View Full Version : FLR B1 Test

15th July 2015, 04:36
Hi Everybody I hope you are all well. It's been quite a while since I posted on here, as so much as been going on etc. So please forgive me for my long absence. A few issues are starting to surface regarding my wife's FLR coming up in a few months. I wonder if you could clarify these? for me please. 1/ My wife's original speaking and listening exam that she used to qualify for her visa in 2013 (new rules) this was taken at Hopkins Makati. Will this be OK to use in her FLR or will she have to take the new B1. I heard conflicting stories regarding this?

Regarding the £18600 threshold. My wife has been working and has a good job. I have earned well over the required threshold. But just for my own interest. Does my wife's salary count towards the threshold. I mean can we share it? between us? or will they deem my salary as the only income? If there are any:Wave: other tips or new rules that members can share with me I would be so grateful.

I hope all members are in good spirits and please forgive me once again for lack of posts.

Regards to all


15th July 2015, 14:39
#1. Yes, she must retake the English test. Unfortunately, the old test she had is not included in the approved list anymore, so she needs to have a new test.

Here's the list: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/441721/2015-07-03_-_Approved_Secure_English_Language_Tests_and_Test_Centres_v5.0.pdf


#2. Yes, her salary can be combined with yours to meet the threshold.

15th July 2015, 15:00
Many Many Many Thanks for the info. Much appreciated

15th July 2015, 15:25
My wife took her English speaking and listening exam in Manila and that was the Hopkins one in Makati the same as your wife. My wife had to take a new one in the UK and that was with Cambridge College which is recognised here. My wife took the test on the 1st June and it was £150, that is the going price.

As Raynaputi mentioned above, both salaries are counted. I easily passed the £18.600 threshold on my own but I still added them both together on the FLR form before I posted it off.

One thing that was a pain to sort was the bank statements. I use internet banking and when we first applied for a visa 2 and a half years ago I just printed 6 months bank statements out and took them to the bank, they stamped every page to certify they were correct and true. I did the same again this time but the bank refused to stamp them, telling me they do not stamp anything any more and they would not print out 6 months of statements for the accounts for a number of reasons from the time it took to print to their records only go back 6 months if you ask for them on the last day of the month. We had to get Head Office to print them and send them in the post, this took 10 days longer than we planned so also putting out all the signed forms and other documents out by 10 days.

All I can say is, if you do online banking like we do, then do not go paperless.

16th July 2015, 02:03
Many thanks Rory could I ask what bank was that? Also could I ask if other members have come across this issue? And are there any banks that are happy to do this without any problems?. Something we should all be aware of really. Very good point.

Michael Parnham
16th July 2015, 06:38
Regarding bank statements, we use internet banking yet still receive monthly statements through the post. Whilst living in Philippines at the time we applied for her spouse visa the printed bank statements were accepted! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th July 2015, 06:43
Many thanks Rory could I ask what bank was that? Also could I ask if other members have come across this issue? And are there any banks that are happy to do this without any problems?. Something we should all be aware of really. Very good point.

Just to post another confirmation for the issues raised by Rory.
The various issues with banks refusing to stamp/certify printouts of statements has been around for some.

The best solution IMO is to arrange for monthly paper statements.
If you're not able to do that then you'll need to discuss with your bank about how they can support you meeting the UKBA requirements. Be sure they confirm in writing what they will do.

Under section 3.3.4 of the Financial Requirement UKBA state:-

Bank statements must be on official bank stationery. Alternatively, electronic bank statements can also be accepted for all bank accounts (the account itself does not have to be exclusively online) as long as they are either accompanied by a letter from the bank on its headed stationery confirming that the documents are authentic or which bear the official stamp of the issuing bank on every page.

17th July 2015, 21:12
I bank with Natwest. They did not seem overly helpful and I did say I really needed them for the visa. :Brick:

17th July 2015, 22:02
I bank with Natwest. They did not seem overly helpful and I did say I really needed them for the visa. :Brick:

Funny folks Rory some of these people they seem very unhelpful when you ask for the smallest of things as though you're asking for the world but walk in with a jackpot lottery winning cheque then they would deck your ar-e with diamonds...:action-smiley-081:

Saying that Yorkshire Bank who I have dealt with since childhood couldn't do enough when Jamie had missing statements in the 6 she needed, they duly stamped which said certification of a true copy then signed them.

Could be that I know most of the staff on a first name basis or maybe they do things different as a smaller bank...:please:

17th July 2015, 22:05
I bank with Natwest. They did not seem overly helpful and I did say I really needed them for the visa. :Brick:

I bank with Natwest and they printed off my statement, then stamped and certified it.

19th July 2015, 20:51
I bank with Natwest and they printed off my statement, then stamped and certified it.

They did stamp them 2 and a half years ago when we first applied for a visa. I have no idea why they were unwilling to stamp now. They told me they have stopped stamping any statements not just mine.

28th July 2015, 06:13
I downloaded my Natwest statements the other day. They have the natwest logo on them as well as my name and address.

So I need to get them stamped or a letter confirming they are genuine?

28th July 2015, 06:24
I downloaded my Natwest statements the other day. They have the natwest logo on them as well as my name and address.

So I need to get them stamped or a letter confirming they are genuine?

To avoid risks, yes.

Your latest statement and payslip must not be more than 28 days old at the date of application payment