View Full Version : What is this?

5th June 2015, 07:58
this has started to come up on google chrome and firefox browsers, the page comes up when i click a link to see another site, not allowing me to see, it doesnt do it on everything,

what is it ? why have i suddenly started getting this ? and is it some kind of malware,?
appreciate any input :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:


5th June 2015, 08:57
You've been hacked :yikes:

Probably the Russians, maybe the Chinese..... RUNNNNNN :cwm24:

Or you could just install and run Malwarebytes and then Superantispyware. One of them is a demo, so uninstall it after you have used it.

5th June 2015, 09:13
You've been hacked :yikes:

Probably the Russians, maybe the Chinese..... RUNNNNNN :cwm24:

Or you could just install and run Malwarebytes and then Superantispyware. One of them is a demo, so uninstall it after you have used it.

thanks :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th June 2015, 10:13
Just to add to the advice you may have to run the spy cleaners in safe mode on pc.

5th June 2015, 10:26
Just to add to the advice you may have to run the spy cleaners in safe mode on pc.

oh thanks Les, that will be fun, i get lost in this windows 8, i do miss 7:icon_lol:

well iv done 1 scan with Malwarebytes, scanning now is Superantispyware, in normal mode, nothing detected yet,

if still nothing i will navigate to find how to run in safe mode:xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th June 2015, 10:31
if still nothing i will navigate to find how to run in safe mode:xxgrinning--00xx3:


5th June 2015, 10:43


5th June 2015, 10:59
scans completed, only found tracking cookies, but didnt find the one i want to get, i went on cnet, when i click on any of the malware links, thats when i get blocked and clear os page comes up instead, tested ans is still doing this, so i guess its a job for that safe mode, its going to give me a nose bleed, il get it done when my heads a bit clearer, iv been online too long for now,

thanks you 2 for advise :xxgrinning--00xx3:,

you know i think it may be my router thats not secure, it is cable tv and internet, there is a modom as well as a router, my anti virus says its not secure, i had parrasat techician out to it but he wasnt much good,
my anti virus also says it could be a false negative, especialy if things like play stations ect are also connected, so i wondred if it was false and that it might be because tv and internet are through the same cable

5th June 2015, 11:17
Go to Uninstall Programs in the Control Panel, and see if clearos is listed. If so, uninstall it. Strangely, it seems to be legit software, which is why the malware software is not picking it up. It may be installed piggy backing on another program you recently installed.

5th June 2015, 11:27
Go to Uninstall Programs in the Control Panel, and see if clearos is listed. If so, uninstall it. Strangely, it seems to be legit software, which is why the malware software is not picking it up. It may be installed piggy backing on another program you recently installed.

yeah i searched clearos seems a ligit program, but with console, i have no console only that page comming up,
i did check uninstall programs earlier, it wasnt listed, but i will re check just incase i missed it,

havent downloaded anything for a while, maybe a site iv been on where it sneaked in

5th June 2015, 11:55
this has started to come up on google chrome and firefox browsers, the page comes up when i click a link to see another site, not allowing me to see, it doesnt do it on everything,

what is it ? why have i suddenly started getting this ? and is it some kind of malware,?
appreciate any input :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:


Get add block pro, it will stop all the advert crap. Its free.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th June 2015, 08:49
Get add block pro, it will stop all the advert crap. Its free.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

installed this last night, its good at stopping adds,thanks :xxgrinning--00xx3:

but it doesnt stop my problem, what i get is if i click a link fo antivirus or malware page i get redirected to clearOS instead, it is protecting itself by not letting me,
however it dosnt stop all my access if i go to malware sites directly from google search it will only redirect me for some links,

it is worse on cnet website

6th June 2015, 08:54

been in safe mode, quite easy once read how,

i ran both programs keith recomended, plus i ran windows maliciouse software removal tool, cc cleaner,

my avast wouldnt work in safe mode,

anyway they found nothing, just back into normal mode now and check clearOS , its still here :doh:doh

6th June 2015, 10:12
Have you checked the plugins on Chrome?

6th June 2015, 10:34
Have you checked the plugins on Chrome?

yes all checked, but i get it also on firefox, i have emailed the legitimate site of clear os, with a complaint, so see if they get back to me

6th June 2015, 23:11
AdwCleaner, job done :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th June 2015, 09:12
AdwCleaner, job done :xxgrinning--00xx3:

thing is it is not an add, and thats why im having problems finding it, it is web page that is re directed to a site blocker web page with the name clearOS,

so there must be malware somewhere hiding, which is not a cookie , and proberbly it isnt clearos, i think its just using that page so to protect itself from being found by stopping me getting virus or malware from other sites, so god knows what its real purpose is and what is it getting up to on my lap top :Erm:

7th June 2015, 09:15
thing is it is not an add, and thats why im having problems finding it, it is web page that is re directed to a site blocker web page with the name clearOS,

so there must be malware somewhere hiding, which is not a cookie , and proberbly it isnt clearos, i think its just using that page so to protect itself from being found by stopping me getting virus or malware from other sites, so god knows what its real purpose is and what is it getting up to on my lap top :Erm:

It will clear it.

7th June 2015, 12:47
It will clear it.

dowloaded and now scanning:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th June 2015, 13:26
It will clear it.

well i ran the scan it found a few erelavant things , but i still have clearOS,

AdwCleaner ? it leaves no icons to reload it again, do i have to keep installing it from downloads folder each time i want to use it ?

7th June 2015, 14:55
Did you try a System Restore?

7th June 2015, 15:26
Did you try a System Restore?

mmm no, i have lots of important stuff on my laptop, dont want to loose anything if i can help it,

i could try restore points:Erm: but im not sure how long this has been on the comp, maybe its been on long before iv discovered it

7th June 2015, 15:57
Just restore to before this happened, nothing else will be uninstalled.

Have you tried kicking the :censored: thing? :biggrin:

7th June 2015, 16:30
Just restore to before this happened, nothing else will be uninstalled.

Have you tried kicking the :censored: thing? :biggrin:

just about everything, permissions , connections cookies , cant find my boots to kick its :action-smiley-081:

7th June 2015, 22:49
well i ran the scan it found a few erelavant things , but i still have clearOS,

AdwCleaner ? it leaves no icons to reload it again, do i have to keep installing it from downloads folder each time i want to use it ?

Have you used a VPN ? google clearOS

7th June 2015, 23:29
Have you used a VPN ? google clearOS

iv emailed clearOS, found them on google search, i think tho its something just using clearOS content blocking page as its only blocking access to malware and anti virus download pages, mostly from cnet site, so maybe thats where iv picked it up, not used vpn, though i have tried a few but they didnt give me a uk server, so i didnt keep, today i will try restore points

8th June 2015, 01:41
Cyber ghost free VPN with uk servers

8th June 2015, 03:21
Cyber ghost free VPN with uk servers

yes tried it and a couple others, but when i tried them i was using a dongle,

now im on parasat cable tv and internet, which has been better than dongle, so maybe i will try again:xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th June 2015, 14:18
did restore point today, it didnt work properly, said maybe antivirus stopping it, so reversed it back again,

lost lots of updates, google wouldnt load from icon, and lots other things i had to sort, stiil getting the clearOS, and still antivirus says my router is insecure to internet, as im having trouble sorting the problem, i took the lap top to a technician, says the clearOS seems to belong to parasat, as it has their isp address , so il check with them if thats true,
technician will come to my place tomorrow and check router and settings, its important i feel secure, especialy when online banking

8th June 2015, 15:24
its important i feel secure, especialy when online banking

This incident aside might be worth getting another machine as back up / just for secure stuff like banking. I'd recommend a Microsoft Approved Refurbisher Lenovo Thinkpad - superb pieces of kit you can pick them up cheaply

8th June 2015, 15:53
This incident aside might be worth getting another machine as back up / just for secure stuff like banking. I'd recommend a Microsoft Approved Refurbisher Lenovo Thinkpad - superb pieces of kit you can pick them up cheaply

:xxgrinning--00xx3: yeah your right, when in uk i had 2 lap tops, now im down to the one

8th June 2015, 17:04
You don't need two laptops, just use a cloud service, and if you want windows access anywhere, a cheap VPS for $10/mth.

8th June 2015, 23:08
You don't need two laptops, just use a cloud service, and if you want windows access anywhere, a cheap VPS for $10/mth.

cloud service seems a good idea :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: