View Full Version : Who has lived in the Phils the longest?

5th July 2015, 09:30
Just wondering who has lived over in the Phils the longest, some may have been over there many many years and are in another part of the world now,
So members if you are there or have been there for how long,

5th July 2015, 09:32
Three years for me Steve....

5th July 2015, 09:39
I think Fred ?

I've been going backwards and forwards there for 25 years, but only 2 x 3 years long stays. The rest 3 weeks to several months.

5th July 2015, 09:48
Three years for me Steve....

So after 3 years what had changed for you to come back, and were the three years good?

5th July 2015, 09:49
I think Fred ?

I've been going backwards and forwards there for 25 years, but only 2 x 3 years long stays. The rest 3 weeks to several months.

With the 25 years Graham I think you have a better insight into how its changed. Do you think you may be going back for a very long time sooner than later?

Arthur Little
5th July 2015, 10:00
I think Fred ?

Yes, for the longest continuous period it's Fred ... :iagree:

5th July 2015, 12:24
So after 3 years what had changed for you to come back, and were the three years good?

After three years of living there my old company offered me a position in Africa, my wife had never travelled outside of the Philippines so we saw it as an opportunity to see more of the world. My time in the PI was good but in the end the way of life and attitude to many things got to me so it was good to move on, going back for holidays is now much more enjoyable...:biggrin:

5th July 2015, 13:24
With the 25 years Graham I think you have a better insight into how its changed. Do you think you may be going back for a very long time sooner than later?

I think most changes are probably for the better Steve.
The only reason I returned to UK last time was for the kids' education.

Biggest changes are in ease of communication, I'd say.

Yes, I would very much like to return there for long periods, given the right circumstances and continuing good health.

Michael Parnham
5th July 2015, 15:28
Live no, Holiday a BIG yes. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th July 2015, 13:17
We have lived here since Christmas 1998. Nearly 17 years?
First visited here when i was 18 or 19 and came back many times over the years. Had i ball every time and then i met the wife :cwm25:

Booze and fags have got more expensive!

6th July 2015, 15:57
I think most changes are probably for the better Steve.
The only reason I returned to UK last time was for the kids' education.

Biggest changes are in ease of communication, I'd say.

Yes, I would very much like to return there for long periods, given the right circumstances and continuing good health.

Graham.. Can I ask a favour?
Any chance of removing your new avatar?
I nearly broke my laptop screen 3 times already trying to squash and spray the damned thing.. :doh

6th July 2015, 16:12
I lived in the Philippines 30 years... Do I count??? :cwm25::biggrin:

6th July 2015, 19:46
Graham.. Can I ask a favour?
Any chance of removing your new avatar?
I nearly broke my laptop screen 3 times already trying to squash and spray the damned thing.. :doh

Hahaha ! Oops...sorry. :icon_sorry:

6th July 2015, 20:38

Arthur Little
6th July 2015, 22:10
Graham.. Can I ask a favour?
Any chance of removing your new *avatar?
I nearly broke my laptop screen 3 times already trying to squash and spray the damned thing.. :doh

:laugher: ... see my observations on *it :icon_rolleyes: ... albeit for a different reason:

http://www.filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/57591-Trust refers.

7th July 2015, 22:10
Long time ago,its changed massively in that time,places like zamboanga look totally different,huge infrastructure changes,i remember siquijor island had a hard packed dirt road around it,and larena a small wooden pier where the bodies were laid out for families to ID when the larna-dumagete pump boat sank.

Arthur Little
7th July 2015, 23:00
Long time ago,its changed massively in that time,places like zamboanga look totally different,huge infrastructure changes,i remember siquijor island had a hard packed dirt road around it,and larena a small wooden pier where the bodies were laid out for families to ID when the larna-dumagete pump boat sank.[

:cwm24: ... God forbid Michael notices this ... :yeahthat:!

http://www.filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/57535-Capsized-ferry-38-people-killed-and-33-still-missing :ReadIt: (#3 & 5) and you'll understand why! :omg:

7th July 2015, 23:34
No,i am sure michael is aware the old pump boats that pre-dated the Larena-dumagute DON MARTIN were scary rides,though i was molested on the siquijor-dumaguete RORO once by a lady with large boobs :cwm24: scarier than the actual crossing :yikes:

8th July 2015, 02:16
Can anyone join this pissing contest :wink:

8th July 2015, 07:29
Can anyone join this pissing contest :wink:

Yep sure :smile: The problem you may have is we can all prove it!! :wink:

8th July 2015, 07:34
Can anyone join this pissing contest :wink:

O dear, i did not think it was a competition, but hay ho each to there own, PEE AWAY

8th July 2015, 07:37
O dear, i did not think it was a competition, but hay ho each to there own, PEE AWAY

I think his comment was probably directed at me :bigcry:

8th July 2015, 07:50
I think his comment was probably directed at me :bigcry:

Well all i can say is, YOU ARE VERY LUCKY, unless hes got the biggest willy and then you may get a splash or two

8th July 2015, 08:24
Jealousy, could that get your murdered? :NEW3:

Michael Parnham
8th July 2015, 08:37
:cwm24: ... God forbid Michael notices this ... :yeahthat:!

http://www.filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/57535-Capsized-ferry-38-people-killed-and-33-still-missing :ReadIt: (#3 & 5) and you'll understand why! :omg:

I have noticed Arthur. The pump boats are still operating from Dumaguete to Siquijor and on a calm day it's my favourite choice and very pleasant journey with Dolphins and flying fish almost continually in view, but not recommended in rough waters! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th July 2015, 01:52
The fact that some people have been daft enough to reside in the Philippines for many years simply does not impress me that much :yawn:

9th July 2015, 04:51
Everyones input to threads is valued for it's content and I'd like to think we can all respect the views of others, even if we don’t go along with them.

I wonder if during a discussion with a stranger in the street we'd all be polite and respectful enough not to call that person names.
I'd like to think if I did that in the heat of the moment I'd be man enough to apologise.

Reverting to name calling of strangers they are supposed to be having a civilised discussion with is typically an indication of having already lost the argument.

We all have our own reasons for being posting members here.

Most members enjoy the true passion that certain discussions draw from people together with the witty remarks and the often insightful observations made. The same applies to the good humoured taunting that often happens between members.

But there has to be a line, doesn’t there?

9th July 2015, 06:45
The fact that some people have been daft enough to reside in the Philippines for many years simply does not impress me that much :yawn:

So why did you go in the first place can i ask,thats if you did live there, i dont know,
The question was asking who lives there the longest, i dont think many members are here to impress others, most of us have been there, done that and got the tee shirt too, but again its down to each other how we all react

Michael Parnham
9th July 2015, 07:14
Everyones input to threads is valued for it's content and I'd like to think we can all respect the views of others, even if we don’t go along with them.

I wonder if during a discussion with a stranger in the street we'd all be polite and respectful enough not to call that person names.
I'd like to think if I did that in the heat of the moment I'd be man enough to apologise.

Reverting to name calling of strangers they are supposed to be having a civilised discussion with is typically an indication of having already lost the argument.

We all have our own reasons for being posting members here.

Most members enjoy the true passion that certain discussions draw from people together with the witty remarks and the often insightful observations made. The same applies to the good humoured taunting that often happens between members.

But there has to be a line, doesn’t there?

Thanks Peter, also I tried to hint recently about using inappropriate words!

9th July 2015, 08:01
also I tried to hint recently about using inappropriate words!

Its what we all think is inappropriate Michael, some words are fun to use, to me the word tw-t is the funniest word ever, it makes me laugh and smile when i hear it said in fun, but others may disagree, some words some people hate, but like many have said before - including myself - if i find something i dont like i just ignore and i do think that if its that bad the Mods would close it down ,

Again, just my own thoughts

9th July 2015, 09:10
Thanks Peter, also I tried to hint recently about using inappropriate words!

If you mean swear words Michael, they should be filtered out by the forum swear filter.. Apparently, Its still not allowed to circumvent the filter like using characters like **@#$ etc..
Sometimes I copy/paste a joke from elsewhere and these characters are there from the original joke article..
Have to say that if I removed them then the joke would no longer be funny,or the punchline would no longer make sense.
Perhaps the joke thread should be allocated a moderator of its very own!! (but not me) :icon_lol:
If you see a word that offends you,ask that it should be added to the filter.. See if they agree and add it!

When Steve typed tw-t, I`m sure he meant TWIT and not **** BTW ...So that should be fine!

9th July 2015, 09:20
The fact that some people have been daft enough to reside in the Philippines for many years simply does not impress me that much :yawn:

You are so right.
I`m as daft as a brush, me!
I suppose if you spend half the year here you are only semi daft? :wink:

Michael Parnham
9th July 2015, 16:15
If you mean swear words Michael, they should be filtered out by the forum swear filter.. Apparently, Its still not allowed to circumvent the filter like using characters like **@#$ etc..
Sometimes I copy/paste a joke from elsewhere and these characters are there from the original joke article..
Have to say that if I removed them then the joke would no longer be funny, or the punchline would no longer make sense.
Perhaps the joke thread should be allocated a moderator of its very own!! (but not me) :icon_lol:
If you see a word that offends you, ask that it should be added to the filter.. See if they agree and add it!

When Steve typed tw-t, I`m sure he meant TWIT and not **** BTW ...So that should be fine!

Don't worry about jokes Fred, I understand what you're saying so not a problem, your Jokes make me smile - don't know how you remember them all! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
9th July 2015, 17:40
Have to say that if I removed them then the joke would no longer be funny, or the punchline would no longer make sense.

Yes, :iagree: ... e.g., the last [modified] *descriptive word :biggrin: I myself used in the second line of my *poetic response to the thread relating to Barmy Boris's naive remark about the halfwit carrying the ISIS flag aloft in the streets of London.

http://www.filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/57628-Barmy-Boris-ISIS-flag-shouldn-t-be-banned?p=546705#post546705 (#9 refers)

10th July 2015, 01:51
Nothing worse than meeting an ex pat who bleats on about how long he has lived in a particular country
These types will bore the pants off anyone given a chance.........
It's like its their little claim to fame and apparently we are meant to be most impressed :doh

This post is about meeting ex pats in person and not about people posting on this site
It seems Fred became a little confused with this post

10th July 2015, 02:38
Nothing worse than meeting an ex pat who bleats on about how long he has lived in a particular country
These types will bore the pants off anyone given a chance.........
It's like its their little claim to fame and apparently we are meant to be most impressed :doh

I`m not sure I have heard anyone on here brag about it ...
All these thoughts are obviously all in your head I`d say.
You do often come across as being very negative about the Filipino race and the R.P in general..
Why do you keep coming back for more? That's a genuine query too..Not a baited question, so feel free to answer..Or not.
Often times, you also come across as being very bitter about the R.P and its people... What is it?
BTW..I dont like ******* contests either.

10th July 2015, 02:56
I`m not sure I have heard anyone on here brag about it ...
All these thoughts are obviously all in your head I`d say.
You do often come across as being very negative about the Filipino race and the R.P in general..
Why do you keep coming back for more? That's a genuine query too..Not a baited question, so feel free to answer..Or not.
Often times, you also come across as being very bitter about the R.P and its people... What is it?

My views on the Philippines are based upon what I have personally found and encountered
Sorry if you find my comments negative but that's my honest views
I don't sugar coat anything and never will do
My postings on the Philippines represent the reality and certainly not the fantasy
It seems to me Fred that you have lived for so long in the Philippines that now you can no longer be objective about the Philippines and feel you have to defend the Philippines and its people at any given chance

I visit the Philippines frequently because I have a few business interests there and a present GF
I am sure that if I was such a hater of the Philippines as you imply then i would not go there or be
in a relationship with a Filipina :smile:

10th July 2015, 03:21
I visit the Philippines frequently because i have a few business interests there and a present GF
I am sure that if i was such a hater of the Philippines as you imply then i would not go there or be
in a relationship with a Filipina :smile:

Why have any business interest there at all?
Do you know how dangerous that is?? Thats crazy!! (and probably illegal)
I think you should marry your G.F so that you can both get the hell out of dodge ASAP!!
Run Forest.....Run!

10th July 2015, 03:39
It seems to me Fred that you have lived for so long in the Philippines that now you can no longer be objective about the Philippines and feel you have to defend the Philippines and its people at any given chance

That`s a ridiculous statement, with no basis in fact!! :NoNo:
Can you post a link where I have ever sugar coated anything related to life here that's not actually real and pure fantasy on my part? Please do!
I could link you to many of my posts that may seem negative to some about the R.P but which ARE based on fact in many cases.
C'mon..Now what's really wrong? Tell us man..We can feel your pain.. You are not a happy bunny, are you?

10th July 2015, 06:22
Why have any business interest there at all?
Do you know how dangerous that is?? Thats crazy!! (and probably illegal)
I think you should marry your G.F so that you can both get the hell out of dodge ASAP!!
Run Forest.....Run!

Isn't that a ridiculous statement too? How can having a business interest be dangerous/illegal?

10th July 2015, 07:27
Isn't that a ridiculous statement too? How can having a business interest be dangerous/illegal?

Almost a Tongue in cheek comment from my perspective given just how dangerous he says it is to live here.
That said,when a foreigner has a legal business here he will need to give up 60% of his share/interest to a Filipino partner.. More importantly his paid up capital.
I for one think that's quite a pretty dangerous financial proposition.
You think it's good?

11th July 2015, 01:15
That`s a ridiculous statement, with no basis in fact!! :NoNo:
Can you post a link where I have ever sugar coated anything related to life here that's not actually real and pure fantasy on my part? Please do!
I could link you to many of my posts that may seem negative to some about the R.P but which ARE based on fact in many cases.
C'mon..Now what's really wrong? Tell us man..We can feel your pain.. You are not a happy bunny, are you?

May I suggest that you concentrate on your Joke's thread and anti union rhetoric :smile:

11th July 2015, 03:11
May I suggest that you concentrate on your Joke's thread and anti union rhetoric :smile:
