View Full Version : Hard To Believe - Or Not? Make Up Your Own Minds

Arthur Little
23rd June 2015, 13:35
Disgusted wife BLASTS Jobcentre officials who ordered her husband to attend interview ... despite the fact he cannot even walk, talk or feed himself.


Tbh ... :anerikke: ... I never know whether to believe stories like this one.

23rd June 2015, 13:46
It was a mistake nothing more, nothing less. No matter how good the system mistakes are going to happen, I wonder how many mistakes they didn't make this year there are :Erm:

Harry T
23rd June 2015, 13:54
Yep its an obvious mistake, we have to remember Newspapers sensationalise stories to try to sell Newspapers, though they are a declining species due to the Internet. :smile:

Arthur Little
23rd June 2015, 13:58
It was a mistake nothing more, nothing less. No matter how good the system mistakes are going to happen, I wonder how many mistakes they didn't make this year there are :Erm:

Well, yes, :iagree: ... especially when the DWP later realised its oversight - then, at least - had the good grace to apologise.

Arthur Little
23rd June 2015, 14:21
Yep its an obvious mistake, we have to remember Newspapers sensationalise stories to try to sell Newspapers, though they are a declining species due to the Internet. :smile:

Again ... two further :gp:s ... firstly, about the time~honoured tendency of the press to sensationalise and, secondly, of course, the decline in newspaper sales because of the internet. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
23rd June 2015, 14:45
Again ... two further :gp:s ... firstly, about the time~honoured tendency of the press to sensationalise and, secondly, of course, the decline in newspaper sales because of the internet. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Oh :cwm25: ... and thirdly, this particular story has been published by what Joe usually refers to as 'The Daily Snail'! :xxparty-smiley-004:

23rd June 2015, 15:50
A mistake times 2 firstly the letter, secondly wife being verbally told he would lose benefits if he didn't turn up. I despair at the poor calibre of staff "working" in much of the public sector - any Tom, Dick or Muhammad straight off the back of a lorry is employed just for turning up at the interview. How many of them have English as a first language ? Still room for job cuts

23rd June 2015, 15:59
I believe the daily snail is privately owned. It was they who made the mistake by publishing it in such a way ... :Erm:.