View Full Version : Crackdown On Cold Call Companies Unveiled By Government - With Threats Of £500K Fines

Arthur Little
19th July 2015, 23:45

And about :censored: time too ... I get plagued with those seemingly endless nuisance calls - usually under the guise of some pointless survey or other - frequently every weekday!

20th July 2015, 07:21
It gets to a stage where you dont answer your phone or answer the door once you are home

20th July 2015, 09:01

And about :censored: time too ... I get plagued with those seemingly endless nuisance calls - usually under the guise of some pointless survey or other - frequently every weekday!

Not the first 'crackdown' as I recall.

Like you Arthur, I used to get plagued with such calls morning, noon and night.
I complained, asked BT to help and subscribed to various telemarketing organisations to get 'blocked' or removed from the various lists.
It did make some difference to those traceable UK originated calls.

Sadly it didn't make any difference to those calls originating from overseas.
I have a strong doubt that the government can do anything to control those.

Hope I'm wrong though. I well remember how such calls impacted my old dad.

20th July 2015, 18:34
Got a home phone (landline), it never gets plugged in, because anyone who matters has my mobile, and secondly, it's all nuisance calls - and from the beginning calls from debt companies chasing some woman. There's calls for her many times a week - nearly 5 years after taking over the number.

Only ever get one company pretending to be a claims for accidents service on the mobile, and that is easily blocked, plus I'd demand the mobile company change the number if it ever got worse.

They can all sod off

20th July 2015, 22:25
I get one at least once a week telling me I've forgotten to claim my PPI or some BS. It's just a recorded message....but no phone number left. Don't know how to block it on my old Nokia that it rings on. :anerikke: Damned nuisance. :mad:

21st July 2015, 21:31
I got a call on my Mobile today, Could i speak to Mr Woolley, whos calling i said, I HAVE FORGOT who it was, its about your minor accident you reported, OK i said, would you like us to act on your behalf, could you tell me when i am going to have this minor accident i asked because then i would not leave the house on that day,
Well that stopped them in there tracks, hello HELLO I WAS SAYING ,
Then they said sorry to bother you.

22nd July 2015, 00:02
Tell them you are bankrupt or deceased normally gets them off the line fairly quickly

22nd July 2015, 01:31
PPI and have you been in a accident recently? :NoNo:
My landline goes straight to answer phone because of these types

22nd July 2015, 11:34
I normally answer my home phone "North Yorkshire Police" anyway.

Seems to take the wind out of cold callers' sails. :biggrin:

Arthur Little
22nd July 2015, 12:27
Tell them you are bankrupt or deceased normally gets them off the line fairly quickly

Hmmm, :icon_rolleyes: ... telling 'em you're diseased might get 'em off even more quickly! :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
29th February 2016, 17:59
:Jump: ... progress at last! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

www.telegraph.co.uk/news/shopping-and-consumer-news/12178169/Cold-calling-company-fined-350000-for-millions-of-nuisance-calls.html ... :ReadIt:

Michael Parnham
29th February 2016, 18:15
I get one call a month on my landline from some one talking about ppi, no idea what that is:anerikke: but Never had any calls or texts on my mobile:Erm: