View Full Version : Sepp blatter resigns

2nd June 2015, 17:51

Bye ya plonker!

2nd June 2015, 17:55
The Feds will soon have him in their hands :laugher:

2nd June 2015, 18:01
Made my day - great news - now lets investigate the winning bid of Quatar, that great footballing nation :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Harry T
2nd June 2015, 18:18
And about time to, his position had become untenable, with all the various scandals coming to light. Now hopefully we can see someone who knows what the game of football needs, get elected.

2nd June 2015, 18:26
And about time to, his position had become untenable, with all the various scandals coming to light. Now hopefully we can see someone who knows what the game of football needs, get elected.

As Blatter struggles into his brown trousers I'm preparing my application :biggrin:

Arthur Little
2nd June 2015, 19:43

Bye ya plonker!

Oh well ... :anerikke: ... for those of you who have not yet seen my poetic observations following his re-election last Friday, now's your chance to:

www.filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/57164-FIFA.Scandal-AGAIN!!/ (#39)

Ako Si Jamie
2nd June 2015, 20:40
Good riddance. Btw what's happen to his bitch, Platini?

Arthur Little
2nd June 2015, 21:06
Good riddance. Btw what's happen to his bitch, Platini?

He is now Flat :icon_rolleyes: ... i'n('t) *i? (*he) :laugher:

Och ... :anerikke: ... you know what I mean!

3rd June 2015, 02:28
Nice to see the back of that repulsive creature :smile:
Now they better make sure that none of Blatters cronies gets the job

3rd June 2015, 09:03
What made me laugh was his daughter defending his character! As if she was a neutral in this.