View Full Version : Justice in the Philippines???

6th June 2015, 21:40
Case delay worst barrier to justice in key PH cities

The 2015 Rule of Law Index places civil and criminal justice in the Philippines as the worst aspects of the rule of law in the country


Read more: http://www.rappler.com/nation/95389-case-delay-philippines-rule-law-index (http://www.rappler.com/nation/95389-case-delay-philippines-rule-law-index)

Arthur Little
7th June 2015, 00:08
Sorry to say this ... :anerikke: ... but I can well~believe it ... if the "case" against Kevin & Charlene Taylor is anything to go by!

Ako Si Jamie
7th June 2015, 00:50
Didn't Kevin get transferred to a worst prison?