View Full Version : The Big Mac

8th July 2015, 19:40
Out the other day we went into the local McDonalds and a big mac was bought.
Well thats no big mac, have they shrunk or something? A few years ago they were never this size, I told Ems you need two now just to think you are full,
Give me Burger king anytime they are great but their chips are rubbish

Ako Si Jamie
8th July 2015, 20:31
Wagon Wheels have shrunk too just lately. :NoNo:

8th July 2015, 20:58
I like one when I'm pressed for time but they're not filling - get the Big Tasty it's much better :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
8th July 2015, 21:31
Problem with Big Macs is, their contents keep spilling out ... :anerikke: ... presumably because the burger buns have shrunk - as Steve mentions - but McDonalds unique thin~cut chips remain THE best!

8th July 2015, 21:38
but McDonalds unique thin~cut chips remain THE best!

Indeed there are the best :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th July 2015, 09:52
The more you eat, the smaller they become compared with the size of you....present company excepted of course. :biggrin: