View Full Version : Death faker now holed up in the Phils

Ako Si Jamie
20th June 2015, 16:38
Remember the guy who faked his own death in a canoe accident in 2002?

According to the Daily Record he's divorced the wife he did the scam with then moved to the Phils and married a Filipina.



20th June 2015, 17:01
Come on own up.

Which of us is he ? :laugher:

Ako Si Jamie
20th June 2015, 17:45
So that's where Joe is now! :icon_lol:

21st June 2015, 01:09
So that's where Joe is now! :icon_lol:

He's still getting over the thrashing Liebor got in the election. He was probably a masked up "Peoples Forum" member along with the rest of the rabble at the anti austerity demonstration :wink:

21st June 2015, 08:49
Ha ha saw them idiots outside Downing Street. The usual bunch of left wing clowns. One had a poster saying Tories out! Erm how is that gonna happen after the public voted to keep them in power for the next term. Shows a bit of lack of understanding on how governments work. Must have been a school teacher ☺

21st June 2015, 11:19
Far too much time on their hands...facilitated by the welfare state and the taxpayer.

21st June 2015, 11:53
Far too much time on their hands...facilitated by the welfare state and the taxpayer.

Many of them need putting through a sheep dip followed by a good hose down

21st June 2015, 11:57
If they think it's bad here, they should try Greece....

21st June 2015, 13:00
A lot of interesting characters end up in pinas and SEA :smile: