View Full Version : Greece

22nd June 2015, 07:07
Am i the only one who dont care if they dont pay or do pay there loan and agree to economic reforms,
Why has Russia is talking to Greece too, i wonder if they are prepared to give them what they are asking so then Russia could maybe put some missiles into Europe, stranger thinga have happened at sea they say,
Its a strange world we are living in at this moment
Hay ho i am so glad i dont know what they are on about in all this politics

22nd June 2015, 08:31
The E.U probably will not allow any of its members to fail..
Thats why the whole European union model is a disaster in the making.
Member countries that take and stick to austerity, yet still manage to improve their economies will end up paying Greece`s debt.. In effect... U.K tax payers!! :doh

22nd June 2015, 12:06
Greece has been corrupt and living beyond its means for years. They even fiddled their GDP figures to join the EU. Meanwhile no one paid their tax bill either.

22nd June 2015, 18:02
It always has been a basket case country

22nd June 2015, 19:59
Yep ...should never have been admitted in the first place. Their holiday is over.
Let's hope to god Turkey is kept out. Admitting them would be even more stupid, though perhaps for different reasons.