View Full Version : Am I a snob

4th July 2015, 16:44
I sometimes think am i a snob? Dont get me wrong, i was brought up with lots of love but we did not have much of anything else, hand me downs lots of, a jumper or shirt had to last not just months but had to last from one son to the next and if possible the next after that. Shoes, well you just grew into your brothers too, but life was good.

Today in town there seems to be that many people around tattoos everywhere and that includes the women and all are puffing fags or these stupid pipe things, screaming at their kids and most are a little overweight, ok OK, FAT.

Maybe when my mum took all of us down into town other people may have looked at us all like i am looking at these people today, but i am sure in my younger days we were all the same - not many people had lots of things. But today the people that are around are just so different these days

4th July 2015, 19:13
This is what happens when you pay the criminal and the idle to breed.

I seem to remember us working class folk having a lot more pride and self-respect 50 years ago, but a lot less money and possessions.

4th July 2015, 21:05
Unfortunately Steve you are correct, today's equivalent to our youth are 'chalk and cheese', and I blame the Labour attitude of why can't we have it.....

Michael Parnham
5th July 2015, 07:37
This is what happens when you pay the criminal and the idle to breed.

I seem to remember us working class folk having a lot more pride and self-respect 50 years ago, but a lot less money and possessions.

Very true Graham!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th July 2015, 13:57
A lot of people don't understand the word "snob".

It does not mean someone with standards
It does not mean someone middle class, upper class or the aristocracy.
It most certainly does not mean someone working class working their .... off and getting to university, then becoming an accountant.

It means someone from a working class background or middle class PRETENDING to be part of the class elite, pretending to be someone they are not. Think Hyacinth Bucket.
It is absolutely impossible for an engineer or a doctor sat in a comfortable home, with a Volvo outside and a labrador sat by the fire to be a snob.

It is a word often abused by what are not working class, but scratters against anyone criticising them. The sort you see in town during working hours, half drunk and screaming "Chelsea get your :censored: .... over here", waving their tattood flab around and stuffing their faces with Greggs.

And what is the equivalent of "snob" against them? Scum perhaps?

Sometimes heard.... "oh you're in the snobby houses" - some starter homes built privately near an estate.

And anyone working their backsides off, they all pay for these to sit around all day getting fatter and breeding.

Snob - no.

5th July 2015, 14:12
Fair comment. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th July 2015, 14:54
Well I noticed yesterday - while I'm working hard - that, as soon as I go to a council estate there they all are, sunning themselves, most of 'em women fat with tats, drinking beer, smoking weed with chav boyfriend in his trackie bottoms. Nice to be able to do that at our expense.We have a whole generation who, thanks to Labour and the generous benefits system, think this is there right :censored:

I hope the Tories slash some of their benefits so they at least can't smoke as much and drink so often. Why oh why should working people have to fund these idle ......??

Yes it's nice to think we are a caring society but no way should it be for the pleasure of the lazy gits - many of whom have no intention of looking for work. They just plop out kids willy nilly to different blokes and expect the rest of the country to pay for it.

I despise these people :cwm23:

5th July 2015, 15:37
and me....:mad:

Michael Parnham
5th July 2015, 15:51
Me included! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
5th July 2015, 19:11
Well I noticed yesterday - while I'm working hard - that, as soon as I go to a council estate there they all are, sunning themselves, most of 'em women fat with tats, drinking beer, smoking weed with chav boyfriend in his trackie bottoms. Nice to be able to do that at our expense.We have a whole generation who, thanks to Labour and the generous benefits system, think this is there right :censored:

I hope the Tories slash some of their benefits so they at least can't smoke as much and drink so often. Why oh why should working people have to fund these idle ......??

Yes it's nice to think we are a caring society but no way should it be for the pleasure of the lazy gits - many of whom have no intention of looking for work. They just plop out kids willy nilly to different blokes and expect the rest of the country to pay for it.

I despise these people :cwm23:Yesterday was Saturday, Les :biggrin:. A lot of people have the day off.

5th July 2015, 19:15
Yesterday was Saturday, Les :biggrin:. A lot of people have the day off.

Day off cashing their giros - you're probably right Jamie :biggrin: