View Full Version : Cyclist

20th July 2015, 07:06
I am a cyclist well sometimes but i was brought up riding backs a very long time ago, and i think that has gave me a better sense then most car drivers too,
But some cyclist these days dont give a damn about road sense,
Today driving the car and this thing on a bike that was way to small for him carrying the biggest bag and all over the road, the next victim waiting at the junction to cross the road and he was on the wrong side everyone had to go around this dick who just sat there, the next well head down peddle as fast as he could stop signs , traffic lights did not stop this chap,
I am not against these people but its those who will come of worst if they come of the bike but its us drivers who will most probably live with what just happened for ever,

20th July 2015, 11:09
While they (cyclists) go unpunished by the police for ignoring traffic LAWS, the mayhem will continue.

No lights after dark, ignoring red lights, cycling on footpaths, no hand signals, riding 'no-handed', texting, etc etc. A bicycle is a vehicle when used on the highway.

Of course it falls in line with the general disrespect for law and order in this country these days....and the half-hearted slaps on the wrist handed out to transgressors...when anyone bothers to actually pull them up.

20th July 2015, 11:13
I detest them at the moment as mentioned before since Harrogate was a Tour de France stage we have been invaded. No regard for any rules. They should have compulsory insurance too. If they were to scrape your car are they gonna pay out of their own pocket for repairs?

I doubt it. If they ever did that to me I will nudge em off as I drive past!