another reason I would never vote tory. Thatcher started it now cameron is copying.

Who said they have put 13bn into the NHS?. And exactly where have they put it? If they did they must have got it from the extortionate borrwing they have massed up. The most ever borrowed by a...

Looks like your getting worried Ded.:wink:

Don't buy George Osborne's clapped out patter - he's the Arthur Daley of politics

Enjoy the next 5 years :wink:

28th May 2015, 05:56
Bliar knows exactly what he was and is responsible for.. He probably thought in his own twisted mind that he could put everything right with his ridiculous position of peace envoy!
What a crazy world it is in which we live!!

28th May 2015, 09:41
I wonder if he's going to put himself up as FIFA President :smile:

28th May 2015, 16:31
Let's frog march him to the Hague and put him on trail for war crimes and committing mas genocide
Weapons of mass destruction = cant seem to find them :wink: