View Full Version : Change of plan yet again

6th June 2015, 14:54
Well I,m coming back on Tuesday - decided to go back and earn some more money to help pay for annulment as it looks like I,m not going to be able to bring my missus back easily, so started annulment process. Quoted 150k fixed price. I,ve offered a 50 k bonus if he gets it done in 6 months. Her sister has already used him at same price but took 9 months. I am applying for visit visa for December for her and her daughter fingers crossed. I,m using a visa service in Bacolod to be on the safe side as I,ll no doubt cock it up somewhere along the line.

6th June 2015, 14:57
Well I,m coming back on Tuesday - decided to go back and earn some more money to help pay for annulment as it looks like I,m not going to be able to bring my missus back easily so started annulment process. Quoted 150k fixed price. I,ve offered a 50 k bonus if he gets it done in 6 months. Her sister has already used him at same price but took 9 months. I am applying for visit visa for December for her and her daughter fingers crossed. I,m using a visa service in Bacolod to be on the safe side as I,ll no doubt cock it up somewhere along the line.

Good luck mate :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th June 2015, 15:09
good luck mate :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Cheers Stew, i,m fed up about it but it,s the only way.

6th June 2015, 16:58
Good luck from me too.

You'll get there in the end. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th June 2015, 17:03
Again good luck Brian, not too much money to find for happiness

6th June 2015, 17:17
only regret is i should have done the annulment crap first coz She would be in the u.k by now :cwm25:

6th June 2015, 17:36
Just fill in the next credit card application that comes through the door. Paid for. :xxgrinning--00xx3: :biggrin:

6th June 2015, 22:58
Best of luck with the annulment Brian and I hope you have a comfortable trip back to UK :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th June 2015, 03:28
Best of luck with the annulment Brian and I hope you have a comfortable trip back to UK :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:xxgrinning--00xx3: Rosie

7th June 2015, 03:30
Just fill in the next credit card application that comes through the door. Paid for. :xxgrinning--00xx3: :biggrin:

tend to stay away from them graham lol

Michael Parnham
7th June 2015, 07:34
All the best Brian, you'll get there in the end :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
7th June 2015, 18:50
Well I,m coming back on Tuesday - decided to go back and earn some more money to help pay for annulment as it looks like I,m not going to be able to bring my missus back easily ...

... pity, that, :doh! From Bacolod ... "ba(ck) (t)o cold" [< anagram - 'scuse me - couldn't resist] UK, eh? :freezin:

... so started annulment process. Quoted 150k fixed price. I,ve offered a 50k bonus if he gets it done in 6 months. Her sister has already used him at same price but took 9 months.

:cwm25: ... 'fraid I know nothing at all about annulment to be able to advise. But I do hope and :pray: there is some way yours can be finalised a darn sight quicker - especially in view of the Php50k "carrot" :icon_rolleyes: that you are prepared to dangle in front of this solicitor's nose.

I am applying for visit visa for December for her and her daughter fingers crossed. I,m using a visa service in Bacolod to be on the safe side as I,ll no doubt cock it up somewhere along the line.

Anyhow... I wish you every success with your changed plans. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th June 2015, 04:24
... pity, that, :doh! From Bacolod ... "ba(ck) (t)o cold" [< anagram - 'scuse me - couldn't resist] UK, eh? :freezin:

:cwm25: ... 'fraid I know nothing at all about annulment to be able to advise. But I do hope and :pray: there is some way yours can be finalised a darn sight quicker - especially in view of the Php50k "carrot" :icon_rolleyes: that you are prepared to dangle in front of this solicitor's nose.

Anyhow... I wish you every success with your changed plans. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

yes arthur I should have done the annulment sooner but her indoors did,nt want to waste the money ,she was hoping her ex would keel over and die either with his over dose of shabu or his over use of aids infected prostitutes :biggrin: alas hes still on this earth so ive got to pay lol

8th June 2015, 05:42
Took 3 years for my wife's annulment :NoNo:

Harry T
9th June 2015, 09:06
Good luck mate, and I know you'll get it sooner rather than later.