View Full Version : Losing someone you love

24th June 2015, 07:15
Lost someone who means so much to me the other day,

Yes it was Ems and we was in Saint Peters basilica in Rome, its not your normal size church where you can see from one end to the other quite easy, one minute she was next to me then the next she was gone:yikes:,

Well after a few minutes of looking and thinking what she was wearing i got fed up and thought go and stand in the middle puff myself out and Ems would find me, well that did not work so i then thought sod you and i will go and sit down and Ems could find me:NoNo:,

And yes she found me came over smiling and said where have you been :cwm23:, after i picked up my chin of the floor and let off a few barrels i felt better :furious3:

Aint it amazing when you lose them you thought they was wearing something else from when you find them again, or did she go back and change her cloths, i did not think of that one :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

24th June 2015, 10:04
I can totally sympathise! I am a grown woman with an illogical fear of losing someone in a supermarket. If I go shopping with someone I have to have them in sight the whole time or I get this horrible gut twisting feeling. I know it is crazy as it's only a supermarket and they will be somewhere but I just hate it. My husband is the worst, we will be walking along and he will suddenly stop to look at something without saying and I will keep walking then turn around and can't find him. It gives me the heeby jeebies!

Arthur Little
24th June 2015, 12:57
Lost someone who means so much to me the other day

Jeez, Steve ... you gave me such a fright there, :yikes: ... for a horrible moment, I thought someone close to you had died!

24th June 2015, 21:07
Jeez, Steve ... you gave me such a fright there, :yikes: ... for a horrible moment, I thought someone close to you had died!

Sorry about that Arthur, after the shock I hope it made you chuckle

24th June 2015, 22:29
The worst is losing track of a Filipina in a department store or mall in the Phils.

So, now you're looking for a small slim lady with long black hair.:Erm: :Brick:

One very big advantage that mobile phones have brought us. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th June 2015, 18:58
The worst is losing track of a Filipina in a department store or mall in the Phils.

I dont even try anymore.. These days whilst shopping,the Mrs knows where to find me...
In the bar upstairs.
Its a good system.

25th June 2015, 19:57

Michael Parnham
26th June 2015, 07:35
If Maritess is more than thirty feet away from me she won't know who I am due to her VI, she just keeps calling my name when in supermarkets etc then follows my reply to find me! :xxgrinning--00xx3: