View Full Version : Jeepney Scam

Ako Si Jamie
30th June 2015, 22:51
Read full story below about a female passenger aboard a Cebu jeepney apparently being robbed without her knowledge.




Michael Parnham
1st July 2015, 07:15
Hi Jamie, I can't see anyone take anything from the girl :Erm:

Ako Si Jamie
1st July 2015, 09:51
I can't see anything clear cut either although the guy to her right is shielding his arm.

1st July 2015, 14:29
This is nothing new. My bag got sliced with almost same situation like this when I was in high school! The guy beside the girl who's hiding his arms with his bag is the one robbing the girl, getting his hand in the girls bag. Some guys also do the same thing to molest females, trying to touch them especially when the ladies are asleep. It also happens in buses plenty of times. My brother even tried to punch a guy who did it to his friends in the past, but the guy quickly went down. This is one reason why I rarely ride in jeepneys and buses while I was still in the Philippines.