View Full Version : Littlejohn asks why migrant who gave birth was ever in UK in 1st place

21st July 2015, 15:53
An excellent piece here's a taster of his rant about the Roma detritus in Hyde Park.....................

Do any of those responsible for promoting ‘diversity’ and open borders really believe that it’s a good idea to invite itinerant people with no job and no home; with whom we have nothing in common and no duty towards; and who have no intention of contributing anything positive to our society; to travel across a continent and establish an open-air gypsy camp in one of our world-famous royal parks?


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-3168900/Call-midwife-No-call-immigration-RICHARD-LITTLEJOHN-asks-migrant-gave-birth-near-Marble-Arch-UK-place.html#ixzz3gXO9xrpP
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21st July 2015, 16:57
As with that 'How to get a council house' programme last night.

Council advisers falling over themselves to help a Romanian family get benefits...and on to the housing list.

This is what we pay council and other taxes for...while our own kids and genuinely needy Brits can't get somewhere affordable to live. :anerikke:

21st July 2015, 17:22
Disgraceful :cwm23:

Arthur Little
21st July 2015, 18:00
As with that 'How to get a council house' programme last night.

Council advisers falling over themselves to help a Romanian family get benefits...and on to the housing list.

This is what we pay council and other taxes for...while our own kids and genuinely needy Brits can't get somewhere affordable to live. :anerikke:

Maybe :icon_rolleyes: if successive Central Governments were to allocate more funds to our Local Authorities in order to allow Councils to reinstate their former house building programmes ... thereby concentrating on the provision of far greater numbers of affordable so~called "Social Housing" projects - using the HUGE amounts of Council Tax collected annually - then there might even be enough decent accommodation to cater for young newly married British couples, pensioners AND the inevitable influx of Eastern Europeans ... the latter being no longer required to pitch up their caravans and tents on land primarily used (or earmarked) for recreational purposes. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:yeahthat: way, keep 'Uncle Tom Cobbley et al' happy. :wink:

Just my thoughts, :xxparty-smiley-004: ... possibly NOT one of my better :idea:s.

21st July 2015, 18:12
Why are we obliged to house European migrants who are under no threat whatsoever:Erm:

21st July 2015, 18:20
inevitable influx of Eastern Europeans -

No defeatist talk here please Arthur :wink:

21st July 2015, 21:22
Cant comment :cwm23:

21st July 2015, 22:17
They should be required to meet at least the conditions our partners do for settlement visas ! :mad:

Harry T
21st July 2015, 23:10
The problem is, we are part of the Eu, and whilst we are part of the Eu, we have to have open Borders to every piece of lowlife, that lives within the Eu.

Now I'm guessing, but I would think most of these people dont arrive on foot, surely its not beyond the realms of fantasy to make it extremely difficult when they try to arrive here to begin with, Not by denying them entry to begin with but by saying they need to have proven accomodation waiting, they need Insurance for their vehicles before they are allowed in, and they need Health Insurance before they are allowed in, and they need to have a minimum amount of ready funds available before they are allowed in, NO its NOT breaking Eu laws but its making it more difficult for them when they try to enter the Uk.

Back on Topic, the people/vermin of the kind in this article, really are the lowest of the low, and Open borders should never be allowed unless people have a job and accomodation already waiting, the Eu and the UK in particular are an EASY touch for these kinds of lowlife vermin.

Arthur Little
21st July 2015, 23:19
They should be required to meet at least the conditions our partners do for settlement visas ! :mad:

:gp: ... regardless of what I've said in #4 above, :iagree: on that!

22nd July 2015, 11:23
Romanians are just laughing to people here in uk. I am so annoyed about it and for sure all the Brits or people here in UK who pay their taxes.... its so unfair that people like them just come here claiming for benefits or work cash on hand and pay no f*****g taxes..or even NI contributions. Dont be surprised if there's gonna be more giving birth on streets seems its the best way to get all help or even a council house... jezzzzzz

22nd July 2015, 11:31
Yes, you're absolutely right.