View Full Version : London Woman Diddled Out Of Life Savings Amounting To Almost £50,000 In Elaborate 'Phishing' Scam!

Arthur Little
24th June 2015, 15:59
Vivian Gabb, a 59 year-old pilates and tennis coach, was in the final stages of buying a house - oblivious to the fact that her email had been hacked - when the scammers struck.

Clearly the culprits had "the gift of the gab" (literally!)

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-33257129: :ReadIt:

Scams of the sort mentioned are, by no means isolated ... and it is hoped this incident will serve as a stark WARNING to internet users to be extra vigilant in handling their online transactions.

Arthur Little
24th June 2015, 17:15
Hmm ... :yeahthat: ought to prove a salutory lesson to conduct ALL business dealings with the likes of solicitors, accountants &c., through written correspondence ... or by telephone.

Arthur Little
24th June 2015, 17:32
Believe me, :poke: ... I'm being serious ... :please: take note!

Ako Si Jamie
24th June 2015, 19:21
Yeah I can believe it. Moral of that story is not to use one's life savings in an online transaction.