View Full Version : Greece - A whole island pretending to be blind to get benefits

3rd July 2015, 18:06
Interesting write up about this slippery dishonest country

A whole island pretending to be blind to get benefits, 8,500 pensioners who faked being aged over 100 and lawyers who claim to earn just €12,000: New book reveals how Greeks cheated THEMSELVES into ruin

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3148451/A-island-pretending-blind-benefits-8-500-pensioners-faked-aged-100-lawyers-claim-earn-just-12-000-New-book-reveals-Greeks-cheated-ruin.html#ixzz3eqhegy9v
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Ako Si Jamie
3rd July 2015, 19:45
Just goes to prove that dishonesty occurs in all walks of life.

Arthur Little
3rd July 2015, 23:23
Just goes to prove that dishonesty occurs in all walks of life.

Sadly it does ... :iagree:!

4th July 2015, 00:25
Oh well, I suppose Turkey will be clamouring to join again, if there's to be a spare place at the banqueting table. :cwm25:

Harry T
4th July 2015, 01:17
Oh well, I suppose Turkey will be clamouring to join again, if there's to be a spare place at the banqueting table. :cwm25:

They can have ours Graham :wink:

4th July 2015, 08:52
Interesting reading.