View Full Version : MPs Get A 10% Pay Rise

3rd June 2015, 02:45
In these times of austerity I thought we were meant to be looking to save money and not lining these career politicians pockets with even more money to go with their huge expense accounts. Network Rail's workers had to have 2 strike ballots just to get a measly 2% pay rise. Public sector workers received a 1% pay rise from April 2015

So they rub everyone's noses in by getting 10% and the justification for their 10% is our expanding economy :cwm23:

Harry T
3rd June 2015, 06:08
Disgusting, how they can justify this in these hard times is beyond me. Once again it shows they really don't live in the real world, they have NO connection with the man in the street, who generally are struggling with sky high utility bills, and being forced into jobs with below average pay, and unsocial hours, and longer hours. I cannot see any change in this over the years ahead, the gap between the haves and have nots continues to grow, all the time being led by those who should be setting an example for the rest of us to follow. Well yes they are setting an example, and it's I'm alright jack bugger the rest of you.

3rd June 2015, 06:55
Have to look this up but did they not forgo various pay-rises over last few years? :Erm:

Michael Parnham
3rd June 2015, 07:34
In these times of austerity i thought we were meant to be looking to save money and not lining these career politicians pockets with even more money to go with their huge expense accounts. Network Rails workers had to have 2 strike ballots just to get a measly 2% pay rise. Public sector workers received a 1% pay rise from April 2015
So they rub everyones noses in by getting 10% and the justification for their 10% is our expanding economy :cwm23:

NHS workers did receive 5.5% increase last month! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd June 2015, 09:20
Have to look this up but did they not forgo various pay-rises over last few years? :Erm:

In comparison to other countries, local councils, and big business CEO's, they are grossly underpaid.

3rd June 2015, 10:32
I've no problem with what they get paid. As much as we slag em off it's still an important job.

Ako Si Jamie
3rd June 2015, 14:03
Their pay increase equates roughly to what an individual on minimum wage receives in six months. :mad:

3rd June 2015, 14:46
The pay is independently decided. Also, they have recently had the way the MP's pension is paid, so they are paying a few thousand more a year into the pot. In real terms this equals about a 7% drop in wages.

3rd June 2015, 18:08
As usual the headline does not tell the whole story - fact is, they will not be receiving any extra money from the taxpayer!

4th June 2015, 02:05
Have to look this up but did they not forgo various pay-rises over last few years? :Erm:

Yes but so did everyone else :doh

4th June 2015, 02:06
In comparison to other countries, local councils, and big business CEO's, they are grossly underpaid.

Maybe there are but a 10% pay rise now when you are telling everyone else to take 1% is a joke

4th June 2015, 02:13
I've no problem with what they get paid. As much as we slag em off it's still an important job.

Put them on the UK'S normal average annual salary and then see if these career politicians are so happy
They keep on telling us that they only came into politics to make a change so getting paid less wont worry them :wink:

4th June 2015, 02:16
Their pay increase equates roughly to what an individual on minimum wage receives in six months. :mad:

Its disgusting when everyone else is getting 1% or 2% pay rises :thumbsdown:

4th June 2015, 02:23
The pay is independently decided. Also, they have recently had the way the MP's pension is paid, so they are paying a few thousand more a year into the pot. In real terms this equals about a 7% drop in wages.

Yea tell us about their gold plated pensions and their unlimited travel expenses and not to forgetting their accommodation paid for by the mug tax payers and also the family members employed at their office in the commons

Don't just look at their headline salary their perks go on forever

4th June 2015, 02:25
As usual the headline does not tell the whole story - fact is, they will not be receiving any extra money from the taxpayer!

£7000 is £7000 where it actually comes from is immaterial

4th June 2015, 04:04
NHS workers did receive 5.5% increase last month! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

and well deserved :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th June 2015, 04:09
10% is a whole lot of money for big income earners like politicians,

whereas 10% is small but welcoming to low income earners, not that they would ever be given 10%

they are just greedy :action-smiley-075: holes

4th June 2015, 06:17
Wow - rant, rant, rant without even bothering to listen to what's been said about the rise on here - some people are just so jealous :doh

Michael Parnham
4th June 2015, 06:49
and well deserved :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thank you Stewart :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
4th June 2015, 06:53
All those complaining want to try and do an MP's job, I'm sure they would have second thoughts then, as far as I'm concerned they deserve their 10% pay rise! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
4th June 2015, 06:59
Wow - rant, rant, rant without even bothering to listen to what's been said about the rise on here -
some people are just so jealous :doh

I'll agree with that Les, during my working life there was a couple of times I took a pay reduction to help the companies survive and I was happy with that because I'd rather have a job with less money than no job at all. I've never had any sympathy for those that go on strike for more money. If it was my business I would shut down first if the company couldn't survive! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th June 2015, 07:54
Compare their wage for running the country to what the likes of Ant and Dec get or Jonathan Ross etc etc. In real terms they have had a pay cut. Do you not think for running the country they should probably be on a higher wage?

Yes, most of them come from wealthy backgrounds and have had a better education than the rest of us but so what.

Shall we get a load of chavs in and idle idiots and pay em £15000 a year?

4th June 2015, 19:01
Compare their wage for running the country to what the likes of Ant and Dec get or Jonathan Ross etc etc. In real terms they have had a pay cut. Do you not think for running the country they should probably be on a higher wage?

Yes, most of them come from wealthy backgrounds and have had a better education than the rest of us but so what.

Shall we get a load of chavs in and idle idiots and pay em £15000 a year?

Gormless Grinning Geordies


5th June 2015, 00:02
I'll agree with that Les, during my working life there was a couple of times I took a pay reduction to help the companies survive and I was happy with that because I'd rather have a job with less money than no job at all. I've never had any sympathy for those that go on strike for more money. If it was my business I would shut down first if the company couldn't survive! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

These days workers have to have a strike ballot just to get a pay rise, relying on the good will of employers to give their workers a pay rise is just never going to happen. If the company is making a decent profit then dont you think it should be shared around?

5th June 2015, 00:05
Wow - rant, rant, rant without even bothering to listen to what's been said about the rise on here - some people are just so jealous :doh

Well Les it seems that Cameron now agrees with me on the latest MPs pay rise :wink:

5th June 2015, 00:07
Compare their wage for running the country to what the likes of Ant and Dec get or Jonathan Ross etc etc. In real terms they have had a pay cut. Do you not think for running the country they should probably be on a higher wage?

Yes, most of them come from wealthy backgrounds and have had a better education than the rest of us but so what.

Shall we get a load of chavs in and idle idiots and pay em £15000 a year?

Its not the total amount Les its more about the timing of such a pay rise

Michael Parnham
5th June 2015, 06:27
These days workers have to have a strike ballot just to get a pay rise, relying on the good will of employers to give their workers a pay rise is just never going to happen. If the company is making a decent profit then dont you think it should be shared around?

When companies have gone through bad times and broke even or made losses over a number of years, it take twice those years to get back into profit, then you can sit round the table and organise a reasonable annual pay increases:xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th June 2015, 06:56
Its not the total amount Les its more about the timing of such a pay rise

Yes but that was nothing to do with MPs independent body awards it.

5th June 2015, 07:55
These days workers have to have a strike ballot just to get a pay rise, relying on the good will of employers to give their workers a pay rise is just never going to happen. If the company is making a decent profit then dont you think it should be shared around?

That's exactly what pisses people off about unions - holding everyone else to ransom to get what they want.

5th June 2015, 08:19
Well Les it seems that Cameron now agrees with me on the latest MPs pay rise :wink:

He's only saying he doesn't want a rise, along with other MP's, so that they all look good. Only a complete idiot would refuse a £7,000 rise.

5th June 2015, 10:09
Well good on him. I'd take it ☺

Ako Si Jamie
5th June 2015, 13:09
I'll agree with that Les, during my working life there was a couple of times I took a pay reduction to help the companies survive and I was happy with that because I'd rather have a job with less money than no job at all. I've never had any sympathy for those that go on strike for more money. If it was my business I would shut down first if the company couldn't survive! :xxgrinning--00xx3:If you don't stand up for your rights you'll get trampled on. Nice guys finish last in the real world. :wink:

Ako Si Jamie
5th June 2015, 13:14
some people are just so jealous :dohThat old chestnut. Again. :doh

I think you'll find Les, that some of us on here are quite happy for nurses/firemen etc to receive pay rises as they save lives not ruin them like politicians do.

5th June 2015, 13:26
Cameron has u-turned and will now accept it. :doh

Ako Si Jamie
5th June 2015, 13:35
Like Harry said earlier, a PM needs to set an example unlike what donkey Cameron does and those of his ilk.

Take a bow, Jose Mujica, former president of Uruguay. We need more politicians like him. :appl:


5th June 2015, 15:10
The Prime Minister used a Cabinet meeting this week to tell ministers not to publicly say that they would donate their 10 per cent salary rise to charity.


Ako Si Jamie
5th June 2015, 21:38
I'm saying nothing.

6th June 2015, 08:32
I'm saying nothing.

:Erm: You just did! :biggrin:

Harry T
6th June 2015, 12:00
I really cannot believe how some of you are defending the indefensible, it strikes me that there is an attitude of I'm alright jack coming through here. These MPs applied for a job around a month ago, conveniently a so called independent body recommend a 10% rise within a month of the election this body cannot be made up of the same people who go to my shops, get my utility bills or see what ordinary workers have to put up with, the Mps knew the job description so they can't be compared with Industrial leaders, what do they produce except for bullshit and spin? , as for pensions NO one on here will get a pension anywhere near an MPs pension, so don't try to defend that also, les NO im not jealous im angry and pissed of being taken for a fool, by these so called leaders of the country, haha they need summonsing under the trade descriptions act.

6th June 2015, 12:12
The independent body is totally independent, and the rise was decided on months ago. They are just talking about its implementation now.

The pension they get has also been reduced in value so it is in line with the public sector, hence the reason they have to pay more into themselves.

Michael Parnham
6th June 2015, 13:04
I really cannot believe how some of you are defending the indefensible, it strikes me that there is an attitude of I'm alright jack coming through here. These MPs applied for a job around a month ago, conveniently a so called independent body recommend a 10% rise within a month of the election this body cannot be made up of the same people who go to my shops, get my utility bills or see what ordinary workers have to put up with, the Mps knew the job description so they can't be compared with Industrial leaders, what do they produce except for bullshit and spin? , as for pensions NO one on here will get a pension anywhere near an MPs pension, so don't try to defend that also, les NO im not jealous im angry and pissed of being taken for a fool, by these so called leaders of the country, haha they need summonsing under the trade descriptions act.

Harry, I'm grateful for the state pension also no one is defending MP's but just look what money footballers and F1 drivers etc. get as a salary compared to MP's that have a large amount of responsibility to the whole nation and have an impossible task of pleasing everyone all the time, and for that they get paid peanuts! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th June 2015, 13:21
Ok Harry let's not have a government and see what happens then:yikes:
They are no where near paid as much as high flyers,footballers,one direction etc etc.
It's a very important job and I'd rather have someone who has had a good education dealing with the country's woes than a bunch off the Jeremy kyle show.
I'm not sad for them but as politicians they are toward the lower end of the pay scale as far as comparable countries pay their MPs
I guess you are totally against MPs in general Harry, maybe you should apply :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th June 2015, 13:59
In comparison to those people running local councils, MP's are about £50,000 worse off.

6th June 2015, 15:29
Puts iit in perspective.

Ako Si Jamie
6th June 2015, 16:05
Ok Harry let's not have a government and see what happens then:yikes:
They are no where near paid as much as high flyers,footballers,one direction etc etc.
It's a very important job and I'd rather have someone who has had a good education dealing with the country's woes than a bunch off the Jeremy kyle show.
I'm not sad for them but as politicians they are toward the lower end of the pay scale as far as comparable countries pay their MPs
I guess you are totally against MPs in general Harry,maybe you should apply:xxgrinning--00xx3:An individual who has been to the University of Life is far more qualified to understand the needs of the nation than some ponce taught at Eton.

6th June 2015, 17:05
Maybe but that's the system and I have no problems with it.