View Full Version : Today is my one year wedding Anniversary

8th June 2015, 13:05
We went from this...........


To this


To this



Next Week she is 4 months old. Although she is like 6 months old already!


8th June 2015, 16:34
nice pics!

oh.....and congratulations!

Arthur Little
8th June 2015, 17:08
One year already, eh? :anni-vi: ... congratulations to you and Harlene. Nice photos too. :smile:

Btw, :icon_rolleyes: ... regarding your proposed visit to Finland next month, did you ever follow~up the suggestions I gave you some 3 weeks ago?

http://www.filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/57019-visa-for-a-filipino-to-visit-finland?highlight=Finland+Visa refers.

Michael Parnham
8th June 2015, 17:24
Congrats on your first wedding anniversary, nice little family! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th June 2015, 17:35
One year already, eh? :anni-vi: ... congratulations to you and Harlene. Nice photos too. :smile:

Btw, :icon_rolleyes: ... regarding your proposed visit to Finland next month, did you ever follow~up the suggestions I gave you some 3 weeks ago?

http://www.filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/57019-visa-for-a-filipino-to-visit-finland?highlight=Finland+Visa refers.

Sorry, yes we did....

We visited, or rather Harlene did, the Finish embassy last Thursday to submit her visa application... They said they will post us the result hopefully by the end of this week, but I think it will be a yes as the woman in the embassy said she couldn't see any problems with the application.

Arthur Little
8th June 2015, 18:02
Sorry, yes we did....

... ah, :yeahthat:'s good. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

We visited, or rather Harlene did, the Finish embassy last Thursday to submit her visa application... They said they will post us the result hopefully by the end of this week, but I think it will be a yes as the woman in the embassy said she couldn't see any problems with the application.

Fingers crossed, but - like you, I'm sure all bodes well - please keep us informed. :smile:

9th June 2015, 15:14
Wonderful pictures you shared with us Slip :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Thanks for that.

Many congratulations on your first anniversary. It hardly seems possible.
Time does fly so quickly so be sure to give your priority to sharing quality time together as a family.

9th June 2015, 19:13
Congrats to you both, and lovely photos.. we celebrate our 2nd this year .. where did all that time go and like you we have a child too :)

9th June 2015, 20:14
Awww such a cute baby!! Congratulations:Hellooo:

9th June 2015, 23:20
Doesn't seem 5 minutes since you were leaving to get married and so much has happened! Congratulations to you both on your first wedding anniversary and very cute baby daughter :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th June 2015, 23:59
Congratulations to you and your new family. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th June 2015, 07:22
Great pictures, time goes by so quickly when you are having fun

13th June 2015, 21:45
Congrats and happy anniversary to you both. :)