View Full Version : These killers

28th June 2015, 07:29
These people who go out and kill others why o why do they put there faces on the news showing them smiling and are holding guns or sitting next to guns, there are videos showing them condemning the west and again holding guns, dont show there faces or block there faces out i say, why give them freedom to send a message to others who think they will go to some place nice once they are dead,

28th June 2015, 07:45
Brainwashed lunatics.

You've got to be crackers (or ignorant) holidaying in N.Africa/the Middle East, when there are so many alternatives in 21st century countries which aren't populated by Infidel (that's you and me) haters. :NoNo:

28th June 2015, 08:04
I get what you are saying and I agree.

Bit of a strange relationship, as it can be beneficial to the media and the terrorists at the same time. Perhaps it has something to do with ratings?
Without the press coverage these animals would have a much smaller audience and probably less lunatics wanting to follow their insane beliefs.

Michael Parnham
28th June 2015, 09:28
Brainwashed lunatics.

You've got to be crackers (or ignorant) holidaying in N.Africa/the Middle East, when there are so many alternatives in 21st century countries which aren't populated by Infidel (that's you and me) haters. :NoNo:

Now that ISIS have moved into North Africa, I just hope European countries will stick together if any conflict takes place in the future!:Erm:

28th June 2015, 15:33
The rope is the solution

Michael Parnham
28th June 2015, 18:34
The rope is the solution

Wish it could be as simple as that Ded!:Erm:

Arthur Little
28th June 2015, 19:03
Now that ISIS have moved into North Africa, I just hope European countries will stick together if any conflict takes place in the future!:Erm:

Yes, I hope they do too, Michael ... after all ... :anerikke: ... I'm sure it's inherent in the Terms & Conditions applicable to Membership of the EU, that each of the countries who joined up, undertake to support and sustain one another in times of crisis.

Arthur Little
28th June 2015, 19:22
... support and sustain one another ...

:biggrin: ... just as we do here on Filipina Roses, I meant to add! :wink:

Michael Parnham
28th June 2015, 19:32
Yes, I hope they do too, Michael ... after all ... :anerikke: ... I'm sure it's inherent in the Terms & Conditions applicable to Membership of the EU, that each of the countries who joined up, undertake to support and sustain one another in times of crisis.

Looks like Greece has a big problem already, because the banks remain closed tomorrow!

28th June 2015, 21:11
Greece problems are all home grown, they know what they are doing , the best thing is for them to leave the EU, why keep chucking money at something that will not help themselves unless its for a very very easy life