View Full Version : PNoy Brags About Improved Governance Under His Watch

Arthur Little
3rd July 2015, 01:20

Oh aye? :cwm25:

:yeahthat:s definitely a moot point!

:laughitupsmilie: ... some say, "Good ol' PNoy" ...

... whilst others tell the truth!

3rd July 2015, 01:34
Personally, I believe he has done some great work on implementing transparency and best practice on governance.
The key financials are posted on public bulletin boards and has given people some comfort in knowing the facts.

Sadly though, I feel the old ways may return unless the electorate vote for those who, like Pnoy, put the interests of the country on the 'to do' list.

Better the devil you know :biggrin:

3rd July 2015, 05:23
I agree, Peter, PNoy has, from the Philippine perspective, been quite a good president. That's despite his unwillingness to thank or even acknowledge the massive support this country received after Haiyan, thanks to the generosity of the the British public which topped £85 million. No votes in that, of course.